
yǔ yán měi
  • Language beauty;beautification of language;beautiful speech
  1. 声乐教学中的语言美是上好每一节声乐课的重要因素。

    Beautiful language is an important factor in each music lessons .

  2. 论当下广告语对语言美的破坏倾向

    On the Damaging Effects of Modern Advertisements on the Beauty of Language

  3. 中学政治教师课堂教学语言美研究

    The Research on the Fine Teaching Language of Politics Education

  4. 教学中的形式美、语言美和情感化教学;

    The teaching on the formal beauty , language beauty and emotion .

  5. 在大学英语教学中挖掘教材的语言美

    Bringing the beauty of language out in college English teaching

  6. 应用文与文学作品中语言美的研究

    Research on Words Used in Applied Writing and Literature Writing

  7. 教师教学的语言美和态势美

    On Beauty of Language and Beauty of Posture in Teaching

  8. 广告英语中的修辞语言美

    Appreciating the linguistic Beauty of Rhetorical skills in Adverting English

  9. 从高校应用写作看现代应用文的语言美

    Regard the Beauty of Modern Practical Writing From Practical of Colleges and Universities

  10. 汉诗英译中的语言美

    Beauty of Language in C - E Poem Translation

  11. 试论李清照词的语言美

    Beautiful Language on Li Qing Zhao 's Words

  12. 教学语言美是一种教学艺术。

    Fine teaching language utilization is an art .

  13. 科技语言美浅探

    Preliminary Study on the Beauty of Scientific Language

  14. 论女性语言美与仪表美

    On Women 's Language Beauty and Appearance Beauty

  15. 表格反馈促使学生进行自我评价,促进学生的语言美。

    Form feedback to student self evaluation , promote the students ' language beauty .

  16. 语文教师语言美的感召力

    The Contagiousness of Chinese Teachers ′ Wonderful Language

  17. 教师语言美是语言规范典雅美和表情达意灵活美的融合;

    The good teachers'good words are fusion of normal and refined words and flexible expression ;

  18. 论语文教学的语言美

    On the language Beauty of Chinese Teaching

  19. 女人有三美:形象美,语言美,心灵美。

    Woman has three radiances : Beautiful image ; Speak kindly ; Beautiful caring heart .

  20. 试论语文教师课堂教学的语言美

    Fine Classroom Language Utilized by Chinese Teachers

  21. 浅谈图书馆流通部工作人员的语言美

    Talking about the Language Beauty of the Staff of the Circulation Section of University Library

  22. 试论电视广告的语言美

    The Linguistic Beauty of TV Commercial

  23. 论数学语言美

    On the Beauty of Mathematical Language

  24. 教师语言美是教育教学内容美和形式美的和谐统一。

    The teachers ' good words are harmonious unity of content and form in education and teaching .

  25. 新闻的审美特征,主要表现为语言美、意境美和情感美。

    The aesthetic traits are mainly reflected in the beauties of language , artistic conception and sentiments .

  26. 心灵美,语言美,行为美,环境美

    beauty of the mind , beauty of the language , beauty of the behavior , beauty of the environment

  27. 言语美是语言美在具体言语行为和言语事件中的体现。

    The beauty of speech is a representation of beauty of language in concrete speech events and speech acts .

  28. 又从民同汲取创作营养,独具音乐美、意境美、语言美的艺术优长。

    They draw nourishment from people and have the artistic features of the beauty of music , concept and language .

  29. 英汉议论文体主位推进模式对比分析论英汉文学翻译中的语言美&兼议英汉翻译语体风格的转换

    A Comparison of the Thematic Progression Models between English and Chinese Argumentative Writings ; On Linguistic Delicacy In English-Chinese Translation

  30. 本文试从外形美、语言美、人格美等方面对护士的魅力进行论述。

    The paper tries to discuss nurses ' charisma from three aspects , namely , beauty of the appearance , language and personality .