
cái quán
  • financial power;economic right;right of property;property ownership;ownership of movable property
财权 [cái quán]
  • (1) [right of property]∶财产的所有权和使用权

  • (2) [economic right]∶处理经济事务的权力

财权[cái quán]
  1. 为明确各级政府在住房保障中的责任,本文从明确中央与地方政府住房保障事权和合理划分财权两个方面进行阐述。

    For clarifying the liability of government at all levels , the paper expounds from two aspects : clearing the management right between the central and local government and defining the property ownership reasonably .

  2. 造成县乡财政困难的直接原因是上级政府下压事权而上收财权,上级政府下压事权、上收财权源于财政机会主义;激励约束机制不健全进一步加大了县乡财政的困难程度。

    Instead , governments of higher levels conduct the Financial Opportunism to push authority but draw property ownership , which is the immediate cause of financial difficulties in county and rural town . Additional , the imperfect incentive and restraint mechanism worsens the existed difficulties .

  3. 他在单位里是掌财权的。

    He has control over financial matters at work .

  4. 一年以前,这个人控制了该公司的财权。

    A year ago this man assumed control of the company 's finance .

  5. 和财权向上集中,县乡缺乏充沛的财源两个方面,并对这种不对称带来的一系列问题进行了总结。

    And then it summaries the problems brings by the asymmetry .

  6. 财务治理结构的核心是财权配置。

    The core of financial affairs governance structure is property configuration .

  7. 组织设计、管理控制系统与财权制度安排

    Organization Design , Management Control System and Property Right Arrangement

  8. 关于我国统一财权制度必要性的思考

    On the Necessity of Unifying China 's Fiscal Power System

  9. 以财权为基础的企业预算管理研究

    Research on Enterprise Budget Management Based on the Financial Right

  10. 企业的财权配置是企业所有权的核心内容。

    The financial-right disposing of enterprise is the core of enterprise ownership .

  11. 上市公司财权配置的动态性研究

    The Dynamic Research for the Market Company Property Rights Disposition

  12. 我国财权制度的现状及其成因分析

    The Present Conditions and Genesis of Our Country 's Fiscal Power System

  13. 构筑基于财权的财务基础理论体系

    Building the Basic Finance Theory System Based on the Finance Rights Theory

  14. 保障县级政府充分的财权;

    Safeguarding county and township governments full property rights ;

  15. 权力的概念、产生和制约企业控制权演变与财权配置

    Development of Enterprise 's Control Power and Financial-right Disposing

  16. 基于财权的公司财务治理结构理论研究

    A Study of Corporate Finance Governance Based on Financial-right

  17. 他在家里掌管财权。

    He holds the purse strings in the family .

  18. 合作博弈视角的企业集团财权配置研究

    A Research on Enterprise Group 's Property Configuration in Perspective of Cooperative Game

  19. 企业利益相关者财权配置研究

    Research on the financial-right disposing of enterprise ' stakeholders

  20. 进一步完善财权的配置。

    To further improve the allocation of property rights .

  21. 公共品供给与政府间财权和事权的划分

    The Partition of the Supply of Public Goods and the Financial and Property Rights

  22. 现代企业财权安排:三维配置模式3.配置模式单一。

    Modern Corporate Finance Governance : A Three-Dimension-Model 3.characteristic the arrangement modes are humdrum .

  23. 试论企业财权安排的几个基本理论问题

    Brief Discussion on Several Basic Theoretic Problems Concerning the Arrangement of Enterprise Financial Right

  24. 文章将这些相关信息定义为高校财权预算信息。

    The paper defines these relevant information as the college financial power budget information .

  25. 加快县乡行政管理体制改革步伐,使乡镇财权与事权相匹配;

    Speed up county-township administrative system reform to make finance power match with affair power ;

  26. 企业内部财权配置影响因素实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting the Configuration of Financial Rights within the Enterprise

  27. 财务治理客体是财权,而财务管理客体是本金;

    Financial affairs governance object is financial right and financial affairs management object is capital .

  28. 在墨西哥,妇女表示其自信心、自我认知以及对家庭财权的掌控均得到了提升。

    In Mexico , women reported increased self-confidence , awareness and control over family resources .

  29. 财务主体在本质上是由其财权边界所决定的,即独立的财权边界是财务主体存在的根本前提;

    In essence , a financing body is determined by its boundary of financing fights .

  30. 财权与企业预算管理是一种融合与互动的关系。

    The financial rights and enterprise budget management are involved and interacted with each other .