
wù dǎo
  • mislead;misguide;misdirect;deceive;pervert;lead astray
误导 [wù dǎo]
  • [mislead] 错误引导

  1. 大臣们不应该故意地误导议会与公众。

    Ministers must not knowingly mislead Parliament and the public .

  2. 麦克唐纳相信这样的信息可以用来操纵舆论,蒙蔽误导。

    Macdonald accepted that such information could be used to manipulate , to obfuscate , and to mislead .

  3. 也许我误导了你,但那绝不是有意的。

    Perhaps I misled you , but it was quite unintentional .

  4. 这些指示不单令人迷惑,而且肯定会误导人。

    The instructions were not just confusing , they were positively misleading .

  5. 文章把这些提案评为误导的产物。

    The article presents these proposals as misguided .

  6. 外交官可能会提供一些靠不住的误导性信息,这是众所周知的。

    Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information

  7. 也许他给他们造成了小小的误导,但他不是有意的。

    Perhaps he had slightly misled them , but it was quite unintentional

  8. 大使指称那份报告具有欺骗性和误导性。

    The ambassador called the report deceitful and misleading .

  9. 法院认为它有责任确保消费者不受误导。

    The court feels it has a responsibility to ensure that customers are not misled

  10. 他在试图误导证人。

    He is trying to improperly influence a witness

  11. 这篇文章有几处误导性说法。

    The article contains several misleading statements .

  12. 他误导了她的思想。

    He perverted her mind .

  13. 群众有时会被媒体误导。

    The masses are sometimes misled by the media .

  14. 近年来,有一小部分诉讼是指控公司使用误导性的环保标签。

    A handful of lawsuits have been filed in recent years against companies accused of using misleading environmental labels .

  15. 诉讼声称,这一标签具有误导性是因为它给购买者一种产品经过第三方认证的印象,事实上它是由公司自己认证的。

    The lawsuits said that the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the company 's own .

  16. 但是基于现在的社会经济趋势,不幸的是,这种希望是被误导的。

    But based on today 's socioeconomic trends , this hope is , unfortunately , misguided .

  17. 我认为目前情况已经变得很糟糕,有很多误解和误导性信息,很多古人会称之为诡辩的东西。

    I think that things have become very gloomy these day , lots of misunderstanding , misleading cues , a lot of what the ancients would have called sophistry .

  18. “建好自会有人来”是一种误导性的观念。

    " If you build it they will come " is a misleading belief .

  19. 但这种疾病正在卷土重来,原因是不断增长的反疫苗运动和迅速蔓延的误导性信息。

    But the disease is making a comeback , caused by a growing anti-vaccine movement and misinformation that is spreading quickly .

  20. 不管我们是被偷了,被骗了,被误导了,还是被骗了,失去信任的程度是不同的。

    Whether we 've been stole from , lied to , misled , or cheated on , there are different levels of losing trust .

  21. 对于读者投入剧情的所有情感而言,文学就如同一个误导人的数字游戏,而时间的考验又是极难通过的。

    For all the feelings readers attach to stories , literature is a numbers game , and the test of time is extremely difficult to pass .

  22. “网络谣言”另外一个比较低调的说法是digitalmisinformation。不过,用火来做比喻似乎更加引人注意,而且这个说法巧妙地将传播误导性事实带来的破坏性结果比作野火烧过后留下的残迹。

    The concept underpinned of fire seems much more appealing however , aptly comparing the damage caused by the spread of misleading facts to the trail of destruction left in the wake of a wildfire .

  23. 我了解,先生。你并非有意误导警察。

    I understand , sir.You didn 't willfully mislead the police .

  24. 有些信息有误导成分,会带来风险。

    Some of the information was dangerously misleading .

  25. Shampaign指虚假的、不诚恳的,或者有误导性质的宣传活动,尤其是以政界职位或商业利益为目的的宣传活动,我们可称之为“虚假宣传”。

    Shampaign is a fake , insincere , or misleading campaign , particularly for political office or commercial gain .

  26. 日方应该好好听清楚,不要再就中国发展胡言乱语、误导公众。

    And I tell the Japanese side now , stop talking nonsense about China 's development and misleading the public .

  27. 有这种人当道,误导舆论,日本老百姓怎么能客观理性地看待中国发展,怎么能对中日关系树立信心?

    With such person misleading the public opinion , how can the Japanese people view China 's development in an objective and rational way and build up confidence in China-Japan relations ?

  28. 我们的大脑会自动识别大的图形,也就是说,如果我们看到一个正方形里面有很多个小的长方形,然后被问到正方形里面是什么图形的话,我们就会很容易被误导,然后回答说“里面是正方形”。

    Our brains are wired to take in the bigger picture , meaning that if we are shown a square filled with rectangles and asked what is inside , we can easily be fooled into saying ' squares ' .

  29. 草案规定,餐饮服务提供者诱导、误导消费者超量点餐造成明显浪费的,由市场监督管理部门给予警告,拒不改正的,处一千元以上一万元以下罚款。

    Catering service providers may face a fine ranging from 1000 yuan to 10000 yuan if they encourage or mislead consumers into ordering excessive quantities of food which causes waste , and refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by market supervision departments , according to the draft law .

  30. 报告列举了一些具体的例子,例如,在英国卡通片《小猪佩奇》的第七集中,动画角色骑在一个直升机吊着的大南瓜上,委员会认为这一镜头属于危险动作,可能误导孩子认为攀爬高处是很安全的。

    The report listed some specific examples such as in the seventh episode of the English cartoon Peppa Pig , characters ride on a giant pumpkin that is being airlifted by a helicopter , which the committee considers dangerous as it may mislead children into thinking it is safe to climb high places .