
  • 网络Appreciation plum
  1. 中国古代文人咏梅赏梅审美趣味的分析研究

    Analytic studies on singing and appreciating Mei flowers by ancient Chinese scholars

  2. 今年市民在赏梅的同时还可以认养梅花。

    Citizens may not only enjoy the beautiful plum blossom scenery in the garden , but also adopt them .

  3. 在长期的植梅、赏梅过程中所形成的梅文化是中华民族的宝贵遗产,充分利用梅文化资源具有重要的现实意义。

    The plum culture is a precious heritage of china , which formed in the process of Plum Flower appreciation and planting . Make full use of Plum culture resources has important practical significance .