
jì suàn jī chénɡ xù yǔ yán
  • computer programming language
  1. LISP语言:功能强大的计算机程序语言,设计来处理资料或符号的目录,而不是处理数值资料,广泛为人工智能应用程序采用。

    LISP : Powerful computer programming language designed for manipulating lists of data or symbols rather than processing numerical data , used extensively in artificial-intelligence applications .

  2. 用C++计算机程序语言,在Visualc++。

    Using C + + programming language , Visual C + + .

  3. 它可以用来研究计算机程序语言的指称语义的Domain理论。

    One can also study Domain theory on denotational semantics of computer programming languages by using the topological system .

  4. 软件通常由程序人员用某种计算机程序语言写成。

    Software is written by programmers in any number of programming languages .

  5. 采用适当的测量方法并借助计算机程序语言,编写计算程序,各种问题迎刃而解。

    Uses the suitable measuring technique and with the aid of computer program language , Compile computing program , The different kind of knotty problems were smoothly solved .

  6. C程序设计是许多工科专业都开设的一门计算机程序设计语言。

    Many students in industrial engineering specialty are learning the C programming language .

  7. Domain理论为计算机程序设计语言的指称语义学奠定了数学基础。

    Domain theory plays a fundamental semantics of programming languages .

  8. 讨论计算机程序设计语言的Domain理论中的拓扑方法。

    Introduces topological methods in domain theory of denotational semantics of computer programming languages .

  9. Domain理论产生于20世纪70年代早期D.Scott为解决计算机程序设计语言语义学问题对连续格的研究。

    Domain theory appeared in the early part of 1970s when D. Scott was led by problems of semantics for computer languages to initiated the study of continuous lattices .

  10. 程序设计语言是用于编写计算机程序的语言。

    Programming language is a language used for writing computer programs .

  11. 计算机程序设计语言课教学的现状与改革

    Present State of Programming Language Teaching and Its Reform

  12. 计算机程序设计语言的三段式设计法

    Tripartite Design Law of the Computer Programming Language

  13. 关于计算机程序设计语言的学习

    The study about computer programing language

  14. 广泛用于商业和科学领域中的一种计算机程序设计语言。

    A programming language designed for use in a wide range of commercial and scientific computer applications .

  15. 计算机标准程序语言

    Computer standard programming language

  16. 混合计算机程序设计语言

    Hybrid computer programming language

  17. 在传统的计算机程序设计语言教学中,大多数的教科书,对起泡法排序的讲述,都是通过分析次数及轮次的方法来实现数列的起泡法排序。

    In traditional textbooks of computer programming language , Bubbling Ordering is introduced by analysing the ' times'and'turns ' .

  18. 它是程序设计理论的组成部分,以数学为工具,利用符号和公式精确地定义和解释计算机程序设计语言的语义,使语义形式化的学科。

    It is the theoretical foundation of program language design . Using mathematics as tool , it utilizes symbols and formulas to define and interpret the semantics of program language accurately .

  19. 最后,以计算机程序编程语言为构架,把人性化家具功能尺寸的确定依据和人体尺寸的获取途径有机地结合在一起,建立起一个完整的人性化家具功能尺寸设计系统。

    Lastly , using the computer programme language , the humanistic furniture function measure was combined organically with the body measures ' obtaining approach , an integrated the humanistic furniture function measure design system was founded .

  20. 递归问题是计算机程序设计语言里面的一个重点,难点问题,本文以汉诺塔问题为例讨论如何用二叉树来求解递归问题。

    The Recursion problem is one of the most important and difficult points in the computer programming language . This thesis takes The Hanoi tower for example to discuss how to use two-tree to work out the Recursion problem .

  21. C语言是国际上广泛流行的计算机高级程序设计语言之一,对C语言知识及能力的考核,目前尚无一套完备的考试系统。

    C language is one of most widely application programming language on computer , there is not a completely on-line test system to inspect the C language knowledge and the ability .

  22. 一种为特殊种类计算机设计的程序语言。

    A programming language designed for use on a specific class of computers .

  23. 简略寿命表的电子计算机程序设计(BASIC语言)

    A Program Design of Constructing Abridged Life Table ( BASIC Language )

  24. 非计算机专业VFP程序设计语言教学实践与探索

    Non-computer Specialized VFP Programming Language Teaching Practice and Exploration

  25. 计算机联机实时应用程序语言,一种专为实时应用软件而设计的高级程序设计语言。

    Computer On-Line Real-time Applications Language , a high-level language designed for real-time applications .

  26. BJ-1并行计算机的并行程序设计语言

    Parallel programming language of BJ-1 parallel computer

  27. 编写计算机程序的简单的语言

    Simple language for write computer programs

  28. 同时,提出功能结构描述规则和寻求功能元机构解及机构组合的系统化方法,制定出计算机能够识别的产品方案创新设计模式和便于用计算机程序语言描述的设计过程。

    This paper builds the creation design model of a mechanical product scheme , brings forward the rules of describing function structure and the systematism methods of searching mechanisms that realize specified function and combining them .

  29. 计算机辅助道路选线理论的程序实现和选线实例分析,主要讲述了利用计算机程序语言实现理论中需要的空间分析功能,以及利用程序对某一地块进行选线设计。

    The program realization and instance analysis of computer aid road alignment theory , in which makes use of computer program language to realize the space analysis needed in the theory , and utilize the program to design the road in a plot is told .

  30. 近年来高速发展的计算机学科对实验的更新和发展提出了较高的要求,为此我们根据近年来指导学生上机实习的经验,探索出新的计算机程序设计语言实验教学模式。

    In recent years , the computer science is developing very fast , which demands updating and developing the computer experiments . Combining with the long-term experience of guiding students , the authors bring forward new ideas of reforming the teaching pattern of the program designing experiment .