
  • 网络gambling game;bingo;Gamble Games
  1. 一种包括赌博的游戏。

    A game that involves gambling .

  2. 我从来没有玩过带赌博性质的游戏,像扑克之类的。

    I never play games which involve gambling , like poker .

  3. 执法人员对涉嫌赌博的电玩城游戏厅业主现场进行了批评教育,并责令其立即停业接受调查处理。

    Law enforcement officers suspected of gambling games gaming city hall owners had criticized the education field , and ordered its immediate closure of investigation and treatment .

  4. 赌博业者说,尽管政府反对,他们仍然在考虑尝试把有赌博性质的游戏机引进到他们店里。

    Bookies say they are still considering trialling casino-style gaming machines in their shops , despite Government opposition .