
  • 网络Accounts;account system
  1. 对于环境问题,现行的国民账户体系是要负一定责任的。这是由于现行国民账户在环境方面的缺陷造成的。

    The current system of national accounts should responsible for the environment problems , this is due to the environment disadvantages of it .

  2. 建立国库单一账户体系是财政国库管理制度改革的关键。

    To establish the treasury single account system is the key to the reform of financial treasury management system .

  3. 论人力资本实物量和价值量核算账户体系的基本框架

    The Framework on Accounting System on Human Capital Volume and Value

  4. 第三部分系统剖析了SEEA2003的账户体系,评述各个账户对环境因素的处理。

    Section 3 analyzes systematically the accounting system of SEEA 2003 and comments on the transaction of each account to the element of environment .

  5. 从矿产资源开发物质流分析原则出发,提出了矿产资源开发物质流分析的方法、构建了矿产资源开发物质流分析的账户体系及指标体系。

    The analytical method of the material flow analysis of MRD is put forward , and the account system and index system are set up .

  6. 因此,我们需要建立一个同时涉及经济与环境的账户体系,以便检查哪里存在压力,以及如何去减轻或者解除这种压力。

    Thus , we need to use the accounting structure which relates them to examine where pressures exist , and to alleviate or relieve these pressures .

  7. 国民收入核算体系是宏观经济理论中的基本概念,卫星账户体系充当其补充说明成分。

    The satellite accounts system work as a supplement system for the national account system and the national accounting is the statistical language of macroeconomic theory .

  8. 财政国库集中支付是以国库单一账户体系为基础,以完善的财政支付信息系统和银行系统为依托的一种新型支付方式。

    Treasury centralized payment system is one payment that based on the treasury single account system and perfect financial payment information system and the banking system .

  9. 并据此对人力资本纳入国民经济核算体系的相关问题进行初步的探讨,构建了人力资本核算附属账户体系的基本框架。

    Hereby we discuss the related questions of corporate human capital into the system of national accounting , and constructed the framework of human capital appending accounting system .

  10. 国库集中支付制度改革已历时十年,总的来看,运行平稳,国库单一账户体系初步建立,资金支付方式日益规范,支付效率明显提高。

    In general , the operation is stable . While the unitary exchequer account system has already been established , the fund payment method becomes standard gradually , and payment efficiency improves obviously .

  11. 通过具体分析了国库单一账户体系的构成、支出类型、支付方式及其程序,得出了国库集中支付制度的优势。

    By analysis the composing of treasury single account , the types of concentrating payment , the fashion and the procedure of concentrating payment , then educe the superiority of treasury concentration payment system .

  12. 我国目前正在建立和完善以国库单一账户体系为基础、资金缴拨以国库集中收付为主要形成的财政国库管理体制。

    In our country the finance exchequer manage system are being constituted and consummated that is based on exchequer singleness account system on foundation and formed by financing capture a exchequer centralized and paid .

  13. 第三节,笔者提出我国国库管理制度的发展方向是建立以国库单一账户体系为基础、资金缴付以国库集中支付为主要形式的财政国库管理制度。

    Accounting calculating centralization system is one of the effective forms of accounting accreditation that is carried out by government departments . The third section is the basis of national treasury regulatory regime of our country .

  14. 预算执行程序的变革,在预算执行机构独立的基础上,引入以国库单一账户体系为基础的国库集中支付制度、国库清算和监督制度等新的执行程序和流程。

    Analyze and reform the program of budget enforcement , bring in new executive procedure on the basis of treasury single account , such as the system of centralized treasury intake and payment , treasury liquidation and supervision etc.

  15. 环境会计账户体系的设置要求推进会计账户的绿色化,建立绿色资产账户、绿色负债账户、绿色支出账户、绿色收益账户;

    The establishment of account systems of the environmental accounting demands pushing on the " green " of the accounts and setting up green assets account , green liabilities account , green expenditure account and green income account .

  16. 推行财政国库管理制度改革,建立国库单一账户体系,实行国库集中支付制度,是规范财政收支管理,建立社会主义公共财政的客观要求。

    Reforming the national treasury management system , building the national treasury single account system and implementing the centralized treasury payment system is the objective requirement of regulating the financial revenue and expenditure management and establishing a socialist public finance .

