
  • 网络Quality Data;qualitative data
  1. 药品质量数据分析在医院药库管理中的应用

    Application of Qualitative Data Analysis of Drugs in Hospital Management of Drug Storehouse

  2. 1998-2007年昭通市中药检验质量分析药品质量数据分析在医院药库管理中的应用

    Analysis of Quality for traditional Chinese medicine detection in Zhaotong During 1998-2007 Application of Qualitative Data Analysis of Drugs in Hospital Management of Drug Storehouse

  3. 城市空气质量数据处理分析的Web服务模型

    Data management and analysis model on air quality based on web services

  4. 铝产品质量数据多维分析与SPC系统设计和实现

    Design and Realization of Aluminum Product Quality Data Multiple Analysis and SPC System

  5. 应用VISUALFOXPRO6.0和MicrosoftGraph2000软件,根据工厂实际生产,开发了蠕铁质量数据管理与分析系统。

    According to factory production and by using Visual FoxPro 6.0 and Microsoft Graph 2000 Software , the data management and analysis system for compacted graphite iron casting quality was established .

  6. 通过和最小均方误差估计算法(MMSE)相比较,变门限聚类定位算法可有效消除低质量数据对定位结果的影响,从而提高了目标的定位精度。

    By eliminating the possible influence produced by low quality data , the presented algorithm can improve localization precision effectively in comparison with the MMSE algorithm .

  7. 数据转换是ETL的重要组成部分,同时也是数据仓库和数据集市得到高质量数据的前提和保证。

    Data transformation is one important part of ETL , is the precondition and guarantee of data warehouse and data mart in order to get higher quality data .

  8. 结合二维离散小波变换、图像多级树集合分裂编码以及DEFLATE编码算法对电能质量数据进行压缩。

    Combined with the two-dimension wavelet transform , image SPIHT coding algorithm and DEFLATE coding algorithm , the power quality data are compressed .

  9. 为充分应用宝钢投产以来所积累的在线质量数据,对产品进行定量的、有科学依据的分析和评价,采用SAS软件开发了1580热轧质量统计分析系统。

    In order to evaluate and analyse products quantitatively and scientifically by on line quality statistics , statistics and analysis system of product quality by 1580 hot rolling mill was developed by SAS software .

  10. 研究了基于质量数据仓库的多维数据数据模型和多维分析过程,分析了数据挖掘技术在质量控制与分析中的应用,研究了关联规则提取的改进Apriori算法和在质量数据仓库中的应用。

    Fourthly it addresses the thematic data model and an OLAP multi-dimension model in quality data warehouse . And the implementation of data mining technology such as rule discovering are discussed and an Apriori rule discovering algorithm is given .

  11. 为了解决质量数据手工采集、控制检测误差大、效率低的问题,实现质量数据采集、检测的准确高效,提出在AutoCAD环境下,基于网络和数据库技术实现质量数据的自动采集和管理。

    In order to solve the problem of big error and low efficiency in handwork examination , realizing accuracy and high efficiency in quality data drawing and examination , this paper drew up automatic drawing and management of quality data based on internet and database technology under AutoCAD system .

  12. 介绍了用于质量数据分析与处理的计算机系统(QMIS),通过QMIS系统可以快速而有效地对质量数据进行统计分析,以实现质量管理与控制的目的。

    The paper presents a new computer system ( QMIS ) for quality data analysis and process , with which quick and efficient statistical analysis of quality data could be made so as to realize quality management and control .

  13. 根据南通市1997~2003年的环境质量数据,利用GTPM(1)模型对南通市未来几年大气中的二氧化硫污染指数进行预测,通过预测探讨了环境质量的变化趋势。

    According to the environmental quality data of Nantong from 1997 to 2003 , sulfur dioxide pollution index of the atmosphere was calculated and the trend of the environment quantity was forecasted by the GTPM ( 1 ) model .

  14. 质量数据采集和生产过程质量控制。

    The quality of data acquisition and production process quality control .

  15. 分析相应的质量数据,为将来做准备。

    Analysis the relevant quality data and make precaution for future .

  16. 电能质量数据采集和谐波分析方法的实现

    Implement of Data Sampling and Harmonic Analysis for the Power Systems

  17. 便携式质量数据采集分析系统的研制

    A Portable System Development of Data on Quality Acquisition and Analysis

  18. 二维条码技术及其在产品质量数据管理中的应用

    Two-Dimensional Barcode Technology and Its Application in Product Quality Data Management

  19. 基于数据仓库技术的炼钢质量数据模型研究

    On steel-making quality data model based on data warehouse technology

  20. 基于纺织企业纱线质量数据仓库的设计

    Design of Yarn Quality Data Warehouse Based on Textile Enterprise

  21. 支持数字化制造的质量数据获取与分析技术研究

    Research on Quality Data Require and Analyzing Technologies for Supporting Digital Manufacturing

  22. 每周分析质量数据,并提供质量报告;

    Analyze the quality status every week , provide weekly quality report ;

  23. 基于径向基函数插值的环境空气质量数据可视化研究

    Based on Radial Basis Function Interpolation of Ambient Air Quality Data Visualization Research

  24. 船舶建造过程中焊接质量数据的追溯

    Tracing of Welding Quality in the Process of Shipbuilding

  25. 离散制造企业生产现场质量数据采集系统设计

    Development of the data acquisition system for production site in intermittent manufacturing enterprise

  26. 计算机辅助质量数据采集分析系统

    Computer Aided Quality Data Collecting and Analyzing System

  27. 包含可以反映当前绩效,持续改善的方法和对应措施的质量数据。

    Include quality data showing current performance , continuous improvement methodology and action plans .

  28. 中小机械厂工序质量数据分析软件开发

    Development of working procedure quality data analysis software in medium and small-sized machine shop

  29. 基于工业以太网的带钢质量数据监测和分析系统

    Monitoring and Analytical System for Strip Steel 's Quality Data Based on Industry Ethernet

  30. 基于嵌入式的电能质量数据采集系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Power Quality Data Collection System Based on Embedded Technology