
jǐnɡ chá tīnɡ
  • police department
  1. 现已退休的贝利,没有对彭沙科拉警察厅的评论请求作出任何反应。

    Bailly , who is retired , did not respond to a request for comment made through the Pensacola Police Department .

  2. 针对卡恩戴着手铐被纽约警方押送出警察厅,有法国人表示:这情景太让人受不了。

    French citizens have questioned America 's handling of the incident saying it was outrageous for New York police to lead Strauss-Kahn out of a police department in handcuffs .

  3. 已向伦敦警察厅报了案。

    Scotland Yard has / have been called in .

  4. 伦敦警察厅已经向他保证,他没有被视为可疑分子。

    Scotland Yard had assured him he was not under suspicion

  5. 调查由伦敦警察厅反恐部门负责。

    The investigation is being handled by Scotland Yard 's anti-terrorist branch .

  6. 我与伦敦警察厅的乔普林巡官通过电话了。

    I got on the phone to Inspector Joplin at Scotland Yard .

  7. 为配合调查一宗谋杀案,他下令向伦敦警察厅披露一份医疗报告。

    He ordered disclosure of a medical report to the Metropolitan Police in pursuance of an investigation of murder .

  8. 根据日本警察厅(NationalPoliceAgency)的数据,1999年以来,日本每年大约有3万人自杀,此前的年份里,这一数字为1万左右。

    Around 30000 people have killed themselves every year from 1999 , an increase of about 10000 from the years prior to this , according to the National Police Agency .

  9. 叶芝还否认以下指控:根据独立警方投诉委员会(IndependentPoliceComplaintsCommission)的调查,他曾为沃利斯的女儿在伦敦警察厅谋得一份工作。

    Mr Yates also denied the allegation , under investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission , that he had secured a job at Scotland Yard for Mr Wallis ' daughter .

  10. 今年1月,共同社(KyodoNews)援引日本警察厅(NationalPoliceAgency)的数据报道,去年日本通报的犯罪案件量达到二战以来的最低点。

    Last year , the number of crimes reported in Japan was the lowest since World War II , Kyodo News reported in January , citing the National Police Agency .

  11. 伦敦警察厅前长官布莱尔勋爵(LordBlair)表示,警察局也对政客亦步亦趋,努力保持新闻国际的稳定。

    According to a former head of the Metropolitan Police , Lord Blair , the police followed the politicians ' lead in keeping in with the News International stable .

  12. 布兰德说,在与伦敦运输局(transportforlondon)、伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)等相关方在项目中合作时,他们在emba项目中学到的一些软技巧非常有用。

    Mr brand says that the soft skills taught on the EMBA were very useful when working with the various stakeholders on the project such as transport for London and the metropolitan police .

  13. 伦敦警察厅也开始使用Flickr,发布在西诺伍德(WestNorwood)和克罗伊登(Croydon)等地的嫌疑骚乱者和掠夺者的照片。

    And the Metropolitan police have used Flickr to post photos of suspected rioters and looters in places like West Norwood and Croydon .

  14. 现已退休的伦敦枪支库前负责人麦克•沃德仁(MikeWaldren)谴责伦敦警察厅高层警官因为怕被指责反应过激而限制了现场警察的防暴行动。

    Mike Waldren , a retired chief superintendent who formerly ran London 's firearms unit , blames senior officers at Scotland Yard , fearful of being charged with overreacting , for hobbling commanders on the ground .

  15. 同样是2013年,据日本警察厅统计,日本全国共有13人死于枪杀,而据美国联邦调查局(FBI)通报,美国为8454人。

    Also in 2013 , there were 13 gun murders in Japan , the National Police Agency said , while the United States had 8454 firearm murders , the F.B.I. reported .

  16. 政府和伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)应制定周密的应对规则,应当考虑催泪瓦斯和高压水枪等非致命武器,但不应使用塑胶子弹,后者在北爱尔兰曾留下令人不快的记忆。

    It is for the government and the metropolitan police to determine the precise rules of engagement . Non-lethal tools such as tear-gas and water-cannon should be considered rather than plastic bullets , which have an unhappy history in Northern Ireland .

  17. CPS的指南最初是针对赛格威(Segway)平衡车发布的。这种平衡车还有一个把手,也不允许上路,但是伦敦警察厅(MetropolitanPolice)称,这一规定也适用于悬浮滑板。

    The CPS guidance was originally issued for Segways , which include a handlebar and are also not permitted on roads - but the Metropolitan Police said that it also covers hoverboards .

  18. 这家澳大利亚报纸表示,上述邮件来自雷亚当斯(rayadams)的电脑,此人曾是伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)的一名官员,1996至2002年期间担任nds欧洲营运安全业务的负责人。

    The Australian newspaper said the emails had originated from the computer of ray Adams , a former commander in the Metropolitan Police in London , who served as head of operational security for NDS in Europe from 1996 to 2002 .

  19. 久而久之,苏格兰场就成了伦敦警察厅的代名词。

    Over time , the street and the Metropolitan Police became synonymous .

  20. 我们应该谨慎,不要同伦敦警察厅作不公正的比较。

    We should guard against invidious comparisons with Scotland yard .

  21. 苏格兰警察厅派了一名警官去守卫他的房子。

    Scotland Yard detailed an officer to guard his house .

  22. 此后,这扇门就成了警察厅的公共入口。

    The Scotland Yard entrance became the public entrance to the police station .

  23. 此外伦敦警察厅也考虑是否追究谷歌公司的法律责任。

    Scotland Yard is already considering whether the company has broken the law .

  24. 听了这话,警察厅密探的脸上突然变得苍白。

    A sudden pallor overspread the detective 's face .

  25. 伦敦警察厅反恐怖署侦破了一起企图暗杀女王的阴谋。

    Scotland yard 's anti-terrorist branch has uncovered a plot to assassinate the queen .

  26. 一月,伦敦警察厅在新的要求下展开了新一轮的调查。

    The Met launched a fresh probe , under new command , in January .

  27. 然而之前大伦敦警察厅下属的一个机构已经认定此举毫无必要。

    Earlier , a body headed by the Metropolitan Police had decided this was unnecessary .

  28. 他们向伦敦警察厅侦缉处报了案。

    They called in Scotland yard , ie asked for the help of this department .

  29. 但是伦敦警察厅却一筹莫展。

    But Scotland Yard was stumped .

  30. 伦敦警察厅将会迎来新的总监,但愿他会带来新的文化。

    The metropolitan police will get a new broom and , hopefully , a new culture .