
  1. 利用NOAA数据分析中国地区植被覆盖变化周期

    Analyze the Vegetation Cover Variation Cycle of China from NOAA Data

  2. 此外,通过在金属膜的下表面覆盖等周期的电介质光栅,动态调节光栅的折射率,可将捕获的SPPs逐一释放。

    In addition , by using another uniform dielectric grating attached to the bottom of the metal film and real-time tuning the refractive index of the grating , the trapped SPPs can be released in sequence .

  3. 卫星星座的相对几何和区域覆盖重复周期

    Relatively geometry and regional coverage repetitive period of satellite constellation

  4. 最后,将有限元程序应用于覆盖有周期性电极的各向异性有限弹性体中声表面波传播特性的分析,研究了声表面波的频率随电极厚度的增加而改变的规律。

    Finally , the finite element program is used to analyze the wave propagation in finite elastic solids with periodic electrodes to study the influence of electrodes on the SAW propagation .

  5. 用特定的混沌系统实现了对强噪声背景下周期脉冲信号的检测,仿真实验表明该混沌检测系统对被强噪声覆盖的周期脉冲信号非常敏感,对任何色噪声均具有极强的抑制能力。

    The given chaotic system is used to realize weak periodic pulse signal detection under strong noise background . Simulation experiments show that chaos detection system is very sensitive to periodic pulse signal contained by strong noise and has strong constraint to any colored noise .

  6. 你覆盖整个生命周期了么?

    Have you covered the entire lifecycle ?

  7. 他建议通过对育儿、教育、医疗、养老金、长期保健等方面的结构性改革,制定覆盖整个生命周期的全面政策方案来提高劳动力的参与,激励形成健康的生活方式。

    He suggested a comprehensive policy approach across the life cycle to enhance labor-force participation and encourage healthy lifestyle through structural reforms in childcare , education , healthcare , pensions , long-term care and more .

  8. 此外,基于滚动优化的实时步态规划方法预测时域长度固定,没有覆盖整个步态周期,需要设置大量虚拟运动学约束和动力学约束来保证双足机器人步态轨迹的拟人性和稳定性。

    Besides , realtime gait programming method based on moving optimization defined fixed predictive horizon which did not cover the whole gait period . Quite a few virtual kinematic and kinetic constraints should be defined to guarantee humanized stable gait trajectories of biped robot .

  9. 和IBMRationalMethodComposer结合到一起,这两个过程覆盖了IT生命周期管理的全部内容。

    Combined with IBM Rational Method Composer , the two processes cover the full IT lifecycle management space .

  10. 仿真结果表明LEACH-C协议无论在网络覆盖还是网络生命周期等方面都要优于LEACH协议。

    The results of simulation show that LEACH-C outdoes LEACH in various aspects , be it in network coverage or in network lifetime .

  11. 租赁期间覆盖租赁物使用周期的实质部分。

    Lease period almost is the same as equipment 's lifecycle .

  12. 一些软件开发工具的使用覆盖了整个开发周期,但是它们不能把顺序变成混乱。

    Some software development tools span the entire development lifecycle , but they cannot bring order to chaos .

  13. 然后,通过计算测试覆盖率、测试周期,探讨算法复杂度和硬件资源消耗,综合评估测试效率和测试成本。

    Then synthetically evaluates the costs and efficiency through by count the test coverage , period time , complex of algorithm and hardware resources .

  14. 它强调以满足客户的期望与需求为目标,覆盖了产品生命周期中与质量管理有关的所有活动。

    It puts emphasis on regarding meeting the expectations and demands of customer and market as the goal , covers all activities relevant to quality control among product life cycle .

  15. 网络化制造技术可以用来支持开展企业生产经营的所有活动,也可以覆盖产品全生命周期的各个环节。

    Networked manufacturing technology can by used to carry out all the producing and distribution activities in the enterprise , and also can cover the every part of product lifecycle .

  16. 为构建复杂服务系统,需要一套覆盖服务全生命周期的方法体系来对服务系统进行架构与功能规划、描述/建模、构建及性能评价。

    To construct the complex system , we need a method system covering the service entire life-cycle to plan the service system architecture and function , described / modeling , construction and performance evaluation .

  17. 它覆盖了产品生命周期内的全部信息,为企业提供了一种宏观管理和控制所有与产品相关的信息的机制;

    It has covered all information in cycle of the life of the products and also has offered a kind of macro - management mechanism of controlling all information correlating with products for enterprise .

  18. 整个系统由项目管理、测试用例管理、测试计划管理等模块构成,它覆盖了测试生命周期的各个方面。

    The whole system is made up of three parts as the project management subsystem , test case management subsystem , test plan management subsystem and so on . They basically covered all aspects of life cycle of testing .

  19. 反过来传播沟通覆盖关系的生命周期,是关系管理的本质特征,因此关系管理就是传播管理,关系整合就是传播整合。

    Conversely , considering the fact that communication has covered the whole period of relationship and is the basic feature of relationship management , relationship management can be treated as communication management , so it is with relationship integration and communication integration .

  20. 汽车覆盖件因为其独特的特点决定了汽车整车开发周期主要取决于覆盖件的开发周期。

    Because of the auto panels'characteristics , the development cycle of new type car lies on the stamping processes of the auto panels .