
  • 网络resource scarcity
  1. 两者都遵循基于自然资源稀缺性的成本与效益原则。

    Both follow the cost-benefit principle based on natural resource scarcity .

  2. 由于城市供水集资源稀缺性、自然垄断性和公用事业性于一体,我国一直对城市供水实行严格的管制。

    Since the urban water supply gathers resource scarcity , natural monopolization and public entrepreneurship in a body , our country has implemented strict control on urban water supply .

  3. 循环经济理念下的资源稀缺性探讨

    Discussion of the Resource Rareness under the Idea of Recycle Economy

  4. 而效率则是诉讼资源稀缺性的要求,也是实现正义的保障。

    Procedural justice comes from the unique quality of criminal procedural law itself .

  5. 旅游需求日益增长,旅游资源稀缺性问题更加凸显出来。

    The scarcity of tourism resources is even more prominent with the growing tourism demand .

  6. 企业资本结构变化和资源稀缺性产生了对人力资源成本进行管理的需求。

    The capital structure change and resources scarce of enterprise have produced the demand of human resources cost management .

  7. 而耕地资源稀缺性和粮食安全以及生态安全的压力又迫使国家限制耕地用途的转变。

    On the other hand , the cultivated land rareness and the pressure from grain security and demand of the safe ecology limit the transition .

  8. 在资源稀缺性的约束下,一个国家要实现经济的可持续发展,就必须不断地借助于技术进步与金融成长。

    In view of the constraints of environmental and resources , it is necessary to rely on technological progress and financial development to make sustainable growth .

  9. 从现代经济学的视角,从资源稀缺性和环境污染外部性两个方面,对循环经济的基本经济原理进行探讨,以期丰富和深化循环经济的理论研究。

    This paper aims at discussing the basic economic principles of circular economy from the resources scarcity and environmental pollution externality based on the modern economic view .

  10. 进场费也符合经济学的资源稀缺性原理和地租理论,能促进社会资源的优化配置,并不破坏市场秩序。

    The slotting fee accords with the resource rareness principle and the land rent theory of economics too , and it has positive impact on social economy .

  11. 在当前我国高等教育大步向大众化迈进的进程中,仍面临着优质高等教育资源稀缺性与社会需求紧迫性之间的矛盾。

    In the process of China 's popularization of higher education , there is still the contradiction between the scarcity of educational resources and the demand of society .

  12. 同样秉承资源稀缺性变化的思路,指出传播资源、智力资源走向充裕的同时,大众的注意力逐渐成为稀缺的资源,注意力经济的兴起不仅仅存在理论上的可能,也是现实的体现。

    While intellectual and dissemination resources are getting rich , the resources of public attention become scarce . The rise of the Attention Economy has came to reality .

  13. 伴随着技术的不断进步和水产品市场需求的持续高涨,海洋生物资源稀缺性矛盾日趋尖锐。

    With the continuous advancement in technology and the rising market demand for fish and fishery products , marine living resources are getting increasingly scarce . Scarcity implies competition .

  14. 由于突发事件应急响应具有突发性、非常规性、层次性、资源稀缺性和时效性的特征,通过理想化的数学模型难以应对复杂的应急决策问题。

    Because of the sudden , unconventionality , hierarchy , resource scarcity and timeliness of emergency response , complex emergency decision-making issues cannot be solved by establishing idealized mathematical model .

  15. 以人力资本的提高来弥补经济发展过程中对自然资源稀缺性对发展的制约,是人类社会经济发展的必然趋势。

    It is an inevitable trend of socio-economic development to make up the restriction of the natural resource scarcity to development during the process of economic development by improving human capital .

  16. 西蒙对其强调资源稀缺性的观点嗤之以鼻,他打赌说,在随后到来的十年中,埃氏挑选的那五种商品价格必会下跌。

    Thumbing his nose at such notions as resource scarcity , Mr Simon wagered that the price of any five commodities chosen by Mr Ehrlich would go down over the following decade .

  17. 在外部环境竞争性与内部资源稀缺性作用下,三维价值以正负反馈回路为路径,进行着不断地动态进化博弈,并表现出耗散、协同以及耦合等自组织特征。

    Impacted by the competition of external environment and lack of internal resource , the 3D values along with path of Positive and negative feedback , and has a dynamic game consistently .

