
  • Police Story;Cops
  1. 就像我演《新警察故事》那时。

    Just like when I was making New Police Story .

  2. 成龙继续在香港拍摄制作电影,这其中就包括他2004年的力作一一&故事片《新警察故事》。

    He continues to make films in Hong Kong , including the blockbuster drama New Police Story in 2004 .

  3. 对于喜欢打击犯罪,警察故事的朋友,这剧不错。

    For people who like crime-fighting and cop shows , it 's got that .

  4. 58岁的成龙在会场外非常低调。他因《尖峰时刻》系列影片及《警察故事》而为西方观众所熟知。

    The 58-year-old , famous in the West for the Rush Hour series and Police Story , kept a low profile outside the meeting .

  5. 他有很多要说的——超过五百页的警察故事,他家人的故事还有纽约这些年来的变化。

    He 's got a lot to say - more than 500 pages of cop stories , tales of his family and how New York changed through the years .

  6. 纵观方方的警察故事题材的小说,可以见出其创作上的特点及变化,体现了方方对人生及历史新的思索与探讨,表明作者在精英文化与大众文化之间寻找的最佳契合。

    In Fangfang s novels about policemen , people can be aware of the characteristics and changes of her writing , which show her study and thought about life , history and philosophy .

  7. 这位功夫巨星对《印度斯坦时报》说他将与唐季礼回到印度拍摄《功夫瑜伽》,唐季礼是《红番区》和《警察故事》的导演。

    The martial arts superstar told the Hindustan Times he would be returning to India to filmKung Fu Yoga with regular collaborator Stanley Tong , the director of Rumble inthe Bronx and Police Story .

  8. 1978年他主演的《醉拳》和《警察故事》系列,开启了他在国内的职业生涯,而警察动作喜剧片《红番区》和《尖峰时刻》则助他登上了国际舞台。

    Hits such as 1978 's The Drunken Master and the Police Story series launched his career at home , while police action comedies including Rumble in the Bronx and the Rush Hour trilogy made him an international star .

  9. 负责监督中外电影合拍情况的中国电影合作制片公司(CFCC)总经理张恂表示,CFCC否决了来自台湾的一个剧本,该剧本讲述的是与黑手党有瓜葛的一名警察的故事。

    Zhang Xun , president of China Film Cooperation Corporation , the state outlet which supervises co-productions , says CFCC rejected a script from Taiwan about a policeman with mafia ties .

  10. 第一,两个白人警察的故事。

    First , the story about two white policemen .

  11. 《机器侠》故事背景被设置在2046年,影片讲述了一个机器警察的故事,片中他爱上了漂亮的人类女警花素梅(孙俪饰)。

    Set in the year 2046 , Kungfu Cyborg tells the story of a police robot who falls in love with a pretty human officer named Su Mei ( Sun Li ) .

  12. 我也喜欢一个关于警察的故事,这位警察在法庭上就前一天后半夜里他为以酗酒罪被逮捕的一个人提供证词。

    I like the story , too , about the policeman who was giving evidence in the court about a man that he had arrested very late the night before for being drunk .

  13. 而这部电影主要讲述的是一名香港警察的冒险故事。

    The movie is about a Hong Kong police officer 's adventures .

  14. 我们发现呕吐到自己的结婚礼服上,被弹出马车,吞咽自己的订婚戒指和与警察纠缠的故事。

    We 've found tales of women vomiting onto their wedding dresses , being catapulted out of horse-drawn carriages , swallowing their engagement rings and tangling with the police .

  15. 警察要求司机把故事讲述地更详细一些。

    The policeman asked the driver to describe the accident in greater detail .

  16. 黑手党警察:一个出身黑帮之家的可敬警察的故事

    Mafia Cop : The Story of an Honest Cop Whose Family Was the Mob