
  • 网络Touch Screen
  1. 此外,本研究通过对不同结构受众使用触屏手机满足其各种需求的分析,丰富和充实了使用与满足理论。

    In addition , this study enriches the use and satisfaction theory by analyzing various needs of different-component recipients in using touch screen mobile phone .

  2. 随着触屏手机的普及,用户对触屏手机界面的要求越来越高。

    With the popularity of the touch screen mobile phone , users ' demand on Interface Design of the touch screen mobile phone is more and more .

  3. 在2007年,苹果公司发布了第一款iPhone手机:带有虚拟键盘的全触屏手机。

    In 2007 , Apple released the first iPhone : a full touchscreen phone , complete with its own virtual keypad .

  4. 它意识到原本属于自己的世界正在变化,早在04年就已经有人研究触屏手机了,很像现在的iphone。

    The firm realised its world was changing and was working on a touch-screen phone much like the iPhone as early as 2004 .

  5. 虽然那也不是第一台触屏手机。1992年,世界上第一台触屏手机IBMSimon发布。

    Even that was not the first , though . The world 's first touchscreen phone was IBM 's Simon , which was released in 1992 .

  6. 其实,在第一部iPhone手机发布的前一年,LG集团已经推出了全触屏手机。

    To start with , a year before the first iPhone was released , LG had introduced a full touchscreen phone .

  7. 黑莓曾拍胸脯表示要推出一款触屏手机,能和iPhone一较高下,或者说可以和许多在它之后问世的搭载谷歌(Google)安卓(Android)系统的手机相抗衡。

    BlackBerry promised a touchscreen phone that could rival the iPhone or the many the Android phones developed by Google ( GOOG ) that had appeared in its wake .

  8. 据Gartner公司的分析,过去三年中,触屏手机的销量占到所有触屏设备销量的58%左右。

    In fact Gartner said that within three years mobile devices would account for58 per cent of all touchscreen sales .

  9. 这是一款叫做H'andySana的触屏手机,其内部拥有叫做HeartSuite的应用程序,用户可自行测量、记录并发送心电图。

    The H'andy Sana is a touch-screen phone that also includes an application called Heart Suite , which allows users to measure , record and send vital Electrocardiograms ( ECGs ) .

  10. Cozza认为正是苹果的iPhone手机开启了触屏手机大行其道的大门,而最近召开的移动世界大会上,越来越多的厂商产品也开始使用这种触屏技术。

    According to Cozza it was the Iphone that opened the doors to touchscreens and the recent Mobile World Congress really showed how many vendors were putting themselves behind the technology .

  11. 在尼日利亚触屏手机用户产生67%的在线搜索流量。

    Thumb-tapping phone users generate 67 % of online searches in Nigeria .

  12. 这款新型低成本触屏手机专为印尼市场设计,而印尼也是黑莓全球最大的市场之一。

    The new low-cost touchscreen phone was designed especially for Indonesia , one of BlackBerry 's largest markets globally .

  13. 这款5英寸触屏手机最引人关注的是低廉的价格,而不是功能&它的售价仅为190美元。

    The 5-inch , touchscreen device is more notable for its affordability – it costs $ 190 – than features .

  14. 这款5英寸触屏手机最引人关注的是低廉的价格,而不是功能——它的售价仅为190美元。

    The 5-inch , touchscreen device is more notable for its affordability - it costs $ 190 - than features .

  15. 但这种说法是错误的:苹果不是第一个制造触屏手机的公司,触屏也不是什么新发明。

    But this was incorrect : Apple did not make the first touchscreen phone , nor was the touchscreen a new invention .

  16. 对很多人来说,苹果取得了新突破,发明了新事物--他们制造了第一款触屏手机。

    To many , Apple had done something new , something never seen before . They had made the first touchscreen phone .

  17. 纳哈儿此前从未买过触屏手机,但是他说联想的规格和成本令它脱颖而出。

    Mr. Nahar had never owned a touch-screen phone before , but said the Lenovo device 's specs and cost stood out .

  18. 不过,在中国触屏手机很热销,市场上已经有很多款颇受欢迎的触屏手机。

    In China , however , touch screens are hot , and there are already a number of popular models that have no keypads .

  19. 在前人的基础上,总结提出了延伸式导航设计,为触屏手机的信息架构提供了新的思考方向。

    Additionally , based on the previous study , Author proposes the Extension-navigation design , providing a new direction for the information architecture design of touch-screen phone .

  20. 实践表明,用户更青睐于能给他们带来良好用户体验的触屏手机,能够同时满足他们的可用性目标和体验目标。

    It is shown that users prefer to a touch screen mobile phone with a good user experience , which could meet both of their usability goals and experience goals .

  21. 梅多和他的同事在17位志愿者的大拇指,食指以及他们的智能触屏手机上检验出7000多种细菌。

    Meadow and his colleagues took a census of the bacteria on thumbs and index fingers of 17 volunteers - and on their smartphone touch screens.Overall , they ID'ed over 7000 types .

  22. 从触屏手机到平板电脑,从图书馆查询书籍信息到饭店电子点菜,信息和服务变得触手可及,这一切都预示着一个波澜壮阔的触屏时代已经到来。

    It is easier to " touch " information and services from touch screen mobile phone to tablet PC , from books information enquiry in library to electronic order in restaurant , which definitely indicates the arrival of great touch screen time .

  23. 苹果iphone作为触屏智能手机领域标准制定者的地位,可能很快会被一批由谷歌(google)驱动的手机超越。

    The Apple iPhone , which has been setting the bar in touch-screen smartphones , could soon be overtaken by an army of Google-powered handsets .

  24. 以价格达10800美元的Vertu署名触屏智能手机为例。

    Take the $ 10,800 Vertu Signature Touch Smartphone .

  25. 但是仔细观察一下,可以看到一个女人手里好像拿着一个触屏智能手机。

    But a closer inspection reveals a woman holding what appears to be a touchscreen-based smartphone .

  26. 或许有一天,乔布斯另一款伟大的产品——触屏智能手机——会证明更彻底地改变了世界,但目前,它引发的忧虑和激起的希望不相上下。影片明智地避开了它。

    Mr. Jobs 's other great product , the touch-screen smartphone , may one day prove more thoroughly world-changing , but at the moment , it raises almost as many fears as it does hopes , and the film wisely stays away from it .

  27. 其问题在于,触屏式智能手机(以及功能近似的平板电脑)是一种极其新颍、撼动了整个产业的电子设备,而我们在这一代产品中不可能再看到如此开天辟地的产品。

    The problem with this argument is that the touchscreen smartphone ( and its cousin the tablet ) was a singularly novel , industry-shattering device , and we 're unlikely to see anything as groundbreaking in a generation .

  28. 魅族m8是一款触屏多媒体互联网智能手机。

    The Meizu M8 is a touch-controlled , multimedia and internet-enabled smartphone .

  29. 前不久三星发布了搭载安卓系统的Hennessy手机(配备内外双触屏)和W2014手机。

    Samsung recently launched its Android-powered Hennessy ( featuring dual touch-screens on the inside and out ) and W2014 flip phones .

  30. 戴尔的这款触屏产品融合了手机和平板电脑的功能。

    Dell is promoting the new touch screen device as a combination cell phone , tablet computer .