
  • 网络western digital;WDC
  1. 感受到华盛顿这股寒意的最新一宗中美交易,是中国公司清华紫光投资美国硬盘驱动生产商西部数据(WesternDigital)37.8亿美元的计划。

    The latest Chinese deal to feel the chill from Washington was a planned $ 3.78 billion investment by the Tsinghua Unisplendour Corporation of China in the American hard disk drive maker Western Digital .

  2. 中国政府控股的一家高科技集团终止了成为美国数据存储集团——西部数据(WesternDigital)最大股东的38亿美元投资计划。此前美国当局指明要调查这笔投资。

    A Chinese state-controlled technology group has terminated a $ 3.8bn plan to become the largest shareholder in data storage group Western Digital , after the investment was flagged for an investigation by US authorities .

  3. 本周二,清华紫光表示将放弃收购西部数据15%的股份,援引的理由是美国外国投资委员会(CommitteeonForeignInvestmentintheUnitedStates)决定对该交易进行审核。

    On Tuesday , Tsinghua said it was abandoning the purchase of a 15 percent stake in Western Digital , citing a decision by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to review the deal .

  4. 半导体行业的很多从业者都在密切关注,看Cfius是否会调查中国芯片生产商清华控股对生产硬盘设备的美国公司西部数据(WesternDigital)的股份发出的收购要约。

    Many in the semiconductor industry are watching closely to see whether Cfius will investigate a bid by the Chinese chip maker Tsinghua Holdings for a stake in the American company Western Digital , which makes hard disk drives .

  5. 其它值得注意的企业还有Gamestop(排名44位),亚马逊(排名52位),谷歌(排名68位),Garmin(排名84位)以及西部数据(排名97位)。

    Other notable technology firm on the list include GameStop ( # 44 ), Amazon ( # 52 ), Google ( # 68 ), Garmin ( # 84 ) and Western Digital ( # 97 ) .

  6. 西部数据表示,双方均无需支付解约金。

    Neither company would incur a termination fee , Western Digital said .

  7. 过去一年里西部数据的股价急剧下滑。

    Shares in Western Digital have fallen sharply in the past year .

  8. 昨天接近中午时分,西部数据股价下滑逾6%,至每股42.93美元。

    Shares in Western Digital had slumped more than 6 per cent by late yesterday morning , to $ 42.93 .

  9. 按照协议,清华紫光原本能通过该交易获得在西部数据董事会提名一位董事的权利。

    The deal would have seen Tsinghua given the right to nominate one person to the board of Western Digital .

  10. 中国西部空间数据平台构建与应用研究

    Integration and Application Research of China 's West Spatial Data Platform

  11. 震相振幅阈值的识别信息及其在中国西部地区数据中的应用

    Discrimination information in phase amplitude thresholds with application to Western China regional data

  12. 或者,您的东部和西部沿海数据中心之间可能会出现一个差异。

    Or possibly there is a difference between your east and west coast data centers .

  13. 政府主导的产业结构调整和农民增收的长效机制&基于西部断面数据的分析

    Government-Leading Adjustment of the Industrial Structure and the Long-Term Persisting Gain System & In the Light of Analyzing Western Cross Section Data

  14. 立足于实证分析,通过对近十年来西部金融数据的分析判断,从定量的角度给出问题的答案;

    Being established in data analysis , this article present the answer to these problem from quantitative angle basing on analyzing and judging financial data of the west .

  15. 本章通过运用西部地区数据,对西部地区社会保障对城乡收入差距的调节作用做出了评价。

    This chapter through the use of western area data , to the western region of the income gap between urban and rural social security regulation is evaluated .

  16. 中国西部地区遥感数据生态多样性多尺度模拟

    Multi-scale Simulation of Ecological Diversity in Western China Based on Remotely Sensed Database

  17. 我们先对全国的面板数据建立了模型,随后又按第三章提出的东中西的区域划分,分别建立了东部、中部和西部的面板数据模型。

    We first establish the models on the national prospect , followed were established in eastern , central and western panel data model .

  18. 地方财政农业支出与区域农业经济增长&基于东、中、西部地区面板数据的实证研究

    Local Fiscal Expenditure for Agriculture and Regional Agricultural Economy Growth & An Empirical Research Based on Panel Data of Eastern , Central and Western China

  19. 方法:利用四川省第3次国家卫生服务调查西部扩点数据资料,通过描述性分析及多水平方差成分模型探讨农村居民两周门诊次均费用与影响因素。

    Methods : Based on the data from the enlarged investigation in west China of the third National Health service Survey in sichuan , this study described the outpatient expenditure per-time in two weeks . With multilevel variance components model , its influence factors were discussed .

  20. 大港&渤海西部地区重力异常数据的处理和解释

    Processing and interpretation of gravity anomaly data in Dagang-west Bohai area

  21. 采用中国西部地区卫星重力数据,首次反演中国西部地区地壳水平运动速率、地壳垂直运动速率。

    The rate of the crustal horizontal movement and vertical crustal movement were investigated for the first time by the satellite gravity data in western China .