
  • 网络Guanyin Statue;Statue of GuanYin;Kun Iam Statue;Statue of Kun Lam;KALA
  1. 槟城观音像结构分析与设计

    Structural Analysis and Design of the Penang Avalokitesvara Statue

  2. 我感到好奇怪,怎么观音像会哭呢?

    I was amazed and wondered why the statue of the Quan Yin Bodhisattva would cry .

  3. 观音像高20米,由青铜制成,观音莲花宝座是一所佛教文化中心。

    Goddess of Kun Iam ( Goddess of Mercy ) is20 meters tall and made of special bronze .

  4. 有一座南海观音像,是东海带最高的菩萨像。

    There is a statue of Avalokitesvara , which is the highest Bodhisattva statue in East China Sea .

  5. 从三亚海滩极目远眺,可以看到世界上最大的观音像,伫立在南山附近。

    Look beyond the beaches of Sanya to find the world 's largest Guanyin statue , erected near Nanshan .

  6. 观音像描写了她许多形态,每一幅具有她特定慈悲存在的启迪形象。

    The iconography of Kuan Yin depicts her in many forms , each one revealing a unique aspect of her merciful presence .

  7. 每逢清明时节,附近各民族群众到洞内一巨型观音像下烧香拜佛者甚多。

    On Tomb Sweeping Festival season , near to the people of various nationalities inside of a giantLike many are bowing under the burning incense .

  8. 本文依据此像和国内外现藏的同样式观音像探讨了这类形式立像的起源、地域分布及样式异同并论及了此后这类像的演变规律。

    According to this statue and the other Avalokitesvara statues , the article probed into the origin , regional distributing and fashion of the type of the statue and the evolutive law .

  9. 根据中国的新闻报道,被酸雨腐蚀的古迹包括四川乐山大佛和已有800年历史的大足千手观音像。

    Among the antiquities damaged by acid rain are the giant Buddha at Leshan in Sichuan Province and an 800-year-old thousand-armed statue of Guanyin , a revered Buddhist figure , at Dazu , according to Chinese news reports .

  10. 那天他回去以后,马上烧那种用很好的檀香木做的香,然后在观音菩萨像面前膜拜。

    That day , upon reaching home , he immediately lit the best sandalwood incense before the statue of the Quan Yin Bodhisattva and worshipped piously .

  11. 形似观音古董船首像。

    Antique Figurehead , possibly of Guangyin .