
jì huà ɡuǎn lǐ tǐ zhì
  • Planning management system;planning system
  1. 印度的计划管理体制及其改革趋势

    India 's planning system and its reform

  2. 改革税收计划管理体制是实现依法治税的根本保证

    Reforming Tax System to Realize Ruling Tax According to Law

  3. 适应市场经济形势加快计划管理体制改革

    Quickening the reforms of planning management system to adapt market economic situation

  4. 对计划管理体制改革的初步设想

    Initial thoughts on institutional reform of plan-management

  5. 我国作为一个由集中的计划管理体制转轨到市场经济的国家,政府对市场影响巨大,大量的上市公司董事具有政府背景,并且这种趋势还在不断发展。

    As a centralized management system country who transformed into the market economy , government has enormous influence to the market in china .

  6. 由于计划管理体制的长期影响,中物院推进高新技术商业化受多种因素制约,限制了其规模与速度。

    Due to the long-term influence of the planned administrative system , the commercial scale and speed of the new and high technologies are limited in one way or anther in CAEP .

  7. 在政策方面,对卷烟品牌影响较大的是计划管理体制、价格管理体制、流通管体制和财税管理体制。

    On the policy side , a greater impact on cigarette brand is the plan management system , the price management system , the flow control system and financial and tax management system .

  8. 论科学决策体制应当建立科技经济一体化的宏观决策体制、计划管理体制、组织结构体制和法律调整体制。

    A macro decision system , a plan management system , an organization and structure system and a law modification system related to the integration of science , technology and economy must be established .

  9. 转轨时期我国社会结构加速分化,市场机制逐渐取代了高度集中的计划管理体制,改革已触及到刚性的利益格局部分,社会的异质性增加。

    In a period of shunt time , state social structure polarization speed up . Market mechanism gradually replace the high concentrated planned supervision institution , reform touch the rigid part of benefit pattern .

  10. 经济性规制改革从财税体制、定价机制、烟草计划管理体制、烟叶种植管理制度、烟草企业兼并重组、烟草流通体制改革和多元化经营战略等方面进行分析。

    Economic regulation includes taxation system reform , pricing mechanisms , the tobacco program management system , management system of tobacco cultivation , tobacco company mergers and acquisitions , tobacco and diversified distribution system and other aspects of business strategy analysis .

  11. 按照我国现行计划管理体制,全社会固定资产投资总额分为基本建设、更新改造、房地产开发投资和其他固定资产投资四个部分。

    According to china 's current planning management system , the investment in fixed assets in the whole country is classified into the following four parts investment in capital construction , investment in innovation , investment in real estates development and other investment in fixed assets .

  12. 我国矿产资源管理经历了三个阶段:第一个阶段是从1949年到1986年。这一阶段是国家对矿产资源实行高度集中统一的计划管理体制的阶段;

    The mineral resource management of our country has experienced three stages as follows : the 1 ~ ( st ) stage is from 1949 to 1986 . This stage is the high concentrated unified management to the mineral resources in plan management system in our country .

  13. 项目进度管理模块主要包括计划管理、体制管理和实际绩效管理。

    The progress of the project management module includes organization management , plan management and performance management .

  14. 由于长期受计划经济管理体制的影响,我国石油企业很少关心投入与产出的关系。

    China petroleum industry has paid little attention to the relationship of investment and profit due to the long time of planned economy .

  15. 脱胎于旧的家长式的计划经济管理体制下的国有商业银行,随着政府职能体制的转变,其存在的缺陷开始暴露出来。

    Born of the old designed economic regulation system , with the transformation of the function of the government , the owned limitation of the state commercial bank begin to expose .

  16. 探索建立适应社会主义市场经济和社区建设发展要求的新型社区人口与计划生育管理体制,是城市计划生育工作在新世纪初期面临的重要课题。

    The article first points out that in order to be adapted to the socialist market economy and the requirements of community construction , cities ' FP work in the early years of the new century has to establish a new community based managing system .

  17. 国家级科技计划的专家管理体制

    Expert Management System of National Science and Technology Plan

  18. 对计划生育现行的管理体制必须进行大胆改革:计划生育费应实行社会统筹;基层计划生育工作人员应作调整与充实;

    We should reform the present family planning management system : carrying out social plan to the fund , adjusting and enriching the basic working personnel , supervising the fund investing , Uniting the service charge standard .

  19. 计划生育工作的管理体制,工作方法,服务质量以及干部队伍素质不能完全适应形势的要求,迫切需要加快改革和发展的步伐。

    The management system , work methods and service quality of the family planning work and the quality of family planning workers cannot fully meet the requirements of the situation , and there is an urgent need to speed up reform and development .