  17. 根据国家的战略部署,国家要求各地力争在2010年将所有财政性资金全部纳入国库单一账户体系运行管理,各级预算单位全部实行国库集中支付制度。

    According to the strategic plan of country , the State urged all localities to strive for all funded into the treasury single account system , and all of the various levels budget unit effectuations exchequer concentrates payment system by 2010 .

  18. 国库集中支付制度不同于以往国库分散支付制度,它是以国库单一账户体系为基础,以国库集中支付为资金拨款主要形式的财政国库管理制度。

    Different from the past treasury dispersed payment system , treasury centralized payment system is a fiscal treasury management system with single treasury accounting system as its base , and with the treasury centralized payment for appropriation as its abbreviated form .

  19. 文中重点分析了教育成本确认与计量的方法,并建议以现行高校账户体系为基本框架,增设教育成本核算科目,并据此编制教育成本报告。

    Through analyzing the method of recognizing and measuring the cost of higher education , the paper points out the necessity of adding account title cost of higher education and preparing relevant financial statements on the basis of current college accounting system .

  20. 通过分析现行国库支付制度存在的弊端,提出了建立以国库单一账户体系为基础,资金拨付以国库集中支付为主要形式的现代国库管理制度。

    Through analysis of the demerits existing in current f financial national treasury payment system , this paper puts forward modern national treasury administration system that is taking single national treasury account as base and fund payment taking national treasury centralized payment as main method .

  21. 设置改革现行的账户体系,设置简洁而适用的会计账户对增值税进行会计核算,能够减少企业纳税核算和申报的工作量,为企业和国家提供更精确的纳税信息。

    Establish and reform the current account system , and establish the concision but suitable account for checking the value-added tax , can reduce the workload for the business enterprise to declare and pay tax , and provide more accurate information of tax for nation and the business enterprise .

  22. 国民账户核算体系中的核心指标GDP,为各国经济的稳定发展起到了不可估量的作用,但是它也存在种种缺陷。

    GDP is the core indicator of SNA ( System of National Accounts ) . It has inestimable influence on the steady economic growth in each country but also has some shortcomings .

  23. 第三章,耕地资源绿色账户核算体系。

    The third chapter is the green account accounting system based on cultivated land resources .

  24. 本章从四个方面提出了建立耕地资源绿色账户核算体系的对策建议。

    There are proposes from four aspects to set up the green accounting system of the cultivated land resources .

  25. 目前,行政事业单位在对固定资产使用和管理中存在着内部控制制度不健全,管理混乱,资产使用率不高,缺乏健全的账户管理体系,固定资产人为破坏现象严重等问题。

    At present , there are some problems in using and managing fixed assets of government and institution such as imperfect internal control system , confusion management , low efficiency of fixed assets , bad account management system , and destroying fixed assets , and so on .

  26. 资本账户、金融体系与人民币国际化

    Capital account , financial system and RMB internationalization

  27. 资本账户开放对金融体系的影响

    The Influence of Capital Account Liberalization on Financial System

  28. 因此,本文着重于探索建立便捷有效的外汇账户管理和监测体系,实现对外汇收支活动的科学监控,努力为创造一个规范、安全、效率的用汇环境提供决策参考。

    Therefore , this article focuses on exploring the establishment of convenient and effective management and monitoring system for foreign exchange accounts , foreign exchange receipts and payments to achieve the scientific monitoring , efforts to create a standardized , secure , and efficient decision making with the Exchange environments .

  29. 旅游卫星账户的发展及其与国民账户体系的关系研究

    A Study on the Development of Tourism Satellite Account and the Relationship between Tourism Satellite Account and System of National Accounts

  30. 我国国家以及各地旅游局都对建立旅游卫星账户工作给予了高度重视,很多学者对此进行了探讨,江苏省率先进行了全国旅游卫星账户体系研究省级试点工作,取得了突破性成果。

    Tourism Bureau of China and local places all pay great attention to TSA , and many researchers focus on it . Jiangsu Province launched Provincial Experimental Work of National TSA Research and gained some breakthrough .