
kǒu zhēn
  • lancet;scalpella;scalpellum
口针[kǒu zhēn]
  1. 与CK非洲E40相比,多毛可以显著降低棉蚜的取食周期E2,并可显著延长第1非取食周期和增加蚜虫口针的刺探频率。

    As compared with CK ( var. African E40 ) , the density of hairiness reduced the feeding time E2 , and increased the 1st non-feeding time and penetration frequency .

  2. 根结线虫口针标本制作方法的研究

    Method for preparing the specimen of the root-knot nematode stylet

  3. 口针基部球前表面凹陷;

    ON SECTION WEAVE anterior surface of spear knobs concave ;

  4. 口针短,锥部大约为口针长度的1/3,基球圆;

    Stylet delicate , conus about one-third of stylet length , knobs rounded ;

  5. 口针较短(13.6μm);

    2 ) a shorter stylet ( 13.6 microns as compared to 17 microns );

  6. 日本松干蚧口针及其危害枝条切片观察

    Observations on the stylet and the parasitical site segment of Japanese pine bast scale

  7. 背食道腺开口距口针基部2.1&3.7(2.5)μm。

    Distance from dorsal esophageal gland orifice to stylet base is 2.1-3.7 ( 2.5 )μ m.

  8. 7种寄主植物周皮到韧皮部的距离都在紫胶蚧口针达到范围之内;

    Kerria lacca 's mouthparts can reach the secondary phloem of all 7 host trees .

  9. 由于大多数蚜虫吸食韧皮部,因此对蚜虫的口针导向机制进行了解释。

    Because most aphids ingest sap from phloem the stylet guide mechanisms of aphids are explained here .

  10. 一旦口针进入韧皮部持续吸食阶段,蚜虫在三个部位的取食行为没有太大的差异。

    And no significant differences were found in feeding behaviors among aphids on three plant parts once sustained ingestion started in the phloem .

  11. 相对于其它两个部位,甘蓝蚜的口针在花茎上用较少的刺探次数和较短的时间到达韧皮部;

    Stylets of the aphids on the stems could reach the phloem with less probes and shorter time compared to those of aphids on other two parts .

  12. 不同寄主上棉蚜的口针长度表现为棉花、黄瓜>甜瓜、木槿,棉花和黄瓜上棉蚜不能相互转接不是由于棉蚜口针长度差异所致。

    The stylet length of cotton aphid living on cucumber and cotton host had no significant difference , so it was not the cause of the host preference .

  13. 双重染色分析的结果表明:松材线虫主要通过分泌孔向体外分泌大量的分泌蛋白,而纤维素酶的分泌方式与其他植物线虫相似,是通过口针向外分泌。

    The result of double staining assay showed that the pine wood nematodes secreted some solute proteins through secretion pore , and cellulase was secreted from stylet that was the same as other plant nematodes .

  14. 前肠是一个狭窄、纤细的管道,位于咽下,起源于口针下面的食道,纵穿整个胸部,延达滤室和中肠相连。

    The esophagus , a narrow and slender tube , which is special from foregut originated from the food canal in the stylets locating behind the pharynx . It runs through the whole thorax extending into the filter chamber and connecting with anterior midgut .