- 网络AUDIT;Quality audit

Review on the Research of the Quality Audit System in Higher Education
Develop internal quality audit procedures
High-quality audit deficiency is caused by defects in the way that CPA Firms is organized and the universality of unfair competition in CPA audit market .
The business operators commission CPA Firms to audit in our country . Its primary purpose is to walk through the requirements of governments and associated regulations . The demands for high-quality audit are out of the voluntary aspect accordingly .
Preparing and performing the bombardier 's internal quality audits activities ;
Institutional Environment , Government Control and Demand of Audit Quality
Meanwhile , potential partner shall have professional qualification to ensure high auditing quality .
Results confirm that high quality auditors can significantly restrain the controlling shareholders'cash embezzlement .
The auditing of military expenditure quality
To execute the new IPO system effectively depends on CPAs'high quality auditing and proper audit opinion .
And low quality audit will lead to the loss of the ability of rational allocation of resources .
Chapter 3 gives detailed reasons to China 's securities market that lacks high-quality audit services in present stage .
The ownership of the company arrangement and the role of government conversion will affect the behavior of company choosing auditor .
To this end , in the case of excessive competition , auditors lack the motive of seeking high-quality audit reports .
The article believes that failure of auditing comes from the imperfection of capital market , administrative structure of companies and CPA audit .
First , because of no demanding of high quality audit in existing system arranged , the auditor has not incentive to be sincere .
Through audit practice work combine quality audit exploration that value promote thesis , enabling and studying has certain using value and far-reaching meaning even more ;
The big4 auditors play an important role in global capital market , many researchers use the big4 auditors as the surrogate of high level audit quality directly .
Based on this , this paper presents the relevant policy recommendations on how to conduct high-quality audit requirements and to further improve the quality of the audit opinions .
Accounting Malpractices in Listed companies may produce a need for a low-quality auditing while an accounting firm may supply this low-quality auditing after comprehensively assessing returns and costs .
India and China , countries where the Food and Drug Administration rarely conducts quality-control inspections , have become major suppliers of low-cost drugs and drug ingredients to American consumers .
Simultaneously took the domestic brander-new research topic , the thorough research for our country items of basic construction quality audit work development standards , the consummation will provide the beneficial reference .
Chapter 4 , based on the regulatory and the demand side , puts forward the proposals for improving high-quality audit services in the institutional environment and specific policy of micro levels .
But on the demand side , the problem of inefficient demand for high quality audit has not been resolved for many years , which go against the further development of CPA industry .
On the contrary , If there are high quality auditing market demands , It must be realized by improving quality to compete for market share , the auditing market will be healthy operation .
Mr McDonough says initial feedback from the inspections suggests the tone at the top of the firms , about the importance of quality audit , is filtering down to middle and junior ranks .
There is also standing in the economic and social point of view . Rate per unit mass of audit fees is associated with audit market structure factors , geographic factors show some correlation .
The author 's opinion is that Auditing is a special control system of reducing the information risk to a socially acceptable level , and only high quality auditing can execute this intrinsic function .
From the reputation theory , taking into account the previous investment for " brand " building and scrupling the huge costs of losing reputation , the merged firms have an incentive to provide higher quality audit services .
Companies that have chosen large audit firms would have to pay less if they chose smaller ones , therefore their actual choices indicate that high quality auditing service which they decide to pay for is of their preference .