
  • 网络novak;nowak;norwalk;Steve Novak
  1. 采用RT-PCR检测诺瓦克病毒抗原。

    Norwalk virus antigen was detected by RT-PCR .

  2. 太平洋牡蛎中诺瓦克样病毒的RT-PCR法检测和病毒聚合酶区部分序列的分析

    Detection of Norwalk - like viruses in oysters by RT - PCR and gene sequence anal-ysis of RNA polymerase fragments

  3. 结果方法A、B、C检测阳性标本数分别为3份(排出诺瓦克病毒阳性标本后)、4份、1份。

    Results The number of positive specimens was 3,4 and 1 by the three methods , respectively .

  4. 应用ELISA对大便标本检测诺瓦克样病毒抗原;

    ELISA technique was applied to detect Norwalk-like virus ( NLVs ) in the stool .

  5. 他依然每天都和史蒂夫•诺瓦克(SteveNovak)交谈。

    Lin still speaks to Steve Novak every day .

  6. 诺瓦克现在教授领导能力培训课程,最近还写了一本书,名为《超级领导力》(TakingPeopleWithYou),但他早年的经历并没有预示出,他会快速成长为美国最知名企业之一的领袖。

    Mr Novak now teaches leadership training programmes and recently authored a book , Taking People With You , but his early days did not foretell his fast ascent to the top of one of the best known US corporations .

  7. 大卫•诺瓦克是百胜餐饮集团(Yum!Brands)总裁(我会在下面的段落里删掉惊叹号,免得不断反复提到这家公司引起的激动情绪干扰了我们的思路)。

    Brands ( I will henceforward omit the exclamation point , lest the constant excitement of mentioning the company become distracting ) .

  8. 百胜CEO诺瓦克在财报电话会议上表示,他希望带领公司在2014年底重回两位数的增长轨道。

    At the earnings call , yum CEO Novak says he expects to get the company back to its double-digit growth rate by the end of 2014 .

  9. 百胜CEO大卫·诺瓦克(DavidC.Novak)说,税率降低弥补了“非常令人失望的美国第二季度业绩”。

    A lower tax rate offset a " very disappointing quarter in the U.S. ," said Yum ! Brands CEO David C.Novak .

  10. 目的了解儿童诺瓦克样病毒(Norwalk-likeVirus,NLVs)感染的临床特征及危险因素。

    Objective To understand the clinical characteristics and risk factors of Norwalk-like virus ( NLVs ) infection in children with diarrhea .

  11. 野村证券(NomuraSecuritiesCo.)的分析师诺瓦克(BrianNowak)上周发布了一份报告,他在报告中预计Facebook的股价将上涨到40美元。

    Brian Nowak , an analyst at Nomura Securities Co. , which wasn 't a Facebook underwriter , published a note last week with a $ 40 target .

  12. 在电影中朱迪(Judy)假扮的角色玛德琳(两人均由金&12539;诺瓦克(KimNovak)扮演)代表了电影感性的核心。

    The character Madeleine , played in the movie by Judy ( and both played by Kim Novak ), represents the emotional heart of the film .

  13. 1997年,百胜脱离百事(pepsico),当时诺瓦克正在管理肯德基和必胜客的美国业务。

    Yum was spun off from PepsiCo in 1997 , when Mr Novak was running KFC and pizza hut in the US .

  14. 在电影中朱迪(Judy)假扮的角色玛德琳(两人均由金・诺瓦克(KimNovak)扮演)代表了电影感性的核心。

    The character Madeleine , played in the movie by Judy ( and both played by Kim Novak ) , represents the emotional heart of the film .

  15. 把诺瓦克引见给巴菲特的是可口可乐(Coke)前首席执行官道格拉斯•伊维斯特(DouglasIvester),当时伊维斯特提出的一个条件是巴菲特不会讨论百胜的股票。

    He was introduced to the " Oracle " by Doug Ivestor , former chief executive of Coke , who agreed on one condition : Mr Buffett would not talk about Yum 's stock .

  16. 百胜餐饮集团是百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)1997年分拆餐馆业务后成立的餐饮企业,旗下有肯德基、必胜客和塔可钟(TacoBell)等品牌,诺瓦克从公司成立之初就开始担任首席执行官。

    Yum ( Yum ) is the restaurant business spun off from PepsiCo ( PEP ) in 1997 , comprising KFC , pizza hut , and Taco Bell , and Novak has run it from the beginning .

  17. 这里是美国肯塔基州的路易斯维尔(Louisville),午饭时分,百胜(YumBrands)首席执行官大卫•诺瓦克(DavidNovak)溜达到公司餐厅的肯德基(KFC),要了一份烤鸡腿三明治,与几名员工一起吃起来。

    It is lunchtime in Louisville , Kentucky and David Novak , chief executive of Yum Brands , strolls up to the KFC in his company 's cafeteria , orders a grilled chicken sandwich and joins a couple of employees for a bite to eat .

  18. 目的评价思密达治疗婴幼儿诺瓦克样病毒(NLV)腹泻的效果。

    Objective To study on evaluation of the smecta in infants with diarrhea for Norwalk like virus ( NLV ) in infection .

  19. 结果90份粪便标本中诺瓦克样病毒I型(G1)和Ⅱ型(G2)阳性分别检出6例和19例,阳性率分别为6.67%和21.11%,两者差异有显著性。

    Results 6 cases of type I ( G1 ) and 19 cases of type ⅱ ( G2 ) Norwalk-like virus were detected in 90 stool samples , with a positive rate of 6.67 % and 21.11 % , respectively , indicating significant difference between them .

  20. 北京地区人群诺瓦克样病毒血清抗体水平调查

    Identification of serum antibodies against Norwalk group viruses in Beijing population

  21. 问题9:关于诺瓦克,男士知道什么?

    Question 9 : What does the man know about Norwalk ?

  22. 广东省2005年诺瓦克样病毒感染暴发疫情

    Epidemiological analysis on Norwalk-like virus gastroenteritis in Guangdong province , 2005

  23. 一起工厂发生的群体性诺瓦克样病毒性胃肠炎的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on a Case of Factory Norwalk-like Viral Gastroenteritis

  24. 儿童诺瓦克样病毒感染临床特征及危险因素

    Clinical characteristics and risk factors of Norwalk-like virus infection in Children

  25. 诺瓦克最近有很多事情要做。

    Mr Novak has a lot on his plate these days .

  26. 深圳市一起诺瓦克病毒感染性腹泻暴发的流行病学调查分析

    Epidemiological investigation and analysis of an outbreak of norwalk virus diarrhea

  27. 那么,如果诺瓦克有一位“高手”继任者,这位高手的行事会有何不同?

    So what would Mr Novak 's hotshot successor do differently ?

  28. 一起学校诺瓦克样病毒性胃肠炎暴发

    An Outbreak of Gastroenteritis Caused by Norwalk-like Virus in School

  29. 梅州市诺瓦克样病毒胃肠炎爆发疫情分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Norwalk-Like Virus Gastroenteritis Outbreak in Meizhou City

  30. 一起中学诺瓦克样病毒胃肠炎暴发疫情的调查

    Survey of outbreak of Novak-like viral gastroenteritis in a school