
  • 网络Quality Attitude
  1. 我们对产品质量的态度是对细节的不断追求和完善。

    Our product quality is the constant pursuit of details and perfect .

  2. 可靠的系统是通过严格的测试、以“确保最高质量的态度”采取自底向上增量式工程化开发得到的。

    Reliable systems are built by rigorously tested , incremental bottom-up engineering with an'attitude of highest quality '

  3. 您可以给您配对的朋友留下评估,以便别的会员可以看到他的服务质量和态度。

    Give your host or teacher a reference on the web so others and we can know his attitude and service quality .

  4. 政府行政效能低下,官僚作风横行,公务员服务质量、态度差强人意,这都是我国人民群众反映非常强烈的问题,必须采取有效措施加以解决。

    Low administrative efficiency , the popularity of bureaucracy , along with dissatisfactory public service quality , all of those are the focuses of complaints coming from the general public , which need to be solved by effective measures .

  5. 我们将以最好的质量和服务态度为您服务!

    We the best quality and the service attitude will serve for you !

  6. 学生必须完成规定课时,成绩将以工作质量和工作态度为基础。

    All hours must be completed and grading is based on quality of work and attitude supportive of the production .

  7. 教师对学生的写作反馈对于学生的写作质量和写作态度具有重要意义。

    Teachers should change their teaching ideas of writing and adopt various strategies of writing feedback to improve their writing efficiency and cultivate students self-evaluation and revision ability .

  8. 应用自制的患者评定量表对社区医院环境、硬件设施、技术质量、服务态度、收费、健康教育、心理疏导、灵活性等进行调查。

    We use the Symptom SCL 90 to study environment , instruments and facilities , technique level , service quantity , charge , health education , mental appease , vivid degree , etc.

  9. 然而,教师工作压力的状况不仅关系到教师个体的身心健康,还关系到他们的教学质量和教学态度,而这将直接影响学生的学习成绩和身心健康。

    Moreover , the status of teachers ' job stress not only relates to physical and mental health of individual teachers , but also relates to their teaching quality and teaching attitude , which directly affect their students ' healthy growth .

  10. 结果表明,服务质量对客户态度忠诚感的影响最大,企业形象建设对客户行为忠诚感的影响最大;

    The result shows that the service quality is the most important influencing factor to the attitude and the sense of loyalty of customers and the enterprise 's image to has the greatest effect on the sense of loyalty of customers ' behavior ;

  11. 结果实施个性化护理前后病人对护理工作质量、服务态度及健康教育的满意率分别为95.3%、97.5%和97.8%,88.8%、87.0%和86.8%。

    Results Satisfaction degree of patients to the quality of nursing , service attitude and health education was 88.8 % , 87.0 % , 86.8 % before application of individual nursing and 95.3 % , 97.5 % , 97.8 % after application of individual nursing .

  12. 与中国本地企业打交道时,许多外国的银行家对本地企业的财务报表(financialstatement)、公司治理、内部控制程序(internalcontrolprocedure)以及质量管理持有怀疑态度。

    In dealing with Chinese local enterprises , most foreign banks are skeptical of their reported financial statements , corporate governance and internal control procedures and quality of the management .

  13. 提高服务质量、改善服务态度;

    Improves the grade of service , the improvement service attitude ;

  14. 要提高办事效率和质量,改善服务态度,认真帮助基层和人民群众解决实际困难。

    In order to improve the work efficiency and quality , improve service attitude , earnestly help basic level and people solve their practical difficulties .

  15. 其购买行为特征表现为:对目前的商品质量基本持认可态度;

    Regarding the characteristics of buying behavior , it reflects in several aspects : to some extent , consumers can accept the quality of the commodities in current market ;

  16. 结论通过准聘用制度的建立和实施,达到了强化人员素质,提高护理质量,改善服务态度的效果。

    Conclusion The establishment and practice of permission employment system enhanced the diathesis of nursing personnel , promoted the quality of nursing , and improved the attitude of nursing service .

  17. 经济的增长、就业率的波动,均能影响应征青年的质量及其入伍的态度,使心理检测的合格率随之波动。

    The quality of enrolled young-ages and attitude to enrollment of young people were influenced by the increment of economic and wave of employment , which make the percentage of pass changed accordingly .

  18. 并且,二者在选择医院看病的原因上基本一致,分别为距离近、质量好、服务态度好、有信赖的医生。

    Moreover , they have basically the same reason in choosing the hospital to see a doctor that is the close distance , easy to give good service , the doctor who can be trusted .

  19. 该文采用问卷调查形式,就我省沿海地区农村医疗卫生资源状况,农村居民对相应的医疗服务质量水平、服务态度和便捷度的满意程度,以及自身的卫生知识与卫生习惯进行了调查。

    This paper , through the form of questionnaire , investigates the states of the country medical treatment resources , the content degrees of rural residents about their received medical treatment , as well as their medical knowledge and habit in circumlittoral areas of Zhejiang Province .

  20. 编制中学化学实验教学质量评价体系。化学实验教学质量应涵盖科学态度、科学精神、科学方法,实验动手能力、知识技能、思维能力、创新能力等诸多方面。

    To compile the chemistry experimental teaching quality evaluation system , that should include scientific attitude , scientific spirit , scientific methods , operation abilities , knowledge skill , thought ability , innovation ability , and so on .

  21. 本研究编制了大学生生命质量观问卷,并对大学生生命质量观和自杀态度的现状及二者的关系进行了研究。

    This study developed Undergraduate ' Life Quality Notions Scale . The situation of the Undergraduate ' Life Quality Notions was described and its relationship with the students ' resilience was discussed .

  22. 其中临床护理带教质量的优劣,直接影响着本科护生毕业后进入临床的工作质量和工作态度,优秀的临床护理教师是维持良好的教学环境、确保临床护理教学质量的决定因素。

    The quality of clinical nursing teaching will directly impact on the quality of the work after the undergraduates enters clinical . Excellent clinical nursing teachers is the decision factors to maintain good teaching environment , and ensure the quality of clinical nursing teaching .