
  1. 广西优秀运动员社会角色评价体系研究

    The Society Role Evaluation System Research on Excellent Athlete in Guang Xi

  2. 你可以用书中一个角色评价梅弗卢特的话来形容它:“他是个怪人,却有一颗金子般的心。”

    You can say about it what one character says of Mevlut : " He 's a bit of a weirdo , but he 's got a heart of gold . "

  3. 该校学生对英语教师作为组织者的角色评价比较低,尤其是在对于课堂上的突发事件处理以及教学以促进学生英语语言综合能力的提升为目标两个方面。

    Students ' evaluation on teachers ' role as an organizer is lower , especially on the emergency treatment and " teach to improve students ' English language comprehensive ability " . 4 .

  4. 儿科临床护理专家角色作用评价指标体系的初步研究

    A primary study on evaluation indexes system for pediatric clinical nursing specialists

  5. 临床护理专家角色作用评价的研究进展

    Research progress in assessment on roles of clinical nursing specialists

  6. 初步形成了儿科临床护理专家角色作用评价指标体系。

    Role effect evaluation index system for pediatric clinical nursing specialist has preliminarily formed .

  7. 第四,树立正确的角色意识评价观。

    Appropriate role evaluation system .

  8. 尽管在各维度的平均得分均处于中下等级,但学生对班级成员的角色意识评价明显偏低。第二,该校学生的班级归属感不存在显著的年级差异。

    Looking from the mean value , the sense of role as classroom members is relatively low . Secondly , the school students ' sense of belonging does not have significant grade difference .

  9. 临床护理专家的认证考核内容主要包括个人基本情况评价、专业态度、专业知识技能考核、临床角色作用评价4个主要部分共计27项指标。

    The contents of examination mainly included four parts , the evaluation of individual basic condition , attitude of profession , specialized skill and knowledge and the clinical role action , all are twenty-seven items .

  10. 国外对有关CNS角色作用的评价体系已进行了深入研究,并已形成了不同的评价模式,建立了有关CNS行为评价的数据库,充分证明了CNS在卫生保健工作中的重要作用。

    The assessment system of the roles of clinical nursing specialists ( CNS ) in abroad had been investigated deeply . It has formed various modes . And database about CNS behavior assessment has been established , which showed the importance of CNS in health care work .

  11. 在P2P(Peer-to-Peer)信誉系统中,每个节点具有两种不同的角色:作为评价者(Rater)来给其他节点提供评价值,或作为被评价者(Ratee)来接收别人对自己的评价。

    In Peer-to-Peer ( P2P ) reputation systems , each peer can play two different roles : as a rater to give other peers rating values after transactions between them are completed , and as a ratee to be rated by raters .

  12. 无领导小组讨论及角色扮演作为评价中心的主要测评技术,评价者的评分至关重要。

    Leaderless Group Discussion and Role Playing as the main method of Assessment Center , the rating by the rater is very important .

  13. 新一轮语文课程改革实施以来,作为指挥棒角色的写作评价却未能与之同步,显得较为沉闷。

    Since the implementation of new round of Chinese Curriculum Reform , writing evaluation as the role of baton has failed to grow in step and seems to be dull .

  14. 对一个人角色意识的评价直接影响着他的角色意识的形成,所以教育者树立正确的角色意识评价观对学生积极、健康角色意识的形成具有重要作用。

    Evaluation about role awareness has a direct influence on the cultivation of it . So the appropriate role evaluation system is essential to help students cultivate positive and healthy role awareness .

  15. 本研究结合中学英语阅读教学实践,从教学目标、理论基础、操作程序、教学策略、师生角色和教学评价六个方面详细讲述了该模式。

    And this study , combining with English teaching practice , describes the model in detail from the six aspects : academic base , instructional objectives , instructional procedures , instructional strategies , instructor and learner roles , and instructional evaluation .

  16. 提出了多用户角色的使用者度量评价为核心的GQM的质量模型。

    A GQM decomposition model centered on the metric evaluation of multi-user roles is proposed .

  17. 护理专业英语教学中采用角色扮演法效果评价

    Evaluation on effect of role playing in teaching nursing special English

  18. 第二部分:思想政治教育沟通中辅导员角色实现的现状评价及原因分析。

    Part ⅱ: the ideological and political education , the role of communication in achieving the status of counselor evaluation and cause analysis .

  19. 本文从师生平等、教师角色转换和教育评价多元化三方面展开讨论。

    The discussion is carried through three parts : the equality between teacher and student , the change of the role of teacher and the pluralization of education evaluation .

  20. 本文就篮球教学中“一对一”教学模式的教学目标的制定、教师角色转换及考核评价体系等方面进行了阐述。

    This paper discusses the aspects of one-to-one teaching mode in basketball teaching such as the formulation of teaching goals , teacher 's role change and examination and appraisal system .

  21. 又通过访谈描述出学生对研究性学习过程中教师角色作用与考试评价的看法,使研究者在更深层次上对研究性学习进行分析与思考。

    Through interview , the students ' view towards the role of their teacher and evaluating exam in the process of research study was narrated . A further analysis was performed by the researcher .

  22. 社会对城市流动人口子女在认识上存在的误区,主要表现在整体评价、社会角色与心理认同评价、犯罪评价等方面;

    The paper aims at discussing society 's misunderstanding on the children of the floating population . It is mainly showed on several aspects such as the whole evaluation , the evaluation of social characters , psychological identification and crime .

  23. 介绍了临床护理专家的研究进展,重点阐述了临床护理专家的发展历史、角色职能、角色的价值评价、资格认证、实践中存在的问题及我国临床护理专家的现状。

    It introduced research progress of clinical nurse specialists . It expatiated mainly the phylogeny , the role function , the assessment on the value of roles , qualification of certification , problems existed in practice and the status quo of clinical nurse specialists in China .

  24. 首先对句内语义知识库的核心要素&语义角色做了详细分析,讨论了语义角色精细等级、数量设置和分类等内容,提出语义角色体系的评价标准。

    First , analyzes semantic roles , which is the core element of the inner-sentence semantic knowledge database by its fineness hierarchy , number setting and classification , and put forward an evaluation criterion for semantic role system .

  25. 角色动画是三维图形引擎中一个重要组成部分,在虚拟现实,电子游戏,甚至是传统的动画制作软件中都具有很重要的作用,实时角色动画是评价图形引擎好坏的一个重要标志。

    It plays an important role in virtual reality , digital game and even in traditional software of animation manufacture . Real-time character animation is an important standard when to evaluate a 3D-Graphic engine .