
  • 网络Aum;asset
  1. 决定可投资资产规模的决定性因素,其一是成熟度的提高,另外一个是人均国内生产总值(gdp)增幅。

    Growth in sophistication is one of the main determinants of investable asset size , the other being GDP per capita growth .

  2. 检验结果表明,债务重组收益与资产规模、扭亏、ST公司、持股、资产负债率有显著的相关关系;

    Test result shows that the debt restructuring revenue is correlated with asset scale , turn-loss-to-profit , ST company , stock-holding , debt-to-equity ratio ;

  3. 它已从一个人经营的生意发展成资产规模近千万、业务额达数百万美元的公司。

    It has grown from a one-man business to a multi-million dollar business with close to $ 10 million in assets

  4. 在此之前,它已然通过关联企业蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)经营着中国最大的货币市场基金,管理资产规模超过800亿美元。

    Through affiliate Ant Financial it already operates China 's largest money market fund , with assets of more than $ 80bn .

  5. 同期盖特纳与美国资产规模最大的六家银行CEO交谈的次数总共仅为13次。

    During that same period Mr Geithner spoke with the heads of the six largest US banks by assets a combined 13 times .

  6. 如今,etf名下的资产规模足以媲美某些官方储备。

    ETF assets now rival some official reserves .

  7. 2004年,俄罗斯成立了稳定基金(stabilisationfund),该基金将所有超过一定价格的石油收入纳入囊中,如今其资产规模已经超过1000亿美元。

    More recently , Russia launched the stabilisation fund , which has received every dollar of oil revenue above a certain price since 2004 and is now worth more than $ 100bn .

  8. 中国的基金经理们高兴不起来,因为他们所管理的资产规模缩水了,而这正是他们收取管理费的依据,普华永道顾问KeithLie表示。

    The fund managers in China are not happy campers because of the shrinking of the assets under management where they derive their fees from , says Keith Lie , a PwC consultant .

  9. 瑞信(creditsuisse)数据显示,各金融机构通过理财产品管理的资产规模去年年底飙升至约12.5万亿元人民币,是2009年的逾两倍。

    Assets under management accounted for by wealth management products at various financial institutions surged to about RMB 12.5tn at the end of last year , more than twice the level in 2009 , according to Credit Suisse .

  10. 截至2007年底,全球共有41个交易所推出ETF产品,资产规模已达7966亿美元左右。

    Up to the end of 2007 , a total of 41 exchanges worldwide launch ETF products , asset size has reached to 796.6 billion US dollars .

  11. 文章以1998~2000年因“财务状况异常”而被ST的A股上市公司为研究样本,并根据行业和资产规模设计“非ST”配对样本。

    This paper chooses ST ( specially treated ) companies listed in Chinese A-share markets as research sample over the period of 1998-2000 , and non-ST firms are also selected as benchmark based on matching criteria of industry and asset size .

  12. 在不久前发布的一份报告中,毕马威(KPMG)表示,到今年年底,信托公司管理的资产规模将超过保险领域。

    In a recent report , KPMG said trust companies are on track to have more assets under management than the insurance sector by the end of the year .

  13. 据《华尔街日报》(WSJ)报道,对冲基金的管理资产规模现已恢复至(且预计将超过)三年前在信贷危机爆发前的历史高点2万亿美元。

    The WSJ reports hedge fund AUM are restored to ( and predicted to beat ) the record $ 2 trillion levels set just before the credit crunch three years ago .

  14. EatonVanceBondFund投资组合经理加夫尼(KathleenGaffney)称,今年是利率环境从下跌向上升过渡的一年;该基金管理的资产规模为1.207亿美元。

    ' It was a transitional year from a declining rate environment moving toward a rising rate environment , ' said Kathleen Gaffney , portfolio manager of the $ 120.7 million Eaton Vance Bond Fund .

  15. 瑞士私人银行宝盛(JuliusBaer)将收购美林(MerrillLynch)的非美国财富管理业务,这将令宝盛的资产规模扩大近一半,并让目前拥有这块亏损业务的美国银行(BankofAmerica)回笼8.60亿瑞士法郎(合8.40亿美元)。

    Julius Baeris to buy the non-US wealth management operations of Merrill Lynch , boosting the Swiss private bank 's assets by almost half and netting as much as SFr860m ( $ 840m ) for Bank of America , which owns the lossmaking unit .

  16. SunriseCapital投资经理斯坦顿(ChrisStanton)称,似乎美国正带动全球走出衰退,而这将自然而然地使资金流向美元。SunriseCapital总部位于加州,管理的资产规模约为3亿美元。

    ' It looks like the U.S. is leading the world out of recession , ' said Chris Stanton , portfolio manager at Sunrise Capital , a California-based fund managing about $ 300 million . ' This will naturally lead to a flow of money into the dollar . '

  17. stonehage等一些理财机构按时间对家庭办公室咨询服务收费,但对特殊投资建议委托,则会根据资产规模的百分比收费。

    Some wealth managers such as stonehage charge on a time basis for family office advisory services , but charge a percentage of assets for specific investment advice mandates .

  18. 而且,根据投资咨询机构WilshireAssociates,它的数据库中资产规模超过5亿美元的17只大学捐赠基金的5年投资回报率中值为3.38%(相信样本中没有包含哈佛大学)。

    Moreover , investment advisory firm Wilshire associates reports a median five-year return of 3.38 % for the 17 schools within its database that have endowments larger than $ 500 million ( Harvard is not believed to be included in that sample ) .

  19. 第三,企业的资产规模大小对绩效的影响很小。

    Third , the asset size has little effect on performance .

  20. 探讨一种控制固定资产规模的决策方法

    Discussion about a Policy-determining Method for Controlling the Scale of Fixed Assets

  21. 关于扩大固定资产规模的调查与思考

    On investigation and thinking about the scale-up of fixed assets

  22. 冰岛的银行杠杆比率都很高,相对于国内经济而言资产规模较大。

    The Icelandic banks were highly leveraged and large relative to the domestic economy .

  23. 预期现金流量波动性用财务杠杆、资产规模来度量。

    The expected cash flow volatility was measured by financial leverage , asset size .

  24. 上市公司资产规模越大,审计师发生变更的概率越小。

    Larger the assets of listed companies , smaller the probability of auditors changes .

  25. 2011年第1季度,黑石集团私募股权部门的资产规模增长4.9%。

    In the private equity group , underlying assets appreciated 4.9 % during the quarter .

  26. 以资产规模衡量,花旗是美国第三大银行。该银行继续否认相关指控。

    Citi , the third-biggest US bank by assets , continued to deny the allegations .

  27. 资产规模较大的商业银行具有更高的收益,但风险相对较低。

    Large-scale commercial bank assets have higher returns , but the risk is relatively low .

  28. 上市公司资产规模与资金投向变更呈显著负相关;

    The scale of the listed companies has negative correlation with change of committed investment project ;

  29. 成立两年以来,青岛国际银行的业务得到了全面发展,资产规模成倍扩大,盈利水平稳步提高。

    Qingdao International Bank has made rapid development in both expansion of assets and improvement of profitability .

  30. 尽管资产规模不及对冲基金行业,但增长率更高。

    That is less than found in hedge funds ; but the growth rate has been higher .