
  1. 树立以就业为导向的办学理念,使高职院校在质量价值观和质量管理活动等方面产生新的影响和考虑新的选择。

    The employment-oriented sponsoring concept should be set up , which makes higher vocational institutions have new impact and consider new options in terms of quality values and quality management activities .

  2. 质量的价值观探讨&企业与顾客质量价值观的统一

    Discussion of Quality Value Concept : Unification of the Quality Value Concept of Enterprises and that of Customers

  3. 在新时代,传统的民本教育在质量观、价值观、发展观上出现了不适与危机。

    Facing the new era , the traditional civilian based education has incurred certain inaptitude and crisis in the concept of quality , value and development .

  4. 实施素质教育课堂教学评价,要树立全面质量的教育价值观;注意提高课堂教学评价效度;

    For practicing the evaluation of the quality-oriented education in classroom teaching , we should acquire a correct outlook on education for all-round development and focus on increasing the efficiency of evaluation of classroom teaching .

  5. 企业质量管理人员工作价值观与组织承诺的相关性研究

    A Study on the Relationship of Work Values and Organizational Commitment for QC Personnel

  6. 国家广电总局此前要求广电单位应当以质量、责任和价值观为主导。

    SARFT had demanded broadcasters should be led by quality , responsibility and values .

  7. 例如,主要影响是否来自于诸如“自信”和“注重财政”这种男性价值观,而非诸如“关心他人”和“人际关系质量”这种女性价值观?

    For example , is it predominantly influenced by masculine values such as assertiveness and monetary focus , rather than feminine values such as concern for others and the quality of relationships ?

  8. 本文介绍了有关质量经营的质量理论,并就质量经营理论的实际应用及质量经营的价值观进行了探讨。

    The article talks about the quality theory about quality management , and makes a discussion about its application and values .