  18. 完全信息、经济人及资源稀缺性等假设并非是西方经济学的独立的基本前提,西方经济学真正的、更为基本的前提应该是知识涌现速度不快的假设。技术是知识和技能的实践涌现。

    Imperfect information , economic man and scarcity of resources are not uniquely fundamental prerequisites only in western economic theories . Technology is the practical implementation of the whole of knowledge and skill .

  19. 深入分析水资源稀缺性的涵义、全面总结水资源的基本经济属性,阐述了水资源对国民经济具有基础支撑性作用的理论根源。

    The thesis analyzes the meaning of water resource sparsity and summarizes the basic economic attribute of water resources across-the-board , and expatiate the theoretic root of the water resources contribution to national economy .

  20. 所以,在经济发展过程中我国必然面临着不断增长的石油消费需求和石油资源稀缺性以及由石油的大量消耗带来的环境问题。

    Therefore , our country face the growing petroleum consumption demand , the oil resource scarcity and the environment problem brought by the large petroleum consumption for sure in the process of economic development .

  21. 基础理论包括生态学的物物相关律,经济学的资源稀缺性理论和地租理论,法学领域的公平正义理论,程序理论。

    The basis of theoretical ecology , including physical objects related to law and economics theory of scarcity of resources and rent theory , the area of Law Theory of fairness and justice , procedural theory .

  22. 因为水权交易过程中涉及到诸多经济领域的问题。所以,对相关的经济理论从资源稀缺性、公共选择理论、外部性理论和社会成本理论四方面进行介绍。

    Because water right transaction process involving many economic area , the related economic theory , including resource scarcity , public choice theory , " externalities " theory and social cost theory , is introduced in four aspects .

  23. 从资源稀缺性入手研究煤炭资源的开发问题,建立可持续发展的煤炭建设项目的最优资源模型及煤炭资源的最优利用准则。

    Proceed with resource rareness and study the exploitation development of coal resources . Set up the optimum resource model of the coal construction project of sustainable development and the optimum utilizing criterion of coal resources . 4 .

  24. 人类社会始终存在着资源稀缺性与需求无限性的矛盾,因而,资源配置也就成为任何经济社会都必须面对的问题。

    As the contradiction between scarce resources and indefinite demand on the part of human beings runs through the whole process of human civilization , resource allocation , naturally , is a problem that every society cannot fail to face .

  25. 鉴于住房的普遍必需性、资源稀缺性特别是价格的昂贵性,中低收入家庭依靠自身力量通常无法解决自身的住房问题,而必须依靠政府保障性住房政策加以解决。

    Because the resources of housing is universal essential and deficient , as well as price is expensive specially , mid and the low-income families who can not solve the housing problems must rely on the protecting housing policy of the government .

  26. 城市燃气产业的网络性、经营成本弱增性、地区经营垄断性和资源稀缺性的特点,决定了其具有自然垄断性,从而导致资源配置扭曲,缺乏效率,造成社会福利的损失。

    The urban gas features of network performances and weaken growth of operation cost and regional monopoly of operation and the scarcity of resources determines its natural monopoly , which result in distortions and inefficiency of resources allocation , and the loss of social welfare .

  27. 石油是一种不可再生的资源稀缺性能源,石油期货交易作为一个拥有价格发现、规避风险功能的投资手段,世界各国纷纷参与石油期货市场。

    Petroleum is a kind of natural resources with a very limited source . The petroleum futures trade is the investment method that has the function of price found and risk hedged . So the countries all over the world participate in the petroleum futures market one after another .

  28. 尽管如此,多媒体业务量的迅速增加和无线资源的稀缺性为OFDM系统的设计和优化带来了严峻的挑战。

    However , the explosive growth of multimedia applications and the scarcity of radio resource impose new challenges on the design and optimization of OFDM system .

  29. 在基IP核复用技术的SOC芯片中,测试资源的稀缺性限制了IP核并行测试的能力,导致了SOC测试耗时过长的局面。

    SOC testing is time consuming because the ability to test IP cores synchronously is weakened by the scarcity of test resources in SOC which based on the technology of IP core reuse .

  30. 水资源的稀缺性赋予水资源可交易的商品属性。

    Scarcity of water resources endows water resources with tradable traits .