
  • 网络Economics of Quality
  1. 基于顾客满意的产品质量经济性分析

    An Economic Analysis on Product Quality Based on Customer Satisfaction

  2. 基于学习效应的质量经济性动态最优化模型

    Dynamic Optimization Models of Quality Economics Based on Learning Effect

  3. 饭店服务质量经济性构成、特征及其分析

    Composing , Features and Analysis on Economy of Hotel 's Service Quality

  4. 产品技术标准为对称偏差下的质量经济性分析

    Economic analysis of product quality based on symmetric tolerances

  5. 本文综合考虑顾客的满意和企业的过程成本、以及顾客和企业的利益,从中寻找最佳结合点,探讨和分析了企业如何实施质量经济性管理。

    Qthis paper researches and analyzes how to bring into effect quality economic management from ace-high combine point about customer satisfaction and enterprise process cost , along with their advantages and so on .

  6. 本文针对制造企业存在的质量经济性问题,集成全程物流跟踪系统的创新思想,分析在全程物流跟踪系统下的制造企业如何实现良好的经济质量。

    Aiming at the problem of quality economy in the manufacturing enterprises , this paper analyzes how to carry out a good economic quality in the manufacturing enterprises under all process logistics tracking system with the innovative thought of all process logistics tracking system .

  7. 答案:数字业务给PTT和其他公共通信载体提供了三个非常诱人的特征:高质量、经济性和灵活性。

    The digital service offered the PTTs and other public communication carriers three very appealing characteristics : enhanced quality , economy , and flexibility .

  8. 在设计行星齿轮传动时,应用CAD技术在满足装配条件、避免死机、提高齿轮强度以及以铁代钢等方面,大大地减轻了设计的工作量,提高了设计的速度、质量和经济性。

    The paper points out the skillful application of CAD technology can improves work efficiency and makes design more economical when design planet gear transmission in satisfying assembly condition , avoiding end of computer , raising strength of gear and replacing steel with iron .

  9. 分析此类低能耗建筑的外部造型、内部情趣空间质量与其经济性、能耗之间的关系;希望VIP建筑能为我国北方采暖区低能耗建筑的发展提供借鉴。

    It would be useful for reference of domestic development in northern heating region to analyze this kind of low energy consump - tion building in terms of appearance , quality of internal space in tastes , and the relation between the economy and energy consumption .

  10. 浅析质量管理经济性的改进和评价

    Improvement and Evaluation of Economics of Quality Management

  11. 阐述了快速成型中与制作方向相关的质量与经济性问题,对制作方向的优化目标进行了定义,并依据该目标建立了制作方向多目标优化模型。

    The quality and cost related to the part building orientation are discussed and an optimization objective of the building orientation is defined .

  12. 在实践中进行了初步的实践,项目建设进度、工程质量、经济性和综合效益良好。

    According to the initial practice , it has brought some good benefits such as construction schedule , engineering quality , economy and cost .

  13. 合理地选择防腐方案、防腐材料品种可以最大限度的提高钢结构质量和经济性。

    Rational selection of the anticorrosion schemes and the variety of the antirust materials can ultimately improve the quality and the economic value of the steel structure .

  14. 搅拌机是饲料加工中的关键设备,因此搅拌机的正确设计对生产饲料的质量及经济性有着重要影响。

    The blender is the key apparatus in the forage process . Hence , the blender 's design has important influence on the quality and economic ability of the forage .

  15. 研究结果为配置储能容量问题在电能质量和经济性间取得适度的折中提供了定量的依据,相比与传统容量配置方法,该方法更具灵活性与实用性。

    The results indicate that the configuration of ESS capacity provides a tradeoff between power quality and cost . Compared to traditional sizing method , the proposed one is more flexible and practical .

  16. 和目前常用桩在施工工艺、施工速度、成桩质量及经济性等进行了比较,得出此种桩在多层建筑中广泛应用前景的结论。

    Finally , we draw a conclusion that the cement-soil mixing pile with concrete core will be used widely in Tianjin city zone by comparing with other piles in technology , speed , quality , and economy .

  17. 填土高度关系到路基的质量与经济性,通过对影响路基填土高度的线型、通道、环境等因素进行的综合分析,以期在路基设计中予以借鉴。

    The height of fill decides the quality and economical efficiency of subgrade . Analysis is made on the contributory factors that influence the subgrade fill in alignment , routeway and environment , which will be covered in the similar construction .

  18. 输油管道在输送两种或两种以上不同性质的油品时会产生混油,在混油切割操作中切割点的选取将直接影响油品的质量和经济性。

    The pipeline transporting of oil must produce mixed oil when it transports two or more kinds of oil with different properties . By operating the mixed oil cutting , the choice of the cutting point will directly influence the quality and economic potential of oil .

  19. PHC桩作为近年来我国出现的一种新型预制桩,凭借其单桩承载力高,耐打性好,穿透能力强以及施工便捷、质量可靠、经济性好等优点,已经得到广泛应用。

    In recent years , PHC pile is the emergence of a new type of prefabricated pile in China , with the high bearing capacity , resistance to playing good , strong penetration ability and easy handling , reliable quality and good economy , PHC pile have been widely used .

  20. 基于模糊神经网络的电能质量指标的经济性评估

    Economical Evaluation of Power Quality Indices Based Fuzzy Neural Networks

  21. 质量是有经济性的。

    The quality is economic .

  22. 好的馈线网络结构也可提高供电质量、运行经济性;

    Good feeder configuration can improve on power supply quality and decrease running cost of electric power system .

  23. 发动机采用涡轮增压技术可以增加比功率,降低比质量,提高经济性,改善排放,减少噪声。

    After turbocharging , the power is added , the mass ratio is reduced , the economical efficiency is promoted , the exhaust is improved , and the noise is decreased .

  24. 变电所选址及馈线优化是电力系统规划工作中的重要环节,变电所的位置直接影响着未来电力系统的网络结构、供电质量和运行经济性;

    Substation location and feeder planning is an important part of electric power system planning . Substation location influence network configuration , power supply quality and running cost of future electric power system .

  25. 确定工艺方案时,首要的是保证加工质量,其次兼顾经济性。

    First is manufacture quality , then benefit , when choosing manufacture technics .

  26. 实现这五句话提出的目标,要求农村的电网运行的质量、可靠性及经济性要得到很大的提高。

    The five-sentence made to achieve this target for the rural power network quality , reliability and economy to be greatly improved .

  27. 要使膜分离装置有效地运行,并同时得到较高的产品质量以及良好的经济性,就必须对膜装置进行优化。

    To make Membrane Filtration Equipment run effectively , to gain high quality of product and good economy , the equipment must be optimized .

  28. 通过提高产品的质量及质量的经济性,确保公司产品的品牌优势,在激烈的市场竞争中占有一席之地。

    Through raising the product quality and quality economic , the brand advantage of the company 's products is guaranteed , in order to occupy a tiny space in the fierce market competition .

  29. 由于超高压、集中式、远距离的大电网供电模式在电能质量、可靠性、经济性、安全性及灵活性方面存在问题,使可再生能源为主的分布式发电技术得以发展。

    Due to many issues such as power quality , reliability , economy , security , flexibility , in a large power grid with ultra-high voltage , centralized , long-distance transmission , the distributed generation technology with renewable energy begins to develop .

  30. 本文以环境、资源、能源为目标,以质量、技术、经济性为约束建立模糊规划模型,并以实例证实了其优越性。

    With environment , resource and energy as the optimization objectives , and quality , technology and economy as the restraints , a fuzzy planning model is set up . Finally , an example is given , it shows that the model is correct and effective .