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  1. 在这些诗歌中,为诗者采用隐喻手段描写所咏之物,构成第一次映射。

    During these poems , the poet writes the elements by constructing metaphors , which the mappings of are called the first mapping .

  2. 此外,诗歌表面看似状物,实则是为诗者自己的写照,形成了物和人之间的映射,这就是二次映射。

    Moreover , the poem seems to express the element on the surface , but it actually is the portrayal of the poet , which forms the mapping between the element and the human . This is called the second mapping .

  3. 渐黄昏,清篇简文,诗者去也。

    Gradually evening , Wen-ching articles , poetry from and go .

  4. 引诗者将存有的真理向公众阐述的沟通。

    From poetry will " have " and " truth " to the public on communication .

  5. 我藉由在他们之上发明生活转移我自己,而且愉快向田园诗者总是找我的想像。

    I divert myself by inventing the life upon them , and am amused to find my imagination always towards the idyllic .

  6. 诗者的眼里,整个冬天,只是一个人的世界,只有一个人的精彩。

    From the eyes of poetry , the whole winter , just one person 's world , there is only one of the best people .

  7. 《明三十家诗选》是清代女诗人汪端所选的明代诗歌总集,充分展现了选诗者的诗学观和审美取向。

    A Collection of Poems by Thirty Poets of the Ming Dynasty is a full manifestation of Wang Duan ′ s understanding of poetics and her aesthetic taste .

  8. 网络诗歌阵地恢弘,诗写者的先锋姿态和现代性审美表达,都表明诗歌是一种高度自觉的文学活动。

    The pioneer posture of the poetry writers and the expression of modern aesthetic appreciations indicate that poetry is a highly self-conscious literary activity .

  9. 因此,她常被誉为美国现代诗的开拓者。

    Therefore , she is often honored as the pioneer of modern American Poetry .

  10. 位诺贝尔奖桂冠诗屠杀还者,次议予道德视。

    Elie Weisel , a Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor , added his moral weight to the debate .

  11. 以诗艺论,任兄雅好凝炼,不拘字义文法之桎梏,不落赘词冗句之窠臼,真知诗之三昧者。

    Technically , Ren 's preference to condensed , succinct phrasal utterances instead of to drawn-out , grammatically viable sentences shows how well he grasps the quintessence of poetry .

  12. 梁宗岱:纯诗理论的探求者&现代诗学批评家评述之一

    Liang Zongdai : Explorer of the Theory on Pure Poetry

  13. 李先芳认为风、雅、颂的区别不是音调的不同,也不是辞气、内容不同,而是来源不同,出处不同。郝敬云:凡诗未有离兴者。

    Li Xianfang thinked Feng , Ya , Song distinction is not a different tone , not rhetoric , different content , but the sources of different origin .

  14. 诗2:7受膏者说、要传圣旨.和华曾对我说、是我的儿子、今日生你。

    I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord : He said to Me , ' You are My Son , Today I have begotten You .

  15. 自文艺理论界实现“语言学转向”以来,海德格尔提出的“诗乃是存在者之无蔽的言说”的命题就受到关注。

    Ever since the Linguistic Turn in western aesthetic studies , Heidegger 's statement " But poetry that thinks is in truth the topology of Being " has aroused enormous discussion .

  16. 赏诗过程,也是一个诗境与赏诗者心情相统一的过程,即寻觅知音的过程。

    Poetry appreciation is the process of the readers ' mood merging into a poem 's mood .

  17. 古代希伯来抒情诗、中古阿拉伯和波斯的抒情诗、印度抒情诗三者,其题材往往是宗教性的或者与宗教有关。

    The subjects of ancient Hebrew lyric , medieval Arabic and Persian lyrics , and India lyric are mostly religious or connected with religions .

  18. 二《南》,即《周南》和《召南》,在《诗》中具有特殊的地位和意义,春秋以后成为治《诗》者备受关注的对象。

    " Two South ", namely " Zhou Nan ," and " Shao Nan ," has a special status and significance in the " Book of Poetry " .