
  • 网络All For The Winner;DUXIA
  1. CliffBryant,52岁,圣诞节前买了两张5英磅的复式彩票。他对天气下注,打赌圣诞节当天暴雪会光临英格兰北部的24个城镇。

    Cliff Bryant , 52 , had placed two5-pound accumulator bets that snow would fall on24 towns and cities across the north of England on Christmas Day .

  2. 你会成为赌圣财政部已经同意为你提供赌资

    The Treasury has agreed to stake you in the game .

  3. 由于身上具有特异功能,阿星的叔叔把他培养成了一名百战百胜的赌圣。

    Finding that the boy has special powers , the uncle trains him to become a super " gambling god " who never loses .

  4. 1990年,他在周润发风格的电影《赌圣》中扮演主角,并开始转入喜剧领域。

    He had his first starring role in 1990 in a Chow Yun-Fat spoof : All for the Winner ( Du Sheng ) and started excelling in the comedy genre .