
zhèng rèn
  • identification;certify
证认 [zhèng rèn]
  • [certify] 经过观察检验而确认某自然界事物的存在,或证明它是本事物不是其他事物

  • 现在已经证认的星际分子有五十多种

证认[zhèng rèn]
  1. 新的H2O脉泽源的发现与证认

    Discovery and identification of new h_2o maser sources

  2. 云南天文台1m望远镜Coude摄谱仪&CCD分光系统的参数测定与Fe-Ar定标光谱的证认

    Parameter Determination and Fe-Ar Calibration Spectrum Identification for the Coude Spectrograph-CCD System of the 1m Telescope at Yunnan Observatory

  3. 11个类星体、3个BLLac天体和1个射电星系的Υ射线辐射已得到证认。

    Gamma-ray emissions from 11 quasars , 3 BL Lac Objects and 1 radiogalaxy have been identified .

  4. 新S星的IRAS证认

    New IRAs identifications of s stars

  5. 黑洞的搜寻和证认(II):脉冲星-黑洞(PSR-BH)双星系统的研究和搜寻

    Detection and Confirmation of Black Holes ( II ): Studying and Searching for Pulsar-Black Hole ( PSR-BH ) Binary Systems

  6. 通过对ROSAT亮X射线源光学对应体的证认,我们已经发现了7个激变变星。

    By identifying the optical objects of the ROSAT bright X - ray sources , 7 cataclysmic variables ( CVs ) have been discovered .

  7. RASS源中证认的一颗亮Seyfert星系

    A bright Seyfert identified from RASS sources

  8. 由NVSS证认的射电类星体

    The Radio Quasars identified from the NVSS Catalogue

  9. 本文发表继探测到恒星形成区的10个新H2O脉泽〔1〕后,再发现和证认的7个银河系星际H2O脉泽及其有关参量和谱线图。

    Following the ten new H2O masers detected in star-forming regions [ 1 ] published , seven more Galactic interstellar H2O masers with their related parameters and spectra are briefly given in this paper .

  10. Taurus-Aurigaa外围区ROSAT定点观测选WTTS的光学证认与研究

    Optical Identification and Study of X-ray Selected WTTS in the Taurus-Auriga Outskirts based on ROSAT Pointing Observations

  11. 所选127个OH/IR脉泽源全部是有光学或红外证认的,其中大部分是光谱型>M5的长周期变星(主要是Mira变星)。

    AM the selected OH / IR sources have optical or infrared identification . Most of them are associated with late-type ( > M5 ) Mira variables .

  12. 结果表明30个与脉冲星位置一致的EGRET点源中有14个与脉冲星有本质的或很可能的联系,40个低纬度持续稳定未证认源中有16个是可能的脉冲星候选源。

    It is found that 14 of the 30 point sources may be associated with pulsars , and 16 of the 40 persistent unidentified sources are possible pulsar candidates .

  13. 本文利用红外天文卫星点源表(IRASPSC)及哈勃望远镜导星星表(HSTGSC)对1990年新发表的75个S星进行了IRAS红外源及GSC光学对应体的证认。

    New IRAS associations for some S stars by Stephenson in 1990 are identified in this paper by using the IRAS Point Source Catalog and the HST Guide Star Catalog .

  14. 本文包含天体的分光观测和处理资料中所涉及到的Coude摄谱仪和1024CCD系统的相关参数,以及CCD响应区Fe-Ar发射光谱的证认结果。

    Related parameters of the Coude spectrograph-CCD system and identifications of Fe-Ar emission spectra in the CCD corresponding region are given in this paper for the 1M telescope at Yunnan Observatory .

  15. 根据光谱能力和观测模式,提出了LAMOST的选题目标,分析讨论了LAMOST可以开展的交叉证认工作。

    According to the spectral ability and the observational mode of LAMOST , we suggest the suitable objects for LAMOST observations , and discuss the cross-identification for selecting candidates .

  16. 一种快速求红移和证认谱线的新方法&伪三角法

    A Pseudo - triangle Technique for Redshift Identification of Celestial Spectra

  17. 1993年10月2日太阳射电爆发事件的证认和分析

    Confirmation and Analysis of a Solar Radio Burst on 1993 October 2

  18. 类星体谱线证认与普通物理教学

    The identification of quasar spectral lines and general physics teaching

  19. 49个爆后新星的证认和定位

    Identifications and Astrometric Positions of 49 Post-Novae and Cataclysmic Variables

  20. 海量多波段星表数据的交叉证认的实现

    The Realization of Cross-identification Based on Huge Multi-wavelength Catalog Data

  21. 类星体吸收线红移系统的证认方法

    The Method of Identifying the Redshift Systems of Absorption Lines in QSOs Spectra

  22. 交叉证认法选择平滑因子的几点讨论

    On the discussion about smoothing factor selected by the cross - validation method

  23. 高红移类星体(Ⅰ):类星体的探测和证认

    High Redshift Quasars (ⅰ): The Techniques of Detecting Quasars

  24. 北京天文台兴隆观测站夜天光光谱证认

    Identification of the Night Sky Spectra of Xinglong Station , Beijing Astronomical Observatory

  25. 低纬度末证认γ射线源的起源问题的探讨

    Possible Origin of Low Latitude Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources

  26. 恒星的非径向脉动和模式证认

    Nonradial Pulsation of stars and Its Mode Identification

  27. 新的γ射线脉冲星PSR1055-52的COS-B证认

    The identification of the new γ - ray pulsar PSR 1055-52 from cos-b data

  28. 哈雷彗星1986年光谱的谱线证认

    Spectral line identification of halley 's comet in 1986 on line the story of year

  29. 搜索和证认大气层中人造卫星的单参法

    The method of single parameter to search for and identify artificial satellite in the atmosphere

  30. 中国古代彗星记录的证认

    Identification of Cometary Records in Ancient China