
  • 网络Storage period;shelf life
  1. 施用有机复肥使小白菜和茶叶的硝酸盐含量下降,番茄的次果率减少而贮藏期延长。

    Applying with organic-inorganic fertilizer made nitrate content of cabbage and tea decrease , tomato less inferior fruits and longer shelf life .

  2. 结果表明,低温环境能够显著抑制百合失重,保持其较好的色泽和总糖含量,延长其贮藏期。

    The results showed , low temperature storage reduced the loss of weight significantly and kept relative stability of color and total sugar , prolonged the shelf life of lily .

  3. 结果表明,常温下黄皮果实贮藏期短,常温贮藏3d后,好果率低于75%;

    The results showed that the storage life of wampee was short , and the fine fruit rate was less than 75 % during 3 days storage .

  4. 应用16Srdna序列分析对马铃薯贮藏期三个病原细菌菌株的鉴定

    Isolation of the pathogenic bacteria on potato during storage by 16S rDNA sequence analysis

  5. 这可能与E.coli中缺乏糖基化酶有关。萝卜贮藏期存在活跃的蛋白水解酶及磷酸酶的活动。

    Coli proteases . The active changes of the proteases and acid phosphatases exit in radish during the storage .

  6. 柑橘采后贮藏期果实Ca~(2+)、果胶及ABA含量动态研究

    Study on dynamics of Ca ~ ( 2 + ), pectin and ABA concentrations in fruit during citrus fruit storage after harvest

  7. UHT灭菌乳在贮藏期内的品质变化

    Quality changes of UHT milk during the storage

  8. 相较对照组和TG酶组,臭氧处理更能有效地延长鲢鱼鱼丸贮藏期。

    In comparison with control group and the TG enzyme group , Ozone treatment is more effective to extend the storage life of silver carp fish balls .

  9. 在整个贮藏期内对照球PPO活性最低,外皮完全破损的种球活性最高。

    In cold storage period , the PPO activity of control was lowest , and the activity of the bulbs of tunic damage completely was highest .

  10. CaCl2处理对奈李室温贮藏期生理生化的影响

    Influence of CaCl_2 Treatment on Nai Plum 's Physiology and Biochemistry in the Period of Room Temperature Preservation

  11. 正常果中总糖含量高于枯水果,差异达到显著水平(P0.05)。5、柑桔采后贮藏期有机酸含量的降低是反应柑桔随着贮藏期的延长品质发生变化的重要指标之一。

    The total sugar contents between normal fruits and granulation fruits were significantly ( P0.05 ) . 5 . The reduction of organic acids contents during storage one of important indicators showing the citrus qualities changed .

  12. 1-MCP处理对果实表现双重作用:贮藏期减小了果实LOX活性,有利于延缓衰老;而出库回温期却加促了LOX活性增强,增进冷害发生。

    1-MCP treatment had dual effects on the fruit , it reduced the LOX activity during the storage stage in favor of delaying the consenescence .

  13. 随着贮藏期的延长,枣果硬度逐渐下降,Vc含量逐渐减少,总糖含量前期升高,中后期逐渐下降,可滴定酸含量整体上呈下降趋势,乙醇含量逐渐升高;

    During storage , fruit firmness , Vc and titratable acid content decreased constantly , total sugar content accumulated in the earlier stage and then decreased . However , the content of ethanol increased gradually all along .

  14. 3温州蜜柑果实中TDF、IDF含量均随着果实贮藏期的延长而渐渐降低,但变化幅度较小。

    TDF and IDF contents in the peel and pulp of satsuma mandarin decreased slightly during the whole storage period ;

  15. 采前喷钙处理可以提高采后果实TSS含量,但对果实室温条件下的贮藏期和其它品质指标影响较小。

    Preharvest calcium treatment was able to improve TSS content in fruit , but it has little effect on storage life and other quality index .

  16. 另一方面热处理抑制了果实中PPO活性的升高,减少了果实的褐变和腐烂,延长了尖椒果实的贮藏期。

    On the other hand , PPO activity increase was inhibited , this will be beneficial to reduce the incidence of fruit decay and brown and prolong storage period of pepper .

  17. 贮藏期果实呼吸速率和乙烯释放速率先升高后降低,30d时达到高峰。

    The storage period of fruit ethylene production rate and respiratory rate rise gradually after the fall and 30 days at a peak .

  18. 用TBA比色法测定了不同贮藏期鸡蛋蛋清及全蛋液中脂质过氧化物的含量。

    The contents of lipid peroxide ( LPO ) in egg white and the whole egg liquid were de-termined with the method of TBA colorimetry during different periods of storage ;

  19. 随着贮藏期的延长和色泽的加深,酚酸含量迅速降低,贮藏50d果皮中的两种酚酸含量分别下降了8036%和591%;

    The contents of two phenolic acid decreased 80.36 % and 59.1 % respectively during storage of 50 days .

  20. 肥牛脂肪在贮藏期〔(4±1)℃,21d〕内,乳化稳定性保持在97%以上。

    During storage 〔( 4 ± 1 ) ℃, 21 d 〕, the emulsion stability of the artificial beef fat could remain above 97 % .

  21. 在贮藏期结束时,复配膜能显著降低芒果贮藏期间的失重率,减弱呼吸强度和延后呼吸高峰的出现,Vc、总酸等营养物质的损失也能维持在一个较低的水平。

    In the end , the storage period with membrane can significantly reduce the storage period of weightlessness rate mango , abate respiratory strength and delay the peak respiratory , Vc , total acid nutrient loss also can maintain at a low level .

  22. 在上述条件及5℃的情况下,生菜切块的有效贮藏期大约在12~15d之间,这一结果在商业上有一定的实用价值。

    And at 5 ℃, the effective period of storage was approximately 12-15 days . It was cons . red that this technique was of certain commercial value .

  23. 因此枇杷果实不耐久藏,大红袍果实的贮藏期以15~20d为宜。

    In this consideration , loquat fruit was not suitable for longterm storage . Its optimum storage term for variety Dahongpao was about 15 ~ 20 days .

  24. 在贮藏期内,每隔7d对其颜色、失水率、黄化率、呼吸强度、维生素C含量、过氧化物酶活力这6个指标进行测定,研究臭氧水对芹菜的保鲜效果。

    In the storage period , six parameters were detected such as color , water loss , respiration intensity , withering rate , the content of vitamin C and the POD activity after every seven days to find a suitable storing method and the fresh keeping effect .

  25. 几种处理的花粉有效贮藏期分别是:饱和灌溉处理6d,正常灌溉处理30d,水分亏缺处理10d,严重干旱处理(CK)4d。

    Under the different water stress treatments ( i.e. saturated irrigation treatment , normal irrigation treatment , deficient irrigation treatment and CK ), the storage life of pollen was 6d , 30d , 10d and 4d , respectively .

  26. 结果:2℃条件下塑料袋包装青菜贮藏期延长至25d,腐烂率小于5.9%。

    Results : Packaging with plastic film bags in 2 ℃ temperature prolonged the freshness period to 25 days , with a rotten rate lower than 5.9 % .

  27. 采用201020/130℃公式进行高温短时间杀菌,反压1.9kg/cm2冷却,能在保证罐头贮藏期的前提下保持贻贝的原有风味。

    Sterilization under high temperature and short exposure in the formula of 20 10 20 / 130 ℃ and cooling under counter pressure of 1 . 9 kg / cm2 could maintain the original flavour of the mussel with the storage period unchanged .

  28. 哈茨木霉Th-A和Th-B的孢子存活力受温度、贮藏期和调理剂的影响,并随时间的延长孢子的存活力明显下降。

    Survival ability of Trichoderma harzianum Th-A and Th-B was affected by temperature and period during storage and reduced as storage period .

  29. 锦橙可继续使用2,4-D处理,但浓度应控制在250ppm以下,贮藏期应在60天以上才能食用。

    Therefore , application of 2,4-D to sweet or - ange at concentrations below 250 ppm may be practiced on the condition that the fruit is consumed more than 60 days after the treatment .

  30. 结果显示,各处理均引起了采后辣椒膜损伤,同时热处理和1-MCP处理可以抑制乙烯生成和呼吸高峰,延迟叶绿素降解,起到延长贮藏期的目的。

    The results showed that all treatments induced the accumulation of membrane penetration during pepper storage , but hot water treatment and 1-MCP treatment can attenuated the respiration and ethylene peaks , and also can delay the degradation of chlorophyll , extend the storage time .