
  • 网络visual media;visual medium
  1. 视觉媒体语义自动提取关键技术研究

    Study on Key Techniques in Automatically Extracting Semantic Information from Visual Media

  2. 设计表达中的视觉媒体语意结构

    Language Structure of Visual Media in Design Description

  3. 所选视觉媒体包括广告牌、LED招牌,电子布告板和宣传海报。

    Video media are chosen for collection of data including billboards , LED signs , electronic bulletin boards and posters .

  4. 论投影型视觉媒体在教学中的应用

    On applying the projection - type vision media to teaching

  5. 三维动画艺术已成为现代视觉媒体艺术设计中不可或缺的工具。

    3D animation has been a necessary tool in modem art design .

  6. 光盘识读存储器一种令人激动的新型视觉媒体。

    Cd-rom & an exciting new visual medium .

  7. 视觉媒体已经听到了风声。

    The visual media had tipped off .

  8. 作为人类获取大量信息、传播知识的视觉媒体之一&网络图像,已成为人们使用和研究的重要媒体。

    Network image , has become an important media for people to use and research .

  9. 视觉媒体环境中感性体验的应用与研究

    Emotional Experience in Visual Media Condition

  10. 在视觉媒体时代,格林童话的又呈现出它的当代价值和永恒魅力。

    In visual media times , Grimm fairy times show its contemporary value and eternal charm .

  11. 视觉媒体艺术的整个类型都是受到“视觉音乐”概念的启发而产生的;

    A whole genre of visual and media art has been inspired by the concept of " visual music ";

  12. 尽管移民局要求特指“文章”,但是其他形式的发表物如视觉媒体也符合要求。

    Although the regulations refer specifically to articles , other forms of publication such as visual media may fulfill this requirement .

  13. 即使音乐制作行业想削减开支,但音市场并未如愿。在线音乐是当下一项重要的视觉媒体。

    Even in the era of diminshing marketing budgets within the music industry , the market for music vedios remains voracious .

  14. 戴助听器的听障和戴眼镜的近视不一样。视觉媒体已经听到了风声。

    Having a hearing loss , wearing a hearing aid , is not the same as wearing eye glasses . The visual media had tipped off .

  15. 声音媒体是除视觉媒体外最重要的媒体,约占总信息量的20%。

    In addition to the visual media , sound media is the most important media , accounting for about 20 % of the total amount of information .

  16. 相对来讲,我们对抽象艺术家的所知甚少,他们实验性地尝试电影和其他基于时间的视觉媒体,如互动或虚拟环境和指定场地的艺术装置。

    Relatively less is known about abstract artists who experimented with film or other time-based visual media such as interactive or virtual environments and site specific installations .

  17. 古往今来,借助于视觉媒体,社会、政治、文化和美学各方面得到了充分的展现和表达,文化史在画卷上栩栩如生。

    Through the ages social , political , cultural and aesthetic concerns have been explored and expressed through the visual medium , documenting cultural history in a pictorial format .

  18. 随着电视等视觉媒体的兴起,广播媒体的生存空间受到挤压;随后以网络为代表的新媒体迅猛发展,广播媒体的生存空间受到前所未有的挑战。

    With the rise of television and other visual media , the living space of broadcast media has been squeezed . Subsequently , with the network represented by the rapid development of new media , broadcast media has been facing unprecedented survival challenges .

  19. 报纸作为一种传统的视觉传播媒体,与我们的生活息息相关,扮演着极其重要的角色。

    As a traditional visual media , newspaper is closely related to our daily lives . It is playing an important role more and more in our social life .

  20. 本章通过对视觉文化中媒体的进步:静态图像、影像媒体和数字媒体三个文化时期内大型建筑表皮呈现的媒介化特征。

    Through this chapter , the progress of visual culture of the media : static images , video_media and digital media culture period of three large buildings of epidermis showing features of the medium .

  21. 在本论文中,作者将从视觉与电视媒体内容来探讨「电视流动幻象下的浸濡」这议题。

    As the matter fact , the author will discuss the issue ," The Immersion of Streaming Phantom in TV Media " in the following pages , from the both visual and media content .

  22. Widgets可以混合采用JavaFX脚本和Java,充分利用一整套丰富的视觉、动画和媒体库。

    Widgets can be written in a combination of JavaFX Script and Java to take advantage of a very rich platform for graphics , animation , and media capabilities .

  23. 当代招贴设计是广告视觉化的主要媒体。

    Contemporary poster design is the main medium for advertising visualization .

  24. 视觉化协同超媒体及其在合作学习中的应用

    Cooperative Visual Hypermedia and Its Application in Cooperative Learning

  25. 平面媒体是指通过单一的维度和单一的视觉传递信息的媒体,包括印刷版的纸质报纸和期刊。

    Print media which mainly spreads information via single dimension and view consists of newspaper and magazine .

  26. 通过对三维动画与传统的二维动画的艺术表现形式、制作方式的系统描述,阐述了三维动画艺术在视觉艺术传达、媒体设计制作中的高效率、无可替代的技术优势及独特的艺术效果。

    By describing the way of production , the thesis also clarifies the high efficiency , unreplaceable technical superiority and special art effects .

  27. 这是最常用特别提到视觉艺术,包括媒体,如绘画,雕塑,版画和。

    It is most often used to refer specifically to the visual arts , including media such as painting , sculpture , and printmaking .

  28. 目前国内外网络媒体的发展十分迅速,而网络媒体仍然是一种以视觉传达为主的媒体形式。

    At present , the network media home and broad develop very quickly . However , speak of the expression form , the network media is still a kind of media focused on visual transmission .

  29. 1994年到2002年,世界核心文化商品(包括古董收藏、书籍、报纸杂志、其它印刷品、音像制品、视觉艺术品及视听媒体)贸易额由380亿美元增长到了600亿美元。

    The trade volume of international core cultural goods ( including heritage goods , books , newspaper periodicals , other printed matter , recorded media , visual art works and audiovisual media ) is increased from 38 billion to 60 billion from 1994 to 2002 .

  30. 文章详细介绍了现代计算机三维动画艺术在当代视觉设计相关行业中应用的广泛性,以及对视觉媒体的革命性影响。

    The thesis thoroughly presents the common applications of 3D animation used in modern visual – design , and its revolutionary effects on visual-media .