
chénɡ shí xìn yònɡ yuán zé
  • Principle of good faith;good faith doctrine;bona fide doctrine
  1. 税法中适用诚实信用原则研究

    Research on the Application of the Bona Fide Doctrine on the Tax Law

  2. 试论合同法中的诚实信用原则&从规范的角度进行分析

    On the Bona Fide Doctrine in the Contract Law

  3. 诚实信用原则与ADR的完善

    Good Faith Principle and ADR Consummation

  4. 诚实信用原则以其不确定性和衡平性的特质正好契合了在法制化大背景下的ADR制度的要求。

    Good Faith principle , with its special characteristic of indefiniteness and equilibrium , has indeed met the demand of ADR system , against the legal system background .

  5. 一般而言,普通法系的国家常以客观的正当程序作为界定APR的标准,大陆法系则更重视以主观状态(常利用诚实信用原则)来衡量一个是否属于APR。

    Normally , APR is defined by due process in Common Law system , and in the Civil Law system by subjective state of mind ( usually by good faith ) .

  6. 试论诚实信用原则在公法域的适用

    On Application of Principle of Honesty and Credit to Public Law

  7. 在刑事诉讼中确立诚实信用原则

    On Establishing the Credit and Honest Principle in the Criminal Suit

  8. 诚实信用原则成为任何行为实施人的行为规则。

    Good-Faith Principle become the rule of human behavior for everyone .

  9. 民事诉讼法中确立诚实信用原则的探讨

    On the Principle of Good Faith in the Civil Procedure Law

  10. 诚实信用原则的理性思考与科学定位

    The Rational Thought and Scientific Location of Honest and Credit Principle

  11. 公平诉讼观与诚实信用原则

    The fair idea of action and the principle of good faith

  12. 以诚实信用原则规制法官的自由裁量权

    Regulating the Judicial Discretion by the Principle of Good Faith

  13. 信用与诚实信用原则之比较

    On the credit On Comparison between the Credit and Good Faith Doctrine

  14. 论诚实信用原则的语源及其历史沿革

    The Language Source and History Evolution of Honest Credit Principle

  15. 浅议民法中诚实信用原则及其市场价值

    Principles of Honesty and Credibility in Civil Law and Its Market Value

  16. 民事诉讼中确立诚实信用原则理论之嬗变

    The Evolution of Principle of Honesty and Good Faith in Civil Lawsuit

  17. 在民事诉讼中建立诚实信用原则的若干想法

    Thoughts of Constructing Honesty and Credibility Rules in Civil Proceedings

  18. 论诚实信用原则在反不正当竞争法中的适用

    On the Application of Bona Fide Principle in the Anti-unfair Competition Law

  19. 论商法之诚实信用原则

    On the Honesty and Credit Principle of the Commercial Law

  20. 国际商事合同通则诚实信用原则研究

    A Study on the Principle of Good Faith of PICC

  21. 诚实信用原则在保险法中的适用主要表现为保险合同当事人、保险合同工关系人、保险合同辅助人的诚实信用义务。

    Its application is mainly the good faith obligations of each party .

  22. 诚实信用原则的博弈分析

    Analyzing the Credit Principle from the View of Gaming Theory

  23. 诚实信用原则是民事诉讼中道德原则的法律化。

    Faith principle is the legalization of moral principle in civil procedure .

  24. 浅析我国合同法中的诚实信用原则

    On the Bona - fide Principle of Chinese Contract Law

  25. 中西诚实信用原则比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Principle of Honesty and Credit

  26. 论诚实信用原则在工程变更中的运用

    Application of the Honesty and Credit Principle in Project Variation

  27. 诚实信用原则的功能及其司法适用

    The Function and Judicial Application of the Good Faith Doctrine

  28. 诚实信用原则的含义

    On the Connotation of the Principle of Honesty and Credit

  29. 诚实信用原则与会计信息失真的法律思考

    Principle of Good Credibility and Distorted Accounting Information From a Legal Viewpoint

  30. 刑事辩护制度诚实信用原则初论

    On the Good Faith Principle in Criminal Pleading System