- 网络semantic rule;linguistic rule;Rule

Validity check ( Default : basic validity check ): The validity check verifies that the data model follows the semantic rules for the model format
On the other hand , state issues associated with asynchronous applications and the semantic rules of the Java language dictate that I can 't completely avoid UI-related interactivity in my tests .
This algorithm is the base of semantic-corrected DEM and vector data integration . After embedding algorithm , the vector data get the height information .
The importance of constructing the CNC machining ontology is analyzed . The developing language and tools are specified . The main concepts in CNC domain are classified and defined , and the SWRL is used to design the semantic rules .
A Study on Semantic Rules in Chinese Sentential Input Systems
Research on Chinese Phrase Structure Disambiguation Based on Semantic Rules
Research on Method for Privacy Control in Ubiquitous Computing Based on Semantic Rule
Semantic Rule - Driven Modeling for Chinese Ancient Architectures
A Semantic Fusion Algorithm in Knowledge-based Environments
Therefore , its use is compulsive in syntax and semantics and selective in pragmatics .
We provided a metadata mapping oriented model transformation approach . It separates metadata mapping rules into structural rules and semantics rules .
According to four types of intrinsic properties of spatial objects , spatial semantics rules were designed which can accurately represent spatial objects .
Through the semantic rules and positional relationship between the original input note and current stroke to determine whether they can be combined .
Syntax-lead translator appends lingual attribute on grammar symbol , calculating attribute value with semantic regulation , which attach to a group of producer expression .
The production form of the grammar is a finite-state form , but the context information of the attributes are introduced into the semantic part of the grammar .
This paper first studies the problem of generating the individual rules and rule generation of the dynamic resource constraints , and then introduces the semantic rules of inference model ; finally , a rule inference verification .
Then , the paper introduces a method to define the security semantics rules of the process , and get the conclusion of security semantics through calculating the stable model of security semantics rules and the process logic .
Turned divergences into common understanding , fixed the structure of basic form , laid out four basises of setting up the form , and raised three semantic rules which basic form must adhere to . Discussed the practical significance of defining basic form .
Generalized semantic MP rules and generalized semantic HS rules of the system H_a
Constructing and Strategy Analyzing of Rule System for the Semantic Web Based on SWRL and Jess
This paper expresses the ontology mapping rules using semantic Web rule language ( SWRL , Semantic Web Rule Language ), which makes up for the deficiency of the reasoning ability of OWL .
For protecting of data consistency from BPEL to LOTOS , this paper , based on the basic semantic mapping rules , provide BPEL-to-LOTOS data type mapping .
In this paper , the formalized description of active rules in ORDBMS ( object relational database management system ) is presented . The semantics of rule components , rule inheritance , rule operations , multiple rule triggering and rule cascade triggering is fully discussed .
⑶ New coordination primitives and a revision of partial Linda-based operations are defined in order to ensure communication and coordination based on the principle of publish and retrieve of semantic information in the form of tuple .
Rule knowledge through rules of semantic analysis of nouns and verbs .
Automatic Acquisition of Chinese Semantic Collocation Rules Based on Association Rule Mining Technique
The research of human motion image semantics will be benefited from the model semantics .
Capturing the semantic of temporal conditions is a very important task of the rule analyst during the analysis phase .
Based on the new system executing model and the extended transaction model , a rule processing algorithm that supports rich rule semantic can be represented .
The irregular compound words result from the diachronic evolution of Chinese vocabulary that are based on some morphemes but can not be analyzed by structure .