
  • 网络Capital control
  1. 人力资本控制权与剩余索取权:归属与配置

    Human Capital Control Rights and Residual Claim Rights : Ascription and Collocation

  2. 第四章对改善我国权益资本控制的几点建议。

    Chapter four : The status quo of capital control in china .

  3. 研究EVA经济资本控制下商业银行经营行为的变化

    The Studies on Behaviors of Commercial Banks under the Control of EVA

  4. 甚至连在资本控制方面一直持怀疑态度的国际货币基金组织(IMF),也对这一问题静默不语。

    Even the International Monetary Fund , which has always been sceptical when it comes to capital controls , has been very quiet on this issue .

  5. imf表示,资本控制可以抑制货币升值和资产泡沫的形成,但代价是降低经济效率和阻碍金融市场的发展。

    The IMF says that controls can reduce currency appreciation and the formation of asset bubbles , but at the cost of reduced economic efficiency and development of financial markets .

  6. 此外,尽管imf和其它多边机构认可资本控制,从而为泰国等国使用这一工具铺平了道路,但经济学家怀疑它们的长期价值。

    Furthermore , while the qualified endorsement of capital controls by the IMF and other multilateral institutions has paved the way for their use by countries such as Thailand , economists are sceptical about their long-term value .

  7. 弹性汇率制度下资本控制的经济效应&一个基于修正的Dornbusch超调模型的动态学分析

    The Impacts of Capital Controls on the Economy under Flexible Exchange Rate Regime

  8. 针对现状,提出了构建新管理模式的原则和思路,指出了构建资本控制型管理模式是WY集团的正确选择。

    To the current situation , have proposed structuring the principle of the new management mode and train of thought , has pointed out that the management mode is the correct choice of WY group to structure " type that controls capital " .

  9. 唯一两个真正的选择是资本控制和货币升值。

    The only two real options are capital controls and currency appreciation .

  10. 金信系是一个由民营资本控制的大的金融家族。

    Jin Xin is a big private financial conglomerate .

  11. 放弃成本、政府偏好与资本控制:一个审慎的机会主义汇率制度选择模型

    A Prudent Opportunistic Choice Model Of Exchange Rate Regime

  12. 要想抹平这种价差,资本控制是最大的结构性障碍。

    Capital controls are the biggest structural impediment to closing the valuation gap .

  13. 中国在某种程度上依然是社会主义国家,依然实施着资本控制,不让国内居民投资海外。

    China , still somewhat Communist , has capital controls that prevent individuals investing abroad .

  14. 与此同时,资本控制措施使得这些资金很难流向海外。

    Meanwhile , capital controls make it hard to take money out of the country .

  15. 其中包括对外汇市场的直接干预以及资本控制。

    These include direct intervention in the foreign exchange markets as well as capital controls .

  16. 不过国际公司之间开高或开低贸易发票也是一种规避资本控制的办法。

    But under-or overinvoicing of trade within international firms is also used to dodge capital controls .

  17. 股权是企业集团对子公司进行资本控制的法律依据。

    Shares of subsidiaries are the legal basis for enterprise groups to control its subsidiaries companies .

  18. 国有资本控制力分析

    The Analysis on State-Owned Capital Control

  19. 上个月,该国推出资本控制措施,对外国组合投资征收2%的金融活动税。

    It introduced capital controls last month with a 2 per cent tax on foreign portfolio investments .

  20. 声称中国的审慎得到了回报的樊纲说,资本控制对发展中市场来说更有好处。

    Fan , who asserts that'Chinese prudence has paid off , 'says capital controls are'better for developing markets .

  21. 进出口伪报与中国资本控制的缺陷&海关统计数据揭示的事实

    The Misreporting of External Trade and Shortcomings of Capital Control of China : the Truth Custom Statistics Shows

  22. 经济上,无论是博客的垃圾化,还是微博的僵尸粉,资本控制的力量随处可见。

    Economically , the capital control can be seen everywhere , especially the blog trash and the zombie fans .

  23. 然而,一个重要的告诫是:在可预见的未来,中国必须保持资本控制。

    However , there is one important caveat : China has to maintain its capital controls in the foreseeable future .

  24. 而其资本控制的公司的主业经营不是它的主要。

    And the control of their capital to the operation of the company 's main industry is not its chief .

  25. 历史表明,资本控制对长期成本具有严重的影响,只能作为最后的手段。

    History has shown capital controls carry heavy long-term costs and should only be considered as instruments of last resort .

  26. 福布斯认为,资本控制的主要不足是市场参与者通常可以找到办法绕过监管。

    MS Forbes believes the main weakness of capital controls is that market participants usually find a way around the regulations .

  27. 相比之下,人民币遭受着严格的资本控制,而且仍然与美元挂钩。

    In contrast , the yuan remains subject to substantial capital controls and continues to be pegged against the US dollar .

  28. 原来被认为是自然垄断行业,应由国有资本控制的领域,其实是可以竞争的。

    The industries , which were considered to be natural monopoly industries and controlled by the national capital , are actually contestable .

  29. 他们的选择十分有限,原因在于资本控制使他们无法将资金投向海外,他们没有其他地方投资。

    They had little choice because capital controls prevented them from taking money offshore and had nowhere else to put their money .

  30. 资本主义社会大众媒介的政治属性表现为资本控制下的社会公器;

    In capitalist society , the political attribute of mass media indicates as public social tool , which is controlled by capital ;