
  1. 而且至少到目前为止,几乎没有证据表明证券化市场即将再次繁荣。

    And thus far , at least , there is still precious little evidence that the securitisation market is ready to flourish again .

  2. 基于证据理论的证券投资分析方法

    New method of stock investment analysis based on theory of evidence

  3. 这些经验证据表明对于证券公司来说,完善产权和治理安排是解决代理问题和降低公司风险的主要途径。

    The empirical evidence indicates that the property rights reform and corporate governance are the major ways to solve agency problems and reduce risk exposure for securities firms .

  4. 没有足够的证据表明中国证券投资基我国封闭式证券投资基金的业绩评价与实证研究金存在市场时机选择能力,只有极少数的基金存在证券选择能力。

    There is not enough evidence that indicate that Chinese security investment funds have choosing ability in the market opportunity , only a few funds has choosing ability in the security .

  5. [赫顿财务公司的]纽约数处分号洗钱证据,周二因证券交易所提出控诉而曝光。

    The evidence of money laundering in certain [ E.F.Hutton 's ] New York offices came to light Tuesday in a filing by the Securities and Exchange Commission .