
  • 网络Test well
  1. 今年夏天,日本政府也加入了实验,康菲石油也在阿拉斯加州北坡(NorthSlope)完成了试验井的钻探工作。

    This summer the Japanese government joined the experiment and Conoco Phillips finished boring the test well on the North Slope of Alaska .

  2. 该试验井施工使用GZ-2000型水源钻机,TBW-850/50型泥浆泵,钻探深度2202.98m。

    The GZ-2000 type water source drill rig and TBW-850 / 50 mud pump were used in the test well construction , drilling depth 2202.98m .

  3. 运用国际通用的机械设计软件(Pro/E、AutoCAD),建立该试验井的系统结构模型和各系统中主要零部件的力学模型;

    Using international current machinery design software ( Pro / E , AutoCAD ), have built the configuration model of the test-well system and the mechanics model of the major parts of every subsystem .

  4. 试验井3口,对应受效井4口,一年累增油1945t。

    There are three testing wells , four benefited wells and cumulative incremental oil 1945t .

  5. 在地面模拟试验井,24~27MPa压力条件下射孔和割缝深度达0.50m以上;

    Surface simulating tests obtained perforations with depth above 0.50m when pump pressures were between 24 ~ 27MPa .

  6. TK431井是在该地区实施的一口解决该井段井眼失稳问题的试验井。

    Well TK431 was a test well drilled in this area trying to solve the problem of borehole instability .

  7. 通过对第二口中国大陆科学钻探先导性试验井(CCSD-PP2)的测井资料研究,结合全井段钻井取心资料,探索了利用测井资料确定变质岩地层岩性的方法。

    Based on studying log data from CCSD PP2 ( Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Pre pilot ⅱ) well and its whole coring data , a method is introduced for determining the formation lithology of metamorphic rock .

  8. 4口试验井已累积增油534.3t,有效期超过110d,投入产出比达到1:2.4以上。为高含蜡原油低渗透油田的增产提供了一条可行的方法。

    Cumulative incremental oil in four wells is 534 . 3t , valid period is over 110 days and input-output ratio is more than 1:2.4 . It provides a feasible stimulation for high wax-bearing crude and low permeability oilfield .

  9. 研究结果表明,在目前试验井条件下,介质的电化学腐蚀性不强,材料的平均腐蚀速率小于0.1mm/a,腐蚀以局部点蚀为主。

    The results showed that the corrosion of the medium in the field was not serious at present , the corrosion rate of the materials were lower than 0.1mm / a , and the corrosion represented as pitting corrosion .

  10. 通过应用JGN完井液,与相邻区的井对比,试验井采液强度提高了14.5%,注水压力降低了6%,表皮系数降低了0.74,地层完善程度提高了31.3%,取得了较好的保护油层效果。

    Comparing with adjacent wells of the same block , the fluid productivity was increased by 14.5 % , the water injection pressure was deceased by 6 % , the skin factor was lowered by 0.74 and the formation efficiency was increased by 31.3 % .

  11. 矿场应用于河2-斜4井注采试验井组,自1998年4月至今,其日产油能力为82t、采油速度达3.0%以上,稳产3年,取得了明显的开发效果。

    Injection-production test in well group of He 2-Xie 4 using this agent achieved obvious effect of a daily production rate 82t / d , an oil recovery rate more than 3.0 % and a stable production period of three years from April 1998 to the present .

  12. 标准试验井抽油杆摩擦功率的初步研究

    A Primary Study on the Frictional Power of Sucker Rod String in Wells

  13. 采油工程试验井专用绞车动态设计

    Dynamic Design of Oil Engineering Testing System Appropriative Drawworks

  14. 随着冬季来临、气温大幅下降,试验井将运营100天。

    As temperatures plunge this winter , the well will operate for100 days .

  15. 水力模拟试验井的设计思路及应用

    Design and Application of Simulated Hydraulic Test Well

  16. 运用该研究成果,设计实施的4口热采先导试验井均获成功。

    Four pilot thermal producing wells have obtained ideal results with the study achievements .

  17. 试验井用玻璃钢管道本体及连接螺纹的强度设计

    Strength design of connection threads of experiment well

  18. 本文阐述了该项工艺技术内容,及介绍现场试验井的施工实例。

    In this paper , the author expounds the technologic content of this technique and $

  19. 气举试验井两相流动特性分析

    Analysis of Two Phase Flow Character of Test Well for Oil Extraction with Gas Lift Metho

  20. 缅甸某船坞抽水试验井局部失稳原因及预防对策

    The Reasons and Measures of Local Instability of Wells for One Myanmar Ship Yard Pumping Test

  21. 五口试验井实践表明,在一定条件下使用导向钻具,可取得明显的经济效益。

    Five-well drilling practice has shown that steering drilling can create significant profits under certain conditions .

  22. 通过与常规煤层气试验井对比,分析了煤层气小井眼钻井的经济效益。

    Through a comparison , the economic benefit in slim-hole drilling for coalbed gas has been analyzed .

  23. 为了搞好油环带的开发,在构造中部油环带上部署了三个先导试验井组进行开发试验。

    Three pilot test well groups were allocated in the oil rim zone in the center of the structure .

  24. 韩城地区煤储层压力异常是影响参数试验井煤层气产出主要的原因。

    The abnormity of the pressure of coal reservoir is an important reason for affecting the coal bed gas development .

  25. 大宁&吉县地区午城煤层气试验井组试采效果评价及影响因素分析

    The Analysis of Production Effect and the Discussion of Influencing Factors of Wucheng Coalbed Methane Test Well Group in Daning-Jixian Area

  26. 其次对有生产或试验井网的地方,可以通过生产数据的历史拟合来模拟计算煤层气采收率;

    It is calculated by simulation with the historical fitting of production data where there are production or test well nets ;

  27. 对江苏油田试验井进行分析后发现,目前江苏油田的杆柱设计方法存在较大的改善空间。

    Based on the calculation and analysis of the pilot well in Jiangsu oilfield , the rod design could be reformed better .

  28. 钻采工具试验井的设计中体现了性能先进、运行可靠、操作安全和维护便捷的原则。

    The principle is advance capability and credibility function and safety operation in the design of the drill and petroleum extraction tools .

  29. 经过该区几口井的现场实验表明,试验井平均机械钻速从原来的不足2m/h提高到现在的6.1m/h。

    The field tests on several wells indicated that average ROP was increased from less than 2m / h to 6.1m / h ;

  30. 将桥塞下入模拟试验井进行坐封、解封、耐密封模拟试验,结果表明,它能承受较高的上、下压力,具有坐封可靠,解封方便等特点。

    The test results indicate that this bridge plug can bear high pressure and has such properties as reliable setting and convenient releasing , etc.