
zhènɡ rén zhènɡ yán
  • witness' testimony
  1. 第二部分:证人证言在民事诉讼中的地位。

    Second : The status of witness testimony in civil litigation .

  2. 第三部分:证人证言的审查判断。

    Third : The examination and judgement of the witness testimony .

  3. 诚实证人证言或然性探析

    An Exploration on the Possibility of the Testimony from Honest Witnesses

  4. 在刑事诉讼中对证人证言的审查认证方法

    Censoring and Attestation Method of the Witness ' Testimony in Criminal Lawsuit

  5. 民事诉讼证人证言之完善

    On the Perfection of the Testimony of Witness in the Civil Action

  6. 民事诉讼证人证言的审查判断

    Examination and Judgement of Witness Testimony in Civil Litigation

  7. 证人证言是我国民事诉讼中法定的基本证据形式之一。

    Testimony of witness is one of legal and basic forms of evidence .

  8. 质询证人证言法则探讨

    Research on Rules of Inquiring Testimony of Witness

  9. 摘要证人证言在刑事诉讼中是一种非常重要的证据。

    The testimony of the witness plays an important role in the criminal procedure .

  10. 证人证言是诉讼活动中是最重要、最普遍运用的一种证据。

    Testimony of witness in lawsuit actions is the most important and popular-used evidence .

  11. 书面证言不是适格的证人证言,但却是适格的书证;

    Written testimony is not competent witnesses'testimony but it still is competent documentary evidence .

  12. 证人证言是民事诉讼中普遍使用的一种证据。

    Testimony of witnesses is a kind of evidence commonly adopted in civil litigation .

  13. 证人证言及其制度探讨

    On Witness ' Testimony and the System

  14. 审查证人证言的真实性和合法性是为判断证人证言证明力服务的。

    The examination of factuality and legality of witness testimony serves to judge its validity .

  15. 证人证言的形式问题反思&以庭审改革为切入点

    Rethought on the form of the testimony of witness & Begining with trial pattern reform

  16. 论民事诉讼中对证人证言的质证

    On Examination to Testimonium in Civil Procedure

  17. 在刑事案件中,证人证言是重要的证据之一。

    The testimony of witnesses is one of the important evidence in the criminal cases .

  18. 大陆法系国家实行职权询问模式,证人证言相对于其他证据来说往往处于一种辅助性证据的地位。

    The countries under the Continental Law system apply the mode of inquiring with authorized power .

  19. 我国现行证据法则中证人证言制度存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Present Regulation of Witness and Testimony in Rules of Evidence in China

  20. 第三部分,证人证言的运用原则;

    The principle how to put to use the oral evidence of the witness in Part Three ;

  21. 证人证言作为证据中的一种,对于查清案件事实十分的重要。

    Witness ' testimony , one of the evidences , is very important to ascertain the facts .

  22. 证人证言是民事诉讼中一种基础和重要的证据方式。

    The testimony of a witness is a primary and significant means of evidence in civil litigation .

  23. 在执法实践中,证人证言的不良现象,直接影响了我国刑事案件的公正审判。

    In the practice of law enforcement unhealthy tendencies of witness ' testimony directly affects the equitable justice .

  24. 证人证言是证据的一种,在诸种法定证据种类中受主客观因素的影响较大,实践中伪证现象的发生并非罕见。

    Testimony of witness , as one of legal evidences , is greatly influenced by subjective and objective factors .

  25. 问:你能否对《证人证言》上所述内容的真实性承担法律责任?

    Ask : do you undertake legal liabilities to the authenticity of the contents stated in witness 's testimony ?

  26. 特别是英美法系国家,证人证言在民事证据种类中几乎占据核心地位。

    Particularly in Anglo-Saxon common law countries , the kind of testimony occupies the core status among civil evidences .

  27. 弹劾证据发挥的作用甚微,无法有效地揭露证人证言的不可信,这样不仅不利于程序正义的实现,更有损真相的发现。

    Impeachment evidence plays such a little role that it can not effectively reveal the incredibility of witness testimony .

  28. 希望本论文的研究能够触碰到我国当下乃至今后刑事证人证言证明能力制度的核心。

    Hope this thesis can touch the key of capacity of criminal testimony system at present and in the future .

  29. 引入高度盖然性原理与法官心证原则,采用直接、言词证人证言方式。

    We should introduce altitude general view principle and make judge sure principle , and accept direct testimony of witnesses .

  30. 证人证言在庭审方式的改革中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Testimony of witnesses plays a more and more important role in the reform of the mode of the trial .