
  1. 浅谈中国玉文化和观赏石文化的几点比较

    The comparison between the jade culture and the ornamental stone culture

  2. 观赏石的分类与审美

    Classification and aesthetics of ornamental stone

  3. 观赏石是一种商品性旅游地质资源。

    Ornamental stones is a commodity and tourism geology resources .

  4. 浙江省化石观赏石的开发探讨

    Discussion on development of ornamental rock fossil in Zhejiang Province

  5. 山东观赏石资源十分丰富,种类多,造型美,品相佳。

    Speical stones for people enjoyment are very rich in Shandong province .

  6. 中国矿物观赏石资源与远景评述

    The Ornamental Stone Resources and it 's Prospect in China

  7. 初论我国观赏石资源的特点与开发前景

    Preliminary discussion on the characteristics and mining prospect of Chinese ornamental stones

  8. 新疆观赏石资源类型及开发利用前景

    Resource types and development prospect of ornamental stones in Xinjiang

  9. 矿物晶体和玉石观赏石的评价方法

    Method of Appraising Ornamental Stones of Mineral Crystal and Jade

  10. 安徽省观赏石资源

    The queer stone resources in Anhui

  11. 与您相约携手共进&观赏石市场与货源

    Markets & Source of Appreciate Stone

  12. 观赏石研究的几个问题

    Problems Concerning Study of Ornamental Stones

  13. 非常感谢友石轩赏石艺术工作室让我领略了这绝美和独特的中国观赏石珍品的魅力。

    I am grateful to FXVSAW introduced me to a truly beautiful and unique Chinese treasure .

  14. 一种少见的人工晶体观赏石

    A New Synthetic Crystal Ornamental Stone

  15. 观赏石及其分类

    Ornamental Stones and Their Classification

  16. 观赏石珍品塔格石

    The Treasure of Tage Stone

  17. 水晶观赏石赏折

    Appreciate the Crystal Stone

  18. 广西观赏石资源丰富,品种繁多,有较好的利用前景。

    Guangxi is rich in the resources of fancy stone , there are various kinds with rosy exploitative prospects .

  19. 产于其中的辰砂晶体,以其迷人的色泽和玲珑剔透、多彩多姿的形态,在观赏石矿物的晶体中价值不菲。

    Particularly , the cinnabar crystal occurred in the deposit is greatly valued for its attractive colors and beautiful forms .

  20. 雨花石是一种形状圆润、质地坚硬、花纹美观、色彩鲜艳的观赏石。

    S : We appreciate the Yuhua stone for its mellow shape , hard texture , artistic grain and gay colors .

  21. 文中对山东观赏石分类,并着重论述了泰山石奇石、琅?石、临朐石等30多种观赏石的机理及特征。

    Mechansim and characteristics of30 kinds of enjoying stones , such as Taishan stone , Langya stone and Linqu stones are introduced .

  22. 研究表明,此观赏石晶体为铵明矾,而不是水晶,并证实此观赏石是铵明矾在过饱和溶液中环绕水泥柱结晶而成。

    The results show that the synthetic crystal ornamental stone is tschermigite and is crystallized around a cement stick in supersaturated solution .

  23. 清江观赏石资源丰富,具有众多可开发应用的价值。

    There are rich appreciating stone resources in Qingjiang river basin , which deserve to be developed and used in various ways .

  24. 石文化作为一种文化现象是华夏文化的重要内容,观赏石具有较高的收藏价值及商品经济价值。

    As a cultural phenomenon , fancy stone with fairly high collective and commercial value is an important content of chinese culture .

  25. 陕西省观赏石资源分为单矿物玉石类、岩石玉类、卵石与水冲石及古生物化石四大类。

    Natural art stone in Shaanxi Province can be divided into different categories , such as jade , pebble , water-washed and fossilized stones .

  26. 在介绍与矿物晶体类、岩石类和生物化石类有关的观赏石时,着重阐述了它的地质内涵和科学意义。

    The formation in geological process and geological significance of the ornamental stones have been studied here when we introduce those mineral crystal , rocks and fossils .

  27. 本文简介该区观赏石的常见品种及其特点、成因类型、分布规律、质量评价及开发前景。

    This paper briefly introduces the varieties , features , genetic types , distribution , quality evaluation and exploitation prospects of the ornamental stones in this area .

  28. 我从老庄的哲学,文学的影响,山水画的学习,自然造化的观赏石等多方求证,获得山水语言的可塑性。

    Multi-party confirmation from the philosophy of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi , the influence of literature , learning of the landscape , natural nature ornamental stones , landscape language plasticity .

  29. 主要探讨了矿物晶体观赏石的评价要点,并对玉石观赏石进行了初步探讨。

    The culture of ornamental stones have been developed , and the ornamental stones have not been limited to the ancient " Five Famous Stones " and " Three Famous Jades " yet .

  30. 柳州观赏石活动开展的调查分析结果表明,赏石活动可以在文化、经济及旅游等方面产生广泛的社会效应。

    The activities of enjoying ornamental stone have a great effect on cultural , economic and tourism , which can be shown in the research on the activities of enjoying ornamental stone in Liuzhou .