
dǔ bó
  • gamble;take chances;run risks;punt
赌博 [dǔ bó]
  • [take chances;run risks;gambling] 用财物作注以一定方式争输赢

赌博[dǔ bó]
  1. 你把钱都输光了?这是赌博给你的教训。

    Lost all your money ? That 'll teach you to gamble .

  2. 赌博赢了。

    The gamble paid off .

  3. 她再不愿意拿钱供他去赌博了。

    She 's not prepared to subsidize his gambling any longer .

  4. 他通宵赌博。

    He spent all night at the gaming tables .

  5. 赌博者年龄不得低于16岁。

    You have to be over 16 to bet .

  6. 有关赌博的法律最近变得更加严厉。

    Laws on gambling have tightened up recently .

  7. 他把自己所有的钱都糟蹋在赌博上了。

    He squandered all his money on gambling .

  8. 他继承了一百多万元,全部挥霍在饮酒和赌博上了。

    He inherited over a million dollars and blew it all on drink and gambling .

  9. 赌博毁了他。

    Gambling was his ruin .

  10. 她寻思他是不是已经因赌博而被学校开除了。

    She wondered if he had been sent down for gambling .

  11. 赛马总是与赌博相挂钩。

    Racing has always had a symbiotic relationship with betting .

  12. 英国是欧洲唯一一个允许未成年人赌博的国家。

    Britain is the only country in Europe that allows minors to gamble

  13. 这项运动长期以来都与非法赌博及黑道人物联系在一起。

    The sport has long been associated with illegal wagers and unsavoury characters .

  14. 任何股票投资都是对不可知的未来利润走向的赌博。

    Any investment in shares is a bet on an unknowable future flow of profits

  15. 赌博是一种娱乐。

    Gambling is a form of entertainment .

  16. “你是否认为英国人过于沉溺于赌博?”——“嗯,这个问题很难回答。”

    ' Do you feel that the British gamble more than they should ? ' — 'Well , that 's a very difficult question to answer . '

  17. 他下决心不再赌博。

    He made a firm resolve to give up gambling .

  18. 他发誓再也不赌博了。

    He swore never to gamble again .

  19. 这个国家禁止赌博。

    Gambling is banned in this country .

  20. 赌博把他毁了。

    Gambling was his downfall .

  21. 我们永远不会给赌博开绿灯。

    We 'll never give the green light to gambling .

  22. 他因赌博输钱而负债累累。

    His gambling losses put him deeply [ heavily ] in debt .

  23. 他为了捞本又去赌博。

    To recover his losses , he gambled again .

  24. 他赌博输了很多钱。

    He lost a lot of money in gambling .

  25. 他赌博输掉了全部财产。

    He gambled away all his fortune .

  26. 他赌博成瘾。

    He is much given to gambling .

  27. 饮酒和赌博使他彻底堕落了。

    Drinking and gambling sank him completely .

  28. 他非常爱赌博。

    He has a passion for gambling .

  29. 染上赌博的恶习将贻害无穷。

    Getting into the bad habit of gambling will bring continuous evil consequences .

  30. 对于他来说,赌博是无法摆脱的。

    With him , gambling is an obsession .