
  • 网络scheduling algorithm;scheduler;schedule;algorithm
  1. Web集群服务器中分发静态请求的调度算法

    Scheduling Algorithm for Distributing Static Request in Web Server Cluster

  2. 一种资源优化的双最小均衡Web集群区分服务调度算法

    A Resource Optimizing Scheduling Algorithm of Differentiated Service of Double Minimum Balance in Web Clusters

  3. 基于约束分析的Jobshop调度算法的综述

    The Algorithms of Constraint & Based Job Shop Scheduling

  4. 适用于全IP移动通信系统的比例资源调度算法

    Proportion Resource Scheduling Algorithm Suitable for IP Mobile Telecommunication System

  5. 高速IP路由器中输入排队调度算法综述

    A Survey on Input-Queued Scheduling Algorithms in High-Speed IP Routers

  6. 流水作业调度算法及其JAVA实现

    Flow Jobs Scheduling Algorithm and its JAVA Realization

  7. 高速网络中端到端QoS传输调度算法的研究

    Research on the End-to-End QoS Scheduling Algorithm of High Speed Networks

  8. adhoc无线网络公平调度算法研究

    Research on Fair Scheduling Algorithms in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

  9. IEEE802.16宽带无线接入系统中基于QoS的调度算法

    Study on QoS Scheduling Algorithms in IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access System

  10. 一种基于OFDM的具有QoS保证的无线IP分组调度算法

    A Novel Wireless IP Packets Scheduling Algorithm with QoS Guaranteeing Based on OFDM System

  11. ATM组播交换系统的一种信元调度算法

    A Kind of Cell-scheduling Algorithm Applied to ATM Multicast Switch System

  12. 一种基于QoS的无线分组调度算法

    A QoS-Based Packet Scheduling Algorithm in Wireless Networks

  13. 一种任务类型敏感的J2EE事务调度算法

    A Task-Type Aware Transaction Scheduling Algorithm in J2EE

  14. 改进的多队列VC调度算法模型

    Improved Multi - queued Algorithm Model for VC

  15. PS业务变速率功能在包调度算法中的应用

    Application of PS rate change in packet schedule

  16. 区分服务中AF类的一种调度算法

    A Scheduling Algorithm for Assured Forwarding Aggregated Flows of Differentiated Services

  17. 混沌PSO梯级优化调度算法及实现

    Chaotic PSO cascade optimal dispatch algorithm and implement

  18. VoD系统的负载均衡存储策略及调度算法研究

    Study of load balance scheduling algorithm and placement policy for VoD systems

  19. 因此,QoS约束下的网格任务调度算法的研究更是网格计算的重点研究内容。

    Therefore , research on grid task scheduling algorithm based on Multi-dimensional QoS is the main focus of grid computing .

  20. 作者利用Visualc++软件开发工具将改进的调度算法软件化并设计CAN总线静态调度软件平台。

    The author uses Visual C + + software development tools to realize the software of improved scheduling algorithm and designs CAN bus static scheduling software platform .

  21. 基于ARM7的嵌入式OS任务调度算法的剖析、移植与改进

    The Analysis , Transplant and Improvement of an Embedded OS Based on ARM7

  22. 第三章提出了一种新颖的无线分组调度算法:FROS(FuzzyRulebasedOpportunisticScheduling)算法。

    Chapter 3 proposes a novel wireless packet scheduling algorithm which we call it Fuzzy Rule based Opportunistic Scheduling ( FROS ) .

  23. 用于DiffServ的核心无状态的虚拟时钟调度算法

    A core stateless virtual clock-based scheduling algorithm applied to DiffServ

  24. OBS网络信道调度算法的研究

    The Study of Channel Schedule Algorithm in OBS ( Optical Burst Switching ) Network

  25. 提出了一种基于多跳间时延协作的Crossbar调度算法。

    A delay coordinated based multihops crossbar scheduling algorithm is presented .

  26. 多链路PPP的调度算法

    Multi link PPP Scheduling Algorithm

  27. 介绍了单处理器的RM和EDF两种实时调度算法以及多处理器的调度算法;

    Introduced RM and EDF real-time scheduling algorithms ;

  28. 单调比率(RM)调度算法及应用

    Application of monotonic rate scheduling algorithm

  29. 一个多处理器实时线程调度算法及其在MACH操作系统下的实现方法研究

    Research on a Multiprocessor Real-Time Thread Scheduling Algorithm and Its Implementation Method in the MACH Operating System

  30. 在对节点可靠性分类的基础上,提出了一种基于计算节点可靠度的Hadoop作业调度算法(JobSchedulingBasedonNodeReliability,JSBNR)。

    Based on the classification of node reliability , it proposes a new job scheduling algorithm ( Job Scheduling Based on Node Reliability , JSBNR ) .