
dòu niáng
  • damselfly
豆娘 [dòu niáng]
  • [damselfly] 构成蜻蜓目束翅亚目的昆虫,像蜻蜓而小。常在水边或草地上飞行,吃小虫

豆娘[dòu niáng]
  1. 豆娘是蜻蜓的近亲,蜻蜓的体型较大,强壮,而豆娘体型纤细,小巧精致。

    The damselfly is a close relative of the dragonfly , but slimmer and daintier than its larger , more powerful cousin .

  2. 大棠河位于元朗大棠谷的中央,物种丰硕,是多种蜻蜓及豆娘的家园,极具生态价值。

    Tai Tong stream lies in the middle of Tai Tong valley , Yuen Long and has a high ecological value due to its rich biodiversity , especially diverse dragonfly and damselfly populations .

  3. 天使、丘比特、龙和仙女,他们通常具有昆虫一样的翅膀,多数为蝴蝶和豆娘那样的翅膀。

    Angels , putti , dragons and fairies are generally shown with insect wings , often those of damselfly or butterflies .