
fù zhài
  • liabilities;be in debt;incur debts
负债 [fù zhài]
  • [be in debt;incur debts] 欠债

  • 负债累累

负债[fù zhài]
  1. 除非你想负债,否则不要随便向人借钱。

    Do not borrow money unless you want to be in debt .

  2. 向人借钱违背我的原则,因为我认为负债是不应该的事。

    It would go against my principles to borrow money , as I think it wrong to be in debt .

  3. 公司负债已达3700万元。

    The company has plunged $ 37 million into the red .

  4. 加上这笔新贷款,负债总额达到10万元。

    The new loan takes the total debt to $ 100 000 .

  5. 住房条件差与负债以及贫困相关联。

    Bad housing is interconnected with debt and poverty .

  6. 恶劣的住房条件、负债以及贫困是相互关联的。

    Bad housing , debt and poverty are interconnected .

  7. 当学生很难不负债。

    It 's hard to stay out of debt when you are a student .

  8. 19%的B2C电子商务公司现在的市值比其资产负债表上的现金额高不了多少。

    19 per cent of B2C companies are now worth little more than the cash on their balance sheets .

  9. 美国财政部长指出了负债最多的那些国家。

    America 's treasury secretary identified the most heavily indebted countries .

  10. 下面的图表显示了个人负债与个人收入之比。

    The bottom chart shows the ratio of personal debt to personal income

  11. 这个新部委正在筹建,既无资产也无负债。

    This new ministry was being created with zero assets and zero liabilities .

  12. 这项调查声称信贷公司专对那些已经负债的弱势家庭下手。

    The survey claims loan companies prey on weak families already in debt .

  13. 重压是负债的一个主要原因。

    Stress is a main reason for debt .

  14. 劳斯莱斯公司需要稳健的资产负债表。

    Rolls-Royce needed a strong balance sheet .

  15. 这家公司资产为1.38亿美元,负债为1.205亿美元。

    The company had assets of $ 138 million and liabilities of $ 120.5 million .

  16. 房地产开发泡沫破灭后,联邦监管机构开始调查审计各家大型银行的资产负债表。

    When the development bubble burst , federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks .

  17. 他们现在不得不处理由于过去工作不力所遗留下的问题,这在资产负债表上一看便知。

    They now have to cope with the legacy of their past incompetence writ large on their balance sheets .

  18. 她负债已达5万美元。

    She is in debt to the extent of 50,000 dollars .

  19. 他的资产大于负债。

    He has an excess of assets over liabilities .

  20. 他负债已达一万美元。

    He is in debt to the extent of 10,000 dollars .

  21. 如果你的负债超过了你的资产,你就可能破产。

    If your liabilities exceed your assets , you may go bankrupt .

  22. 这家俱乐部负债400英镑。

    The club is £ 4 million in debt .

  23. 我们的负债总共超过了1000美元。

    Our debts amount to over $ 1000 .

  24. 由于实行高利率和工资冻结措施,许多户主只能是使自己免于负债。

    With high interest rates and a wage freeze , many householders are only just managing to keep their heads above water .

  25. “僵尸负债人”指的是每月仅能偿还负债利息的欠债消费者。

    Zombie debtor1 is an indebted consumer who is only able to pay the debt interest each month .

  26. 第二十条审计机关对国有企业的资产、负债、损益,进行审计监督。

    Article 20 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the assets , liabilities , profits and losses of the State - owned enterprises .

  27. “僵尸负债人”是指无法偿还贷款本金,只能偿还利息费用的人。

    Zombie debtor refers to someone who is unable to pay off the capital of the loan , and whose repayments2 only service the interest charge .

  28. 后者则指一个人连续几天或几周不合眼。长期处于睡眠负债的状况中,不但会影响情绪、工作表现、还会减低记忆力、警觉性、注意力和判断力、并且加速老化,甚至引发其它疾病。

    Total sleep deprivation means being kept awake for days or weeks . A long-term sleep debt may cause emotional upset , compromise work performance , weaken memory , alertness , attention as well as judgment . It may also speed up one ’ s ageing process and lead to other types of diseases .

  29. 有限责任效应、Z成本与公司负债融资决策

    Limited Liability Effect , Z Cost , and the Corporate Debt Financing Policy

  30. 本章研究了VaR模型在社会保障基金投资风险管理中四个方面的应用:风险控制、业绩评价、投资组合管理和资产负债管理。

    Specifically , Chapter Four is about the application of VaR model to social security fund risk management .