
  1. 在西方美术史上,尤其是在二十世纪西方现代绘画史上,产生过许许多多的画派,如野兽派、立体派、未来派、达达派以及超现实主义画派等。

    In the western history of art , especially in the modern painting history of 20th , there were many modern painting trends , such as Fauvism , Cubism , Futurism , Dada and Surrealism , etc.

  2. 第二章对超现实主义绘画的定义,超现实主义画派画家的创作动机,以及超现实主义绘画梦境意象的隐喻来论证超现实主义绘画和梦境的关系。

    Chapter II definition of surrealist paintings , surrealist artist painting creative motivations , and surrealist paintings dream imagery metaphor to demonstrate the relationship of surrealist paintings and dreams .