
  • 网络Poetry Creation;poetry writing;poetical works
  1. 和谐与秩序是贯穿于蒲柏诗歌创作中最重要而突出的伦理思想,也是他毕生所追求的道德理想。

    The doctrine of " harmony and order " is the most important ethical theory in the poetical works of Pope , who had been seeking this ethical ideal all his life .

  2. 论文主要研究了巴林蒙古族青年诗人的诗歌创作。

    This paper mainly studies the Bahrain Mongolia youth poetry writing .

  3. 我全身心投入诗歌创作。

    I flung myself into poetry .

  4. 她是一名诗歌创作艺术的初学者。

    She is a tyro in the art of writing poetry .

  5. 托马斯·哈代(ThomasHardy,1840-1928)是文学上为数不多的在小说和诗歌创作上都取得辉煌成就的英国作家。

    Thomas Hardy ( 1840-1928 ) is one of the few writers who have achieved a high status in both novels and poetry .

  6. 石林诗论和诗歌创作研究

    A Study of Shi Lin 's Poetic Theory and Poetic Creation

  7. 论朱熹的山林情趣与他的诗歌创作

    About Zhu xi 's interest in mount-woods and his poetic creation

  8. 中国现代诗歌创作的民族化追求

    Be in Pursuit of the Nationalization of Indite Chinese Modern Poesy

  9. 拜伦在诗歌创作中呈现出浓郁的死亡意识。

    Byron presents a striking consciousness of death in his poems .

  10. 王守仁在常德的诗歌创作

    On Poems Written by Wang Shou - ren at Chang de

  11. 论杜甫对冯至诗歌创作的影响

    On Influence of Du Fu to Feng Zhi on Poem Making

  12. 隐逸:仕途憧憬的逆向缓冲&唐末诗人的隐居与诗歌创作

    Seclusion and Poetry Writing of Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty

  13. 许浑生平思想与其诗歌创作关系之研究

    Study on the Connection between Xu Hun 's Ideology and Poetry

  14. 论闻一多诗歌创作中的艺术想象特性

    A Discussion of the Artistic Imagination in Wen Yiduo 's Poem Composition

  15. 徐志摩诗歌创作艺术风格略论

    A Brief Account on the Artistic Style of Xu Zhi-mo 's Poems

  16. 此期的诗歌创作理应引起我们的重视。

    Poems in this historic period should draw our attentions .

  17. 并从中发掘岭南三家诗歌创作之间的联系。

    From which explore the links between the Lingnan three poetry writing .

  18. 并且他在诗歌创作内容上体现了一种独特的人文关怀和社会责任。

    His poem writing reflects a unique humanistic care and social responsibility .

  19. 论唐五代唐诗学与诗歌创作的离合

    Contrast of Poetics and Poetic Creation in the Five Dynasties

  20. 闻一多曾高度评价过他的诗歌创作。

    Wen Yiduo ever sang highly of Liu 's creation .

  21. 古代诗歌创作手法赋比兴摭谈中国古代诗赋作品中的鹦鹉意象研究

    Study on Parrots Images in Ancient Chinese Poems and Odes

  22. 在北京期间,开始诗歌创作。

    He began to write the poem during in Beijing .

  23. 甘露之变与刘禹锡后期诗歌创作

    Gan Lu Incident and Liu Yuxi 's Later-period Poetry Creation

  24. 从康熙的诗歌创作看其积极用世的情怀

    A View on Emperor Kangxi 's Positive Attitude Toward Life From His Poems

  25. 他的诗歌创作具有独特的中国风格。

    His poetry creation is of typical Chinese style .

  26. 吟诵活动与人类一道诞生并先于诗歌创作而存在。

    Recitation grew with human beings before poetry creation .

  27. 但他佛教思想为主。第三章是诗僧皎然的诗歌创作生活。

    The third chapter is his creative writing life .

  28. 论晁采、李冶的诗歌创作

    On Chao Cai and Li Ye 's Poetry Creation

  29. 从现实功业人生到自我个体人生的转变&谈王安石的诗歌创作

    On the Transformation from the Real Exploits in Life to Self-Individual in Life

  30. 试论陶渊明诗歌创作的虚静特点

    On " Unreal Quietness " of Tao Yuan - ming 's Writing Poetry