
  1. 产业链延伸、产业竞争规则创新、产业转型是其产业创新的基本途径。

    Innovation paths contain industrial chain extended , competition regulation innovation and industrial change .

  2. 根据产业关联度标准以及创新的难易程度可以把衰退产业创新的路径归结为产业竞争规则创新、产业延伸、创造全新产业三类。

    The paths of innovating declining industries can be divided as follows : innovation of industrial competition regulations , industrial extension and creation of brand new industries .

  3. 在信息技术革命背景下,可供企业选择的创新模式有传统产业流程的信息化再造模式、竞争规则创新模式和产业融合创造全新产业模式等。

    In the ground of IT Revolution , the models of innovation can be chosen by firms including business process reengineering with IT , innovating on the games of competition and creating full new industries through industrial convergence .

  4. 但她不满足于对戏剧规则的创新。

    But rewriting the theater rulebook wasn 't enough .

  5. CIETAC2005年仲裁规则的创新与不足

    CIETAC 's 2005 Arbitration Rules : Innovations and Deficiencies

  6. 创新资本、创新规则与创新惯习是创新场域的基本要素。

    Innovation capital , innovation rules and innovation habitus are the basic elements of innovation Field .

  7. 但是,厘清如何鼓励并支付供应链不同点上改变游戏规则的创新,是一个挑战,尤其是在成本高昂而获利面甚广的情况下。

    But sorting out how to encourage and pay for game-changing innovation at different points in the supply chain is a challenge , especially when the costs are high and the benefits accrue widely .

  8. 为了我国彩票业的健康持续发展,应建立彩票经营许可制度,适时调整玩法和规则,创新营销战略,丰富销售渠道。

    To develop continuously lottery industry of our country , operation permission of lottery system should be set up in the future , playing method and rule should be adjusted , marketing strategy should be innovated and the marketing channel should enriched .

  9. 医药行业潜规则对技术创新的影响研究

    An Empirical Analysis on the Unspoken Rules and Technological Innovation of Pharmaceutical Industry

  10. 妨碍此做法的关键点是,虽然规则可能对创新无益,但它会引入外部世界没有的原则。

    The point that hampers this is the fact that though rules may be detrimental towards innovation , it introduces a discipline which becomes absent in the outside world .

  11. 2004年《北京仲裁委员会仲裁规则》的创新主要体现在仲裁案件管理上,即与国际通行实践尽量保持一致。

    Innovations of the Arbitration Rules of Beijing Arbitration Commission 2004 mainly focus on the case management , i.e. doing best to keep pace with the general practice of international arbitration .

  12. 我国应当借鉴先进的风险监管规则,构建创新的衍生工具市场风险披露法律框架,并解决好创新规则实施过程中的成本-收益权衡问题、收益波动性问题。

    We should adopt advanced risk supervision approach , establish innovative legal framework for disclosure of financial derivatives'market risk , and carefully deal with cost-benefit tradeoff and earnings volatility when implementing the new regulation .

  13. 语言使用者对那些熟悉的动名词和派生词可直接从心理词库中提取,而对那些不熟悉或不知道的则根据转换规则生成或创新。

    Those gerunds and derivations which are familiar to language users are retrieved directly from the mental lexicon , while those unfamiliar or unknown to language users arc generated or created according to transformational rules .

  14. 蓝海战略的理论精髓是规则再造与价值创新。

    The theoretic marrow of blue ocean strategy is rule reengineering and value innovation .

  15. 多的规则往往会抑制创新。

    Too many rules tend to stifle innovation .

  16. 通过研究决策树算法及关联规则挖掘算法,创新地将决策树算法和关联规则算法相结合,提出关联决策树算法。

    We will be creative to combine the Decision Tree algorithm with Association algorithm .

  17. 货物控制权制度,作为《鹿特丹规则》中的创新之处,成为学者们讨论焦点。

    The " right of control " as the essential innovation introduced by the Rotterdam Rulers has become the focal point of academic discussion .

  18. 新经济时代的企业营销应着力进行营销理念、产品、营销策略、营销组织、营销规则等方面的创新。

    The marketing in new economy era should promote the innovation in aspects of marketing idea , product , marketing tactics , marketing principles , etc.

  19. 本次公司法的修改,对原公司法进行了广泛的实质上的制度和规则的突破和创新,是许多重要制度和规则的重新设计。

    This amended version of Company Law is rendered to be a breakthrough and creation of the existing system , and re-designed many important system and rules .

  20. 地方政府在创新系统构建过程中的作用主要表现在,制定区域创新的活动规则、为区域创新系统有效运行提供服务、协调区域创新的有关活动。

    During the construction of innovation system for local authority , the main functions are formulating the region innovation active rules , serving for effective movement of the region innovation system , coordinating the related activity of the region innovation .

  21. 为了实现收入分配的机会公平、过程规则公平,通过创新企业的产权安排、分配模式以及会计核算制度,重新思考与构建企业收入分配制度,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    In order to realize fair chance and fair rules of the income distribution , it is necessary to rethink and build the enterprise distribution system through an innovative property arrangement of enterprises , an innovative distributive mode and an innovative accounting system .

  22. 本文还进一步就具体的操作规则提出一条创新的思路&按照就业弹性单一规则操作。其基本含义是,中央银行基础货币依据金融机构以就业弹性为权重计算的加权资产总额变动。

    The dissertation then proposes a innovative route concerning manipulative rules with detail , i.e. operates according to " Employment Elasticity Rule ", which means the central bank adjust its base money according to the variation of financial institutions ' average assets weighted by employment elasticity .

  23. 但亚洲的优势局限于平网进攻,在纵深进攻变化上落伍了。怎样补上这种差距,顺应规则的演变,创新技战术,是亚洲排球界的急迫任务。

    However , it has fallen behind in the depth of attacking changes though it has superiority in parallel net attacking therefore , remeaying the gap , conforming to the evolution of competition rules and creating new techniques and tactics have become the urgent task in the Asian volleyball world .

  24. 就降低系统风险而言,资金划拨系统规则发挥着主导作用,立法应承认并鼓励系统规则的制度创新。

    Funds transfer system rules play a leading role in the system risk reduction , so the legislation should acknowledge and encourage the creation of the system rules .

  25. 规则的改变是现实演进的内在要求,参与人特征与博弈境域的影响应被反映在博弈规则的创新改进中。

    The changes of the rules is the result of the inherent demands by reality evolution , and the participants ' characteristics and the game circumstances are to be reflected in the innovations of the game rules .