
zhì liànɡ ɡuǎn lǐ diǎn
  • quality control point
  1. 中小型钢铁企业质量管理点

    " Quality control point " in mini steel works

  2. 本文叙述了质量管理点的含意及其在我国中小型钢铁企业中的重要作用。

    This article deals with the meaning of " quality control point "( QCP ) and its importance in mini steel works in China .

  3. 设置质量管理点。

    To set up points of quality management .

  4. 铸造生产中质量管理点的应用

    Application of Quality Control Spot in Foundry

  5. 机体因造型紧实度差而产生的废品约占总废品的45.9%,应用质量管理点后下降到20%左右。

    The application of quality control spot in foundry reduces the scraps of cylinder block from 45.9 % to about 20 % of total scraps .

  6. 文中以实例介绍了“质量管理点”的部分工作方法,并叙述建立和开展“质量管理点”应做好的四个方面工作。

    Examples are given of QCP management and some suggestions are made as how to establish QCP and how to make it to work effectively .

  7. 关于中小船厂焊接质量管理的几点建议

    Some recommendations for welding quality management in small and medium sized shipyards

  8. 混凝土搅拌站加强质量管理的几点方法

    Several methods about concrete stirring station how to improve the quality management

  9. 浅谈高速公路原材料质量管理的几点措施

    Superficial Opinion on Quality Management of Highway 's Raw and Processed Materials

  10. 最后,针对出版社建立ISO9000质量管理体系的关键点提出建议。

    Finally , a suggestion about the keys of establishing of ISO 9000 quality control system in the publishing house was given .

  11. 关于高校维修工程质量与管理的几点认识和思考

    Cognition and Thought about the Quality and Management in College Maintenance Engineering

  12. 建立实验室质量管理体系的几点思考

    Considerations to the Establishment of Laboratory Quality Management System

  13. 有效性是质量管理工作的出发点和落脚点。

    Effectiveness is the key point of quality management .

  14. 它也是有效地建立、实施并持续改进质量管理体系的出发点。

    It is also the start point to establish , implement and continuously improve its quality management system .

  15. 希望本文研究能给同行业带来一些在信息系统数据质量管理方面的一点建议。

    The author hopes that this thesis can provide some advices on data quality to our craft brother when they implement an information system .