
  • 网络Quality Education
  1. 美国教育部正在努力确保所有学生享有接受高质量教育的乎等权利

    The U. S. Department of Education is making efforts to ensure that all students have equal access to a quality education .

  2. 今天的公告是改善获得高质量教育权利的又一重要步骤,是奥巴马总统行动年的一个组成部分。

    Today 's announcement is another important step forward in improving access to a quality education , a component of President Obama 's year of action .

  3. 要围绕建设高质量教育体系,以教育评价改革为牵引,统筹推进育人方式、办学模式、管理体制、保障机制改革。

    To build a high-quality education system , the reform of the evaluation .

  4. 建设高质量教育体系,深化教育改革。

    We will carry out an initiative to raise the quality of education and expand its capacity .

  5. 从微观层面看全面质量教育的可操作性&论TQM导入与高校课堂教学改革

    A Micro Analysis of the Feasibility of TQM Introduction into College Classrooms

  6. 全员质量教育是起点,科主任护士长是关键,ISO9000标准是参照模式,4个质控平台是医院的质控重点。

    The new system was divided into 4 parts : the entire-staff quality education was the starting point , the director and charge nurse were the sticking point , the ISO9000 standard was the reference model and the 4 quality control platforms were the focus .

  7. 高素质的教师队伍是高质量教育的基本保障。

    Teachers with high quality is the basic guarantee for the high-quality education .

  8. 基于虚拟摄影棚的高质量教育资源制作技术研究与应用

    The Study and Application of Production Technology of High-quality Educational Resources Based on Virtual Studio

  9. 关于企业质量教育培训工作的系统思考

    Systemic Thinking on Quality Education & Training

  10. 高素质的教师是高质量教育的前提条件,幼儿教育也不例外。

    High-quality teachers is a prerequisite for quality education , infant education is no exception .

  11. 4月1日至30日,联合国教科文组织将举办关于以高质量教育结束排斥的网上论坛。

    From 1 to 30 April UNESCO is holding an online discussion forum on Quality Education to End Exclusion .

  12. 伊朗据说拥有一个提供高质量教育的网络,包括私立,公立和国家附属大学。

    Iran reportedly has a large network of private , public , and state affiliated universities offering degrees in higher education .

  13. 高质量教育的关键在于高素质教师。

    High quality education relies on high quality teachers and the crucial moment in teachers ' professional development is the beginning of their work .

  14. 曝光台、自动化办公系统等形式进行公示,以达到全员接受质量教育。

    Exposure table , office automation system and other forms of publicity , in order to achieve the full acceptance of the quality education .

  15. 但是,众所周知,教育的核心价值在于平等,每一个学生都有接受相同质量教育的平等权利。

    Yet , the core value of education is equality , and every student has the right to receive the same quality of education .

  16. 第四部分为全文的重点,主要对虚拟摄影棚进行高质量教育资源具体制作流程进行阐述。

    Part Four is more important in the thesis which mainly expounds the concrete procedure of making Best Educational Resources by use of Virtual Studio .

  17. 第五部分以制作大连情景英语教学片为实例,详细阐述了对虚拟摄影棚制作高质量教育资源的应用。

    Part Five states the application of Virtual Studio for making Best Educational Resources in details by the example of making Situational Dialogue by Dalian University .

  18. 教师教育的改革是教师专业发展努力的主要方向,唯有教师专业素养不断提高才是成就高质量教育的关键途径。

    Teacher education reform is the main direction of the professional development of teachers , only the professionalism of teachers is constantly increasing can create high-quality education .

  19. 就学生赴美留学的动机而言,多数人是出于对美国高质量教育水平的认可,以及其对美国教育方式灵活多样的喜爱。

    As for the motivation to study in America , most are motivated by the high recognition on the quality of American education and favor on the flexible education method .

  20. 推进大学质量教育迎接未来世纪挑战超导技术的进步将进一步促进低温技术研究新热卢、的增长,并推动多学科的发展,从而迎接未来高科技发展的机遇与挑战。

    Improving Quality Education in Universities Accepting the Challenge of New Century Applied superconductors can promote the development of the branches of science and meet the challenge of future high science and technology .

  21. 随着社会的不断发展,各地对于高质量教育的旺盛需求与长期供给不足的矛盾日益加剧,并逐渐演化成为全社会关注的教育热点问题。

    Along with the continuous development of society , the contradiction between the strong demand for high quality education and the long-term insufficient supply has intensified , and gradually evolved into a hot spot issue which attracts social concern .

  22. 师范院校面临生存危机。但基础教育的必然存在、高质量教育与高水平教师间的联系、师范的功能等,将使师范院校长期存在。

    Teachers ′ colleges face a crisis of existence , but they will exist for a long time because of the existence of basic education , the interdependence between high quality education and highly qualified teachers and the functions of teachers ′ colleges .

  23. 核心主张在于,“放开这一行业,引入来自新的高质量教育提供商的更激烈竞争。”这些提供商(有些是私营企业)将发现,成为“大学”、并颁发自己的学位,是相当容易的。

    The central idea is to " open up the sector to greater competition from new high-quality providers . " These providers , some of which are private businesses , will find it quite easy to become " universities " and award their own degrees .

  24. 从学校教育组织形式层面开展满足学生差异性需求的改革与研究,是高质量教育的一个新增长点。

    A new breakthrough in high quality education is the research and reform on how to satisfy the needs of student 's difference form the point of the educational organization forms . The learning for freeing choosing one 's courses emerged in the last years of the 1980s .

  25. 所有的孩子不分种族、居住地及家庭收入,都应有权利接受高质量的教育。

    All children are entitled to a high-quality education regardless of their race , zip code or family income .

  26. 没有合格的教师,就不可能有高质量的教育。

    Without eligible teacher , there can be no high-quality education .

  27. 教学质量是教育改革和发展的生命线。

    Teaching quality is the lifeline of educational reform and development .

  28. 提高教育质量是教育教学改革的核心

    Improvement on Educational Quality : the Core of Reform in Education and Teaching

  29. 管理中心全体员工,以确保向学生提供高质量的教育;

    Administrate the staff to ensure offering high quality education to the students ;

  30. 质量是教育永恒的评判标准和最终目标。

    Quality is the eternal evaluating standards and the final goal of education .