
  1. 防腐剂对豆类制品抑菌作用的研究

    Study on the bacteriostasic of antiseptic for bean products

  2. 而且,不仅仅我们人类食用大豆,世界上百分之八十的豆类制品成为了家畜的食物。

    And we 're not the only ones eating soy , either ; about 80 percent of the world 's soy production goes into livestock feed .

  3. 人流术后,应多吃些鱼类、肉类、蛋类、豆类制品等蛋白质丰富的食物和富含维生素的新鲜蔬菜,以加快身体的康复。

    After people , should eat more some fish , meat , eggs , beans and other protein products with food and are rich in vitamin fresh vegetables , so as to speed up the recovery .

  4. 各种豆类罐头制品是很好的常备食品。

    Canned varieties of beans and pulses are a good standby

  5. 豆类及其制品与中国女性乳腺癌关系的Meta分析

    A Meta-Analysis of Possible Association of Soybean And Its Products With Breast Cancer Among Chinese Female

  6. 苦荞菜中含有丰富的营养物质,其中,蛋白质含量为18.94%,高于稻米、玉米、小麦等食物,还含有人体必需的8种氨基酸,与豆类及其制品和一般鱼类接近;

    Tartary buckwheat food contains nutritious substances such as 18.94 % of protein , higher than rice , corn and wheat ; eight kinds of amino acid , close to that in bean and bean products ;

  7. 三羟异黄酮是一种植物雌激素,它广泛存在于各种植物性食品,特别是豆类及其制品。三羟异黄酮对人类有很多益处,可用于治疗癌症、改善绝经期症状、骨质疏松、心血管疾病等。

    Genistein is a phytoestrogen that is found in a wide variety of plant-derived foods especially in soybeans and soy-based foods . Genistein has potential as an alternative treatment for cancer , menopausal symptoms , osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease .

  8. 不到2/3的高血压患者有摄入奶或奶制品习惯,且日平均摄入量较低(105.7±76.5ml),大约1/2的患者经常摄入豆类/豆制品或鱼虾类。

    Less than 2 / 3 patients had the habit of intake milk or dairy products , but with a lower average daily intake ( 105.7 ± 76.5ml ) . About 1 / 2 patients often ingested beans / bean products or fish and shrimp .

  9. 主要吃未经深加工的蔬菜、水果、全谷类,豆类和豆制品;

    mostly vegetables , fruits , whole grains , legumes and soy products in their natural forms ;

  10. 因此,可多吃些鸡肉、猪瘦肉、蛋类、奶类和豆类、豆类制品等。

    Accordingly , can eat some chicken , pig lean meat , eggs , milk and soy , beans products , etc.

  11. 肉、鱼、海产、蛋、奶类制品、豆类及豆制品是蛋白质的主要来源,其主要功能包括制造、修补及维持健康的身体组织。

    Meat , fish , seafood , eggs , dairy products , beans and beans products are good sources of protein which major functions include building , repairing and maintaining healthy body tissues .