
tiáo hé qì xuè
  • regulation of qi and blood
调和气血[tiáo hé qì xuè]
  1. 调和气血中药复方在高中低4个浓度对黑素细胞、黑素合成和酪氨酸酶活性呈显著激活(P<0.01)。

    RP : RP had a strong promotion on melanocytic proliferation , melanin synthesis , and tyrosinase activity at four concentrations comparing with other groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 目的:观察调和气血复方及单味中药对体外培养黑素细胞(MC)和酪氨酸酶(TYR)活性的影响,阐明调和气血法治疗色素性皮肤病的机制。

    Objective To investigate the effect of regulation of qi and the blood drugs ( RD ) and compound prescription ( RP ) on melanocytes ( MC ) and tyrosinase activity ( TC ) in vitro , and discuss its therapeutic mechanism for pigmented diseases .

  3. 具有调和气血放松肌肉与理顺组织的作用。

    It has the function of regulating qi-blood and tissues , and relaxing muscles .

  4. 从整体观出发,治以调整阴阳、调和气血、疏通经络。

    He treats it as a whole , such as regulating yin and yang ; harmonize qi and blood , dredging meridians .

  5. 具有调和气血、理顺组织、舒筋通络与放松肌肉的作用。

    It has the function of regulating qi , blood and tissues , relaxing muscle and tendons and removing obstruction in the channels .

  6. 未老先防、平衡阴阳、调和气血是延缓女性衰老的重要原则。

    Preventing aging before becoming old , keeping balance of yin and yang and regulating qi and blood are the important principles of delaying female aging . 6 .

  7. 提示中医疏肝解郁、调和气血法对临床胸痛伴抑郁而常规抗心肌缺血治疗乏效的稳定型冠心病是一个值得重视的有效疗法。

    So to patients with Stable Coronary Heart disease associated with depression , Soothing Liver and Relieving Depression , Coordinating Qi and Blood is an effective therapy worth paying attention .

  8. 肝肾阴虚组20例采用滋养肝肾、调和气血法治疗。

    The deficiency of liver - yin and kidney - yin group ( DLKG ) ( 20 cases ) by nourishing the liver and kidney and harmonizing qi and blood .

  9. 根据中医理论,结合临床表现,认为本病主要由风、痰、瘀、虚所致,故确立了调和气血,活络止痛的治疗原则。

    It is known that the disease results from the wind , phlegm , blood stasis , deficiency according to the basic theory of TCM , combing the clinical manifestation .

  10. 通过对医案归纳分析将其主要治法归结为:补养五脏之阴,调和五脏气血阴阳和安养神脏,调畅脏腑气机兼以祛痰。

    Through the inductive analysis of medical case comes down to the main treatment method : nourishing the five internal organs , to reconcile the yin and yang of five internal organs , support spirit organs .