
  • 网络scheduled tasks;Schedule Task;Task Scheduler;Cron;Cron job
  1. 甚至可创建脚本,在发生构建错误时自动向团队发送电子邮件,或者发送计划任务提醒。

    You can even create scripts to send automatic emails to the team when build errors occur or send reminders for scheduled tasks .

  2. 同一时刻只能运行计划任务服务的一个实例!

    Only one instance of the Task Scheduler service can run at a time !

  3. 在Web应用中实现计划任务调度

    The Realization of Arranged Tasks in Web Application

  4. 巧用Windows的计划任务

    Skillfully Using " Schedule Task " in Windows

  5. 介绍几个应用Windows的计划任务的具体实例。

    The paper presents some concrete applications of using " schedule task " in Windows .

  6. 软件系统分成Web控制界面、计划任务、监测器、警告、报告几个模块。

    The software system is composed of several modules , which are control interface , arranged task , supervising implement , warning and report .

  7. 在企业的Web应用中有很多场合需要计划任务调度,以市石渍公司数据报表系统为例,分析了使用Java语言实现该功能的方法。

    During the Web application of enterprises , arranged tasks are needed on many occasions . In this paper , the method of realizing it with Java language is analyzed .

  8. In-Flight计划任务持续进行,仅产生微不足道的性能影响。

    In-Flight planning jobs continued with only a negligible performance impact .

  9. 重点介绍了飞行试验管理系统中动作单元的制作及试飞计划任务单的生成,以及系统软件实现的三个特色:三级数据库结构、多机种多用户的用户管理机制、基于Excel的动态报表管理。

    Three characteristics of the software are given : three levels database structure , multiple users management , and dynamic forms drawing system based on the Excel are mentioned also .

  10. 这个计划任务信息使用了crontab格式。

    The scheduling information is in crontab format .

  11. 上面的suma命令将返回一个SUMA任务ID,稍后在执行计划任务的立即下载时会使用到这个任务ID。

    The above suma command will return a SUMA task ID that might later be used to perform an immediate download of a schedule task .

  12. 允许服务器操作员计划任务(仅用于域控制器)

    Allow server operators to schedule tasks ( domain controllers only )

  13. “在添加计划任务向导中隐藏高级属性复选框”

    " Hide Advanced Properties Checkbox in Add Scheduled Task Wizard "

  14. 企业绩效考核:平衡计分卡与计划任务

    Enterprises ' Performance Appraisals : the Balanced Scorecard and Planning Task

  15. 汉语时间识别转换技术在计划任务提醒系统中的应用

    Application of Time Recognition Convert Technology in the Scheming Task Reminding System

  16. 取消计划任务有三种方式。

    There are three ways to cancel a scheduled task .

  17. 域控制器:允许服务器操作员计划任务

    Domain controller : Allow server operators to schedule tasks

  18. 显示计划任务程序上一次运行的程序的日志。

    Displays a log of the programs that Task Scheduler has run recently .

  19. 那现在是谁在计划任务?

    Then who 's planning the missions now ?

  20. 项目经理应如何计划任务?

    How should the manager plan the task ?

  21. 本文是一篇快速教程,讲解了如何在托管代码中使用计划任务程序。

    This is a quick lesson on how to use the Task Scheduler from managed code .

  22. 解除计划任务的锁定时发生意外的错误。

    Unexpected error unlocking scheduled task .

  23. 在计划任务单上为每一项给出代表你对那件活动抵制程度的打分。

    Give each item on your to-do list a score representing your level of resistance to that activity .

  24. 它还提供了一个很棒的特性,可以通过托管代码访问嵌入到操作系统中的计划任务程序的功能。

    It would be great to have access to this functionality embedded into the OS from managed code .

  25. 表格的内容包括:各项计划任务指标、责任单位、完成时间等。

    The part expressed in tabular form shall include various indicators of the planned tasks , responsible units and timing of plan fulfillment .

  26. “备份数据库”维护计划任务不会错将此选项设置为为系统数据库创建差异和事务日志备份。

    The backup database maintenance plan task prohibits the ability to mistakenly set the option to create differential and transaction log backups for system databases .

  27. 例如,下面的命令可以用于立即下载5300-04-CSP,而5300-04-CSP在上面的发布检查计划任务中为预览操作。

    For example , the following command could be used to immediately download the5300-04-CSP that had the Preview action scheduled above to check for its release .

  28. 还可以使用一个批处理程序基于实时基础、一个预定的时间间隔或在某个时点在服务器端运行计划任务。

    A batch processor is available to schedule tasks to run server-side either on an ongoing basis , a scheduled time interval , or at a certain time .

  29. 港口建设项目前期工作,主要包括预可行性研究、项目建议书、工程可行性研究、设计计划任务书和初步设计。

    The earlier stage work in harbour construction projects mainly involves preliminary feasibility study , project proposal , engineering feasibility study , statement of design tasks and preliminary design .

  30. 如果你将系统的日期返回时钟计时程序将不能运行任何的计划任务直到时钟达到日期返回以前的时间为止。

    If you roll back the system date , cron will not run any scheduled jobs until the clock reaches the date that the system had before the date roll-back .