
  • 网络financial pressure;fiscal stress
  1. BT模式既缓解政府的财政压力,加快基础设施建设的步伐,还可以使企业获得稳定可观的利润收入。

    BT model not only can ease the financial pressure of the government , but also accelerate the pace of infrastructure construction and enable the company gain stable profit .

  2. 为了缓解政府在基础设施建设上的财政压力,我国在大型基础设施的建设中逐渐引入了BOT融资模式。

    In order to alleviate financial pressure of the government in infrastructure construction , in our country , we introduces BOT financing model for the building of the infrastructures .

  3. 美国研究生院委员会主席黛博拉斯图尔特(DebraStewart)指出:各州均面临财政压力。

    The states are in financial stress , said Debra Stewart , president of the Council of Graduate Schools .

  4. BOT模式是当前国际上广泛采纳的一种主要应用于公共设施建设的项目融资方式,它对缓解政府财政压力、构建合理的融资体系具有积极意义。

    As an internationally adopted modal to attract investment in basic public facilities , BOT modal helps ease the financial burden on the government and build a justifiable financing system .

  5. 近年来,BT模式在我国公路工程行业中得到迅速发展,有效的缓解了政府财政压力,也为私人资本提供了投资渠道。

    In recent years , BT mode has been developed rapidly in the industry of highway engineering , has eased financial pressure of government effectively , and provides investment channels for private capital .

  6. Draghi论文的这一章定位的问题是&当经济体面对直接财政压力时,如何能够推动它的长期增长。

    A chapter of Mr Draghi 's thesis addressed the issue of how an economy can boost its long-term growth when it faces immediate financial pressures .

  7. PPP模式应用到养老机构的建设中,不仅仅可以缓解政府的财政压力,还可以在一定程度上解决养老机构供不应求的问题。

    PPP model is applied to the construction of old-age care institutions , not only can reduce the financial burden of the government , but also can solve the supply problem of old-age care institutions to some extent .

  8. 应重新界定公共部门,加强政府服务意识,加快公共管理改革步伐,通过PPP模式,减轻政府财政压力,提升我国公共服务的供给水平。

    We should redefine public sectors , strengthen the service consciousness of the government , accelerate the steps of public management reform , relieve the pressure of government finance and improve the supply level of the public service of our country through the PPP mode .

  9. 亚洲开发银行(adb)表示,今年亚洲多数经济体的通胀将达到10年来最高水平,有可能逆转近年的生产率增长,并给那些提供大笔食品和燃油补贴的政府造成财政压力。

    Inflation will reach its highest in a decade across most of Asia this year , threatening to reverse recent productivity gains and create fiscal strains for governments that provide big food and fuel subsidies , according to the Asian Development Bank .

  10. StefanEmblad:“由于此前一些捐赠者面临艰难的经济形势和财政压力,我们这次收到的捐款承诺比起三年前的上次募捐有了大幅上涨。捐赠总额上涨了20%。”

    STEFAN EMBLAD : " Given the difficult economic climates and fiscal pressures that a number of donors are under , we achieved a significant increase over the last replenishment which was three years ago . We got a twenty percent increase in the contributions . "

  11. PFI模式为政府缓解财政压力提供了良好的方式,使政府根据社会需求提出项目目标。

    PFI model provides government a better way to relief financial pressure . In this way , government puts forward project target according to the social demand , then the private sectors take responsibility for the design , construction and operation of the project .

  12. 建设&移交(Build-Transfer)模式有利于大量的民间资本进入公共设施和基础设施建设项目中,解决了当地政府的巨大财政压力,同时也为民间资本投资提供了一个新的途径。

    Build - Transfer Mode is conducive to a great amount of private capital entering into the construction of public facilities and infrastructure projects to relieve the enormous financial pressure on the local government . Meanwhile , it also provides a new way for private capital investment .

  13. 财政压力迫使公司减少开支。

    Financial pressures impel the firm to cut back on spending .

  14. 第二,减少政府财政压力,促进投资体制的转变。

    Second , reduce the financial pressure , and promote investment system changes .

  15. 这些举措均非长久之计,尤其是在出现财政压力的情况下。

    None of these are long-term measures , especially as fiscal strains appear .

  16. 论地方财政压力下的反哺空间及路径寻求

    On the " Nurturing " Space and Path Pursuit under Local Finance Pressure

  17. 财政压力和政治影响对公正司法会造成障碍。

    Financial pressures and political influences are the obstacles to achieve fair trials .

  18. 财政压力与基层政府制度创新

    A Study on the Financial Pressure and System Innovation of Counties & Townships Government

  19. 从和患者聊天来看,很明显,许多人都面临着严重的财政压力。

    From talking to patients it is clear many are facing severe financial pressure .

  20. 修改法律的原因据说是出于最近乍得政府所受到的财政压力。

    The proposed modifications reportedly grew out of financial pressures recently experienced by the Chadian government .

  21. 世界经济正在经历多年来最具挑战性的经济和财政压力。

    The world economy is going through the most challenging economic and financial stress in generations .

  22. 我国普通高中的快速发展,使教育成本分担成为一种缓解财政压力的选择。

    The financial burden which originates from rapid augmentation of senior high schools makes cost-sharing inevitable .

  23. 国库现金管理职能是在20世纪70年代西方国家出现严重财政压力的背景下开始受到重视的,并逐渐被视为政府财务管理的一个关键因素。

    In 1970s , government began to attach importance to cash management because of increasingly weak fiscal pressure .

  24. 它是缓解政府基础设施建设财政压力,提高投资效益的一种有效途径。

    It is an effective solution to relax government pressure on infrastructure construction and to enhance investment benefit .

  25. 削减成本和财政压力导致许多民办幼儿园支付他们的教师低于公办幼儿园同行的工资。

    Cost-cutting and financial pressures lead many private kindergartens to pay their teachers less than their public counterparts .

  26. 然而,扩大养老和医疗支出又会让政府面临公共财政压力剧增的风险。

    But more generous pension and health-care benefits risks putting a sharply increased strain on the public finances .

  27. 因为随着全美范围内财政压力的加大以及投资回报率的急剧下降融资不足的退休金水平正逐渐上升。

    For as fiscal pressures rise across America and investment returns tumble the level of pension underfunding is rising .

  28. 与此同时,政府在不同时期面临的财政压力是财政管理体制变革的重要推力。

    Meanwhile , financial management system which the government faced at different times is an important thrust of change .

  29. 国债是国家筹集资金缓解财政压力,实施宏观调控的重要手段。

    Publishing national debt is an important means to raise funds , alleviate financial tension and implement macroscopic modulation .

  30. 对巴博政府来说,不能动用国家账户会增加财政压力。

    For Mr Gbagbo 's administration , the loss of access to the state accounts will increase the financial pressure .