
rèn zhī shī tiáo
  • cognitive dissonance
  1. 这个理论由社会心理学家Leon,Festinger提出的,被称为“认知失调理论”

    The idea was developed by the social psychologist Leon Festinger and it 's called " Cognitive Dissonance Theory . "

  2. 自我与他人。自我欺骗、自我呈现、认知失调。

    The Self and Others . Self-Deception , Self-Presentation , Cognitive Dissonance .

  3. 认知失调理论对品行不良儿童辅导的启示

    The Inspirations of Cognitive Dissonance Theory on the Guidance of Misdemeanor Children

  4. 你刚刚所体验到的是认知失调的力量。

    What you 've just experienced is the power of cognitive dissonance .

  5. 从认知失调理论看儿童的南风教育

    Looking Souther Education Of Children From Cognitive Dissonance Theory

  6. 最后,孩子身上也有认知失调。

    Finally , cognitive dissonance shows up with children .

  7. 认知失调理论为从行为和心理本质上分析投资决策的非理性过程提供了新的途径;

    The theory of cognitive dissonance provides a new psychology way of investment decision .

  8. 第三步是认知失调。

    Third step is cognitive dissonance .

  9. 法国总统大选是展示典型的欧洲式认知失调的一个例子。

    The French presidential campaign is an example of a quintessentially European form of cognitive dissonance .

  10. 员工沉默会使员工感到不受重视和认知失调,同时不利于组织及时发现经营过程中存在的问题,从而影响企业绩效。

    Employee silence can make employees feel neglected and cognitive disorders , while affecting business performance .

  11. 是认知失调还是有先见之明?

    Cognitive dissonance or foresight ?

  12. 这是实验室中得出的结果,但其实认知失调还体现在很多有趣的地方。

    Well , that 's a laboratory effect but there are some more interesting manifestations of cognitive dissonance .

  13. 两种观点互相矛盾,由此产生的认知失调就会使人感到不适。

    The two ideas conflict with each other , and the cognitive dissonance will make me feel uncomfortable .

  14. 在这个实验之后,人们又进行了大量关于认知失调的研究,并且有了可喜的成果。

    Since this experiment numerous studies of cognitive dissonance have been carried out and the effect is well-established .

  15. 这时,听众要做的就是否定其中一种观点或者改变自己的行为以摆脱这种认知失调的情况。

    I can either deny one of the ideas or change my behavior to get rid of the dissonance .

  16. 不同的行为阶段有不同的动机,即认知失调、自我效能、自我概念、目标设置、自我决定与归因。

    So whether the physical exercise action can be accomplished or not mainly depends how these stages interlink and develop .

  17. 消除或减少认知失调的可能途径有:放弃或回避尝试新的行为,引进新的认知要素,改变态度等。

    Follow methods might change cognition maladjustment : avoiding trying new teaching behavior , introducing new cognitive elements and changing attitude .

  18. 本实验借鉴认知失调领域自由范式的思路,以系列次序为对象,研究了错误记忆在认知失调影响下的产生特点和机制。

    With the reference to the free-choice paradigm , we explored the characteristics and mechanism of false memories induced by cognitive dissonance .

  19. 颜色的名称和图片中实际的颜色不符,会使你暂时地认知失调。

    you will experience a moment of cognitive dissonance when the name of the color is printed in a differently colored ink .

  20. 觉察到这一点能帮助我们避免与认知失调最危险的后果交恶:相信了自己的谎言。

    Being aware of this can help us avoid falling foul of the most dangerous consequences of cognitive dissonance : believing our own lies .

  21. 认知失调理论对唠叨言语行为的阐释但是他两度责备世行的捐助国自己的失言。

    Interpretation of Speech Behaviour of Nagging Based on the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance ; But he twice chided bank donors for their own lapses .

  22. 四是荣誉学院大学生的自身原因,表现为学生自我认知失调、理想信念缺失、价值取向功利化。

    The four is Honors School students ' own reasons , the students ' self cognitive dissonance , loss ideal and faith , value orientation utilitarian .

  23. 特别是认知失调在组织承諾影响经理人接受管理会计与控制系统改变的当中是扮演完全中介的角色。

    Besides , it is worthy to emphasize that a fully mediating effect of cognitive dissonance that leads to people 's acceptance of change in MACS was found .

  24. 对于企业员工来说,如果他们长期处于沉默的氛围中会感觉到自己没有被重视、甚至造成认知失调,从而导致员工满意度的降低及工作倦怠。

    For employees , if they stay in the atmosphere of silence in a long period , they will feel neglected and lead to lower employee satisfaction and job burnout .

  25. 这样认知失调就会让你想到,你为之付出代价的东西一定是有价值的,然后你就会喜欢上它。

    So , cognitive dissonance will lead you then to think that what you are giving it up for has some value and then you establish a liking for it .

  26. 观察一下美国最有价值的公司与美国最高执法机构之间的对峙,你会陷入一种近乎永久性“认知失调”的状态中。

    To watch the confrontation between the US 's most valuable company and its top law enforcement agency is to find oneself in a state of nearly permanent cognitive dissonance .

  27. 三是认知失调引发的动机,网民的攻击行为是为了消除网络事件爆发之前和之后两种矛盾的认知所导致的不愉快的体验。

    Third , coordinate behaviors and attitudes . Internet users attack others is to eliminate cognitive unpleasant experience that caused by the network both before and after the outbreak of conflicts .

  28. 举例来说,如果我自认为是一个关心他人的人,但我却拒绝捐款给慈善机构,那么我就会产生一种认知失调。

    For example , if I believe that I am a person who cares about others but I dont give money to charitable causes , then I now have cognitive dissonance .

  29. 所以认知失调促使我想出另一个答案,让我可以接受的答案,“这一定是一个很棒的兄弟会,里面的人都很棒”

    So , cognitive dissonance motivates me to create an answer that 's more comfortable for me ," This must be a really wonderful group with a wonderful bunch of people . "

  30. 有关认知失调理论的实验研究表明,小的物质奖励和轻微的批评即南风教育,最有利于儿童内化教育树立的正确态度。

    Some experimental studys about cognitive dissonance theory show souther education which is charactered with little physical encouragement and tender criticism will make for children internalize correct attitude which is advocated by